2283 ~ '. f t: I!\~ ,O,': :1, !: ii fu ~i' :; ~, $ ~i ~!, t< I \.JUU!~TY ur .bLGJ.N BY-LAW NO. 2283 "BEING A BY-LA; TO PROVIDE FOR TBE LICENCIN~ R~GULATING AND GOVE1~NING AUCTIONEEI(S." WHEIŒ:AS Section 381, Subsection 7, of the Municipal llct , þrovides that the Council of a County is empowered to pass a By-Law for licencing¡. regulating and governing auctioneers and other persons, selling or putting up for sale, goods, "lares and merchandise or effects for pUblic auction. TIJEI1EFOI1E the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enaóts as follows: 1. From and after the passing of this By-Law, it shall not be lav.¡ful for any auctioneer or other person to sell or put up for sale, goods, wares, merchandise or effects, by public auction without first having obtained a licence. 2. The licence herein shall be issued by the Clerk under the seal of the Corporation. 3. The sum to be paid for the licence shaH be $50.00. 4. The said licence shall be in force until December 31st in the year of issuance, 5, No licence issued under this By-Lavl shall be transferrable and no person except the person named in the licence shall conduct a public auction. PIWVIDED HOWEVER tha.t prior to the issuance of a licence under this by-la'l'¡, Council shall, by .èatever mea,ns it considers just a.nd equitable, sa,tisfy itself that: a,) The applicant is of good character; b) The premises to be used by the applicant is suitable to conduct the business of a public auction. .1- ~ ~ - 2 - PI20VIDED F'UI/THEII tha,t Council, subsequent to the issuance of said licence may, upon being satisfied tha,t: (a) The applicant is not of good chara,cter; (b) The premises are not suitable to conduct the business of a public auction; Revoke the sa.id licence. Any person \'iho violates the provisions of this By-Lav¡ shall be guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, and is liable to a, fine of not more tha.n $1,000.00, exclusive of cost, or to imprisonment to a term of not more than 'rhree (3) months. By-Law Number 545 and By-Law Number 2098 are hereby repealed. This By-La~¡ shall come into force a.nd take effect immediately upon the passing thereof. READ a first time this 19th day of December, 1973. IŒ[,D a second time this 19th day of December, 1973. I~EjW a third time and finally passed this 19th day of December, 1973. ..L~~ H. ,. Johnson Clerk