2280 " æ~, .~,%";'C ~'''---~''-"'''''-----,--::-------:. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2280 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND 'TIlE BY-Ll~v ADOPTING A PLAN OF ---_.,.__."~--~-_..-..,~-~- COUNTY IèOAD IMPItOVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY -- - --~.~- ~ I(OAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDEI( THE ___·___"___"'__'~_.K__. ______ PUBLIC TI(AN~)PORTATION AND HIGHlvAY IlVlPì:;:OVEMENT ACT" .~- --_..~._~ -"----~~-- The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: L The schedule to the Establishing By-La,,! No. 2166 is amended by adding thereto Plan Number 51-73 attached hereto of Road to be known as County Road Number 51. 2. This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon and to the extent of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. READ a first time this 21st day of November, 1973. IŒAD a second time this 21st day of November, 1973. I:;:EAD a third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 1973. ?" ~ ?if4!,.k1rQ£;: R 'N. J mston H L. Johnson Clerk v'Jarden H. L. 'Johnson, Esq. Clerk, The County of Elgin Court House, St. Thomas, N5R 2T2, Ontario. Dear Mr. Johnson, Re: By-Law No. 2280 The County of Elgin Enclosed for your information is a copy of Order-in- Council O. C. -429/74 dated the 13th day of February, 1974 approved by His Honour, The Lieutenant-Governor in Council. C. L L Enc. :jr. ).. 7~ J-.,~ 17'-;/ , ?, C""7" "I ,;< If? C ~~ d-"".1I.·¿ . 1.-:) "". ~~~"p. , Ministry of Transportation and Communications 15th February, East Building, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview M3M 1J8, 1974 Ontario. Ontario .A,.~~=""'~""':i-__>----,o.~_,____'__~';__~~__.> TEL 248-3131 R~~'~~'·'1···>n 1<>,. ~ ~"'-~ ,; \l ""0 ¡, ~ 1I..,.,.'l.--&.""", i!....'-'b...I' . ") , " .' i. '911t Certified, ) Clerk, c '\ ¿ c.'· ..--:z.- . .- .'''__'''_ I' -"t:.-._ ~ -- - ~ '-- , --'\ , .xecutivncil ."'-- ~) of Elgin to amend the road system of the said County approval be given to By-law Number 2280 of the County and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 201, subsection 7 of Section 41 of TI1e Public Transportation the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to the Minister of Transportation and Communications, Upon the recommendati on of the Honourable day of February, A. D 197L¡. His Honour the Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by J"ieutenant Governor, dated the 13th OC-42917 i¡ I·,:,·· ,I' , EXECUTIVE <;","} <;'__) t·, 0}i~~}~ \'i0:'-'....2!Lé~.I '-!f.Jø ONTAHI.O COUNC OFFICE ~?"/" ',,~ 11 / ,~¿'2:.} u<' ~ _.. ":t--"... ., ..."."",,-..,..~._~;.,__ ,,,,"~.(...I~1K""'~rP ~ .....-,~_.~I -rT '- / _-':, ,~''''''-'''"--- .I.'~-..Lè,/J()hnr;on ('I')(l" J.. l"t -l ' 'u"_'. ,ilLY -'. c~r i::: I, II. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Dy-La'\,¡ ]';0. 2230_, pas~,ed by the Council of the S,Jid Corporation on the :'oJ rrc cldY of, ITQ"oF'h()'r , 197:3. ...""..:U.,,. . ,.,..." .~~~_..r'..",___ _ r. L. Cl , finally I) " '/:JJ3/t~_ passod this 21;.; of November, N. J Harden ~~¿« '£':.:.:2,/6,>-\ t day 1973. I(Elm a third timo and d¿ty November, 1073 j~ " , o ~. l\D \ a ,\ ( f ocond x' ; This By-Lm·¡ shall come into force and effect upon and to tho e:ctont of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in Council time .l. l'lt'.'\ thi:> , i ., 21 21 ; ¡ " c t délY of uf Hovombor, 1973 The scl18dule to the Establishinq By-Lay¡ No. 2166 is amended by adding th(,'reto Plan Number 51-73 ù'ctached hereto of !toad to be known a;:¡ County I¿oad Numbor 51 1 ;uunty 01 L1 '19 i n }I ünü 1. t ,- d .> dC ] L'': (;'J,r,' JollO\'I:3 J " l , 1IU/\T OF ;.:LOn! UNDEI¿ THE ,- - '1 'UnLIC 'l\\:/\N:,-]{Ui(fr/\f¡:IION /\ND lIIr:;n',TI\ Y IM1)Ù~OVEI'Jl'~ììT /\;~T _..._....______·_._....._n_._.._........______._____. n~.__.__.___ (~y:::)rrF~M Ilif rrl1~;~' COUNTY '_.._._---~- , ¡\ DY - L/\\'I~ fIla I\l'iiE 1';1) 1.r1l;~ IT!... L.I\.\1 -'_.._--~-~----~-_.-.. ---- COUl~TY .~(G¡'\D 11.1Pl:ZOVf';I"l'~~rIT /\ND ~'::.?el -~-_.,-..._---_._--- /\DüPT'l!¡C 1\, l'LM1 ---...._- U3LI;]EING l\ CJUN'I'Y JF ]Jy~ LilY¡ ]10 22 c, o o ,_.-,.,--"-~-- COUI·ITY --...---""..--.--. UF ELGIlJ " - R OA 0 S COUNTY E L 6 I N AMENDING BYLAW No, 2280 (NO\/. 21, 19]3) ESTABLISHING BYLAW No, 2166 (SEPT 22,1971) II ( .... Go C. GORDON ---------------- DRAWN BY' JAIY. ,1974 ------------- DATE ;( R N. JOHNS70N ---------------- COUNTY WARDEN ___ __~L_.I!?t!f'¿'!..N___ COUNTY CL.ERK ___3_~~E03~·...!:'_£'!..~ __ COUNTY ENGINEER BY- LAW AMENDMENT TO THE ESTABLISHING COUNTY OF ELGIN CORPORATION OF THE THE ~ ª ª 1 \IJ c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G I N ~ INDEX SHEET " EST. BY- LAW 2166 AMENDMENT AODEO REMOVEO , AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVED ',> AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVED "'", AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVEO "'", AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVED ROAD PLAN No. BY-LAW BY- LAW '" BY-LAW BY-LAW > BY-LAW 5,' ,-, .00 ;2-2 "5 '3-1 ... ,-, 4,' 4 , ',9 5,' 4" ,-, ,,' 70 .35 80 14.3 9..,1 ',55 9,' l25 " , "5 13-1 10.5. 14-1 6.65 'S--' ;.45 16-1 11.0 16-2 0.9 17-1 2.35 18-1 ,,' 19-1 5,' 20-1 "0 20-2 0,25 21-1 5.95 22-1 ,,' "'" ',7 24-1 " . 24-2 4,7 25-' '55 26-1 ., 27-1 0,7 28-1 ',0 29-1 4,75 :30-J 09 '" " 32-1 0,7 33-1 LlO ~-¡ 3.15 35-1 ~ "H 37-1 4.8 38.1 '8 38-2 " '9 , 11.2 4Q,-1 ',4 '" 5.65 42-1 9. 42-2 " 43-1 4.55 44-t 10.4 45-1 9.7! 45-2 90 45-3 " 46-1 - " 47-1 5.4 46 , 08 49-1 " 00-' "5 5' , .9 52 , 09 55 0 0.5 54-' " 55 , 2280 51-[ 0.9 TAL MILEAGE 315.27 r -rom MILEAGE 316.17 , I I I i { , I I .!. I I I I !, I I i I I I \ I ! I "'" Certified, , /) CJ.erk, " ¿ J "<' tr . _''----~c~' , xecutiveCó;ncil. V ---- J I of Elgin to amend the road system of the said County, approval be given to By-law Number 2280 of the County and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O . 1970, Chapter 201, subsection 7 of Section 41 of The Public Transportation the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to the Minister öf Transportation and Communications, Upon the recommendation of the Honourable day of February, A.D 1974 . His Honour the Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by OC-429/7 Lieutenant Governor, dated the 13th I EXECUTIVE COUNélL OFFICE "":""~"·~''',''fi.~1 ""P~/'- a' , " J 'Ii," " \ ¡;:f;i ~j", ~itmi.t~4 ONTARIO 'I f I I I, I' Ii '¡¡ ~ I II (\ j.¡' ~ I' ~ I: ~, t ii' " ¡~;; (;' '-'. Ui if ë~ r". ¡, t1 Certified, /) c.1erk, " ¿ /1"-" __..'<"-"yC-z----...._____... ,}xecuti Uncil '~.."~-- -J~ þ I of Elgin to amend the road system of' the said County. approval be given to By-law Number 2280 of the County and Highway Improvement Act, R . S.O. 1970, Chapter 201, subsection 7 of' Section 41 of llie Public Transportation the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to the Minister of Transportation and Communications, Upon, the recommendation of' the Honourable day of February, A. D 1974. His Honour the Copy of' an Order-in-Council approved by Lieutenant Governor, dated the 13th OC-429/74 I EXECUTIVE COUNC 'tf~,'J.!'0·;~.5'-,:~~-~;' ßt~~ ONTAHIO OFFICE