2323 I I I , I I I I ~ i I: , I I i: i i i !j i , I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-La.w No" 2323 "A BY -LA\!i TO A]\fEND 'I'IlE BY -LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY l~OAD - - IMPROVEME!;!'I' AND EST1\BLWHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM lJl. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDEl~ THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT1\TION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEJYÆNT ACT:' ---~---- The Council o.f the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The schedule to the Establìshing By-Law No. 2166 is amended bÿ adding thereto Plan Number 8-1-R-74 attached hereto of Road to be known as County Road Number 8. 2. This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon and to the extent of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. [èEAD a first time this 16th day of October, 1974. li~EAD a second time this 16th day of October, 1974. l~EAD a third time and fìnal1y passed this 16th day of October, 1974 ~o>; :p.¡. ~:".a..;.: ~~ --~ - R. L. Lake, H. L , Warden J , ~i ¡ I I ~ f NI . t¡ . ~ i , (I J ! ¡ Þ ~ !i ) r·~ o " 'f~7~ u~u. __...=..:..:.L"~.';.;./'~ -- """'" ~mmœ'" Ontario Executive Council RE.CEIVED FE B 1 0 1915 Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 29th day of January"A.D. 1975. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Transportation and Cownunications, the COlrrmittee of Council advisè that pursuant to subsection 7 of Section 41 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 201, approval be given to By-Law Number 2323 of the County of Elgin to amend the road system of the said County. Certified, õ: )I=~- M~ . / (~::~ ~:xe"~ ~~":ð v OF , ..J. 'I' "!»' , ,-,/.,/' 7~¿0>- _____ ¥l:J Lt:- . '_' __. ' ,'t.. , ~--' T~.:rln:)():·l' County C.L8.r~: J 'J ., '.1 - , I, , , :lD CID .. , ''I LID\J ~o 16tll L. Johnson, C:Cèrk ereby certify t4Jt 2323 pa s sed by :'t.hc "y of c.ctoiJer, 1974 Corporation of the County ths foreg-oin(;f is ù true co::), of Council of "th'2 said Corpora tiO;:'ì on I 'I ~ ! iì , ,r ,~ I I .i ,1 I I I I i i ! II £~~ II. L. Johnson, Clerk & R. )f :/~. þ' ~'" ' .~ //' ---:. , ~../Z-(, , - L. L¡:ike 1.¡~ 1 ¡"I oC1ro.en I,. I~,\' 'j , I I ¡milD a ItEl\D a third time and finàJ.J.y passed this 16th day of October, 1974 . second time this' 16th day of October, ¡mi\D a first time this 16th day of October', 1974. 1974. 2. ùnd to Governor the in .QC:ç;:N This By-Lm: extent of Council. shal the 1 come into force and effect upon approval thereof by the Lieutenant 1. ~rhe schedule to the Establishing By-Lm: No. 2166 is amended by adding thereto Plan Number 8-I-R-74 attached hereto of ¡toad to be knovm as County Road. Humber 8. The Elgin enacts a - Council of the Corporatipn of the County of s follows . II.'.J r~(WE!,;S -- NT I\C'r:' -~--~. COOWI'Y OF E LGUI Ul~DEl 11Œ J..-'UBL1C TR .1' <.:']' ,:)l UliTlI'rION I j) IlIGIfI::!\Y rw 0/" " " , 1 "1\ , r'!l;VLr¡~jn"Jrr I~N .--. BY -Li'.',¡ '1'0 i~r,:E N D IJ ID'.l'1\8L1 mm TIE BY -Li'.\, By-Law No. COUNTY OF ELGIN G i\ COUlJ'fY i\DO! T 2323 1NG 1\ PU..H '--- ICOJi D SY;JTI~¡,l In OF COU TIlE TY ¡WilT) -------- ROA f) S COUNTY Ê l.. ~ I N 6 ,-,,, BYLAW No. 2323( OCT. 16,1974} ,«">" ~-'""""'-'-~--'-~- .~'~-""'~"'.'"'' --....-. --.--- ------------ AMENDING AMENDING BYLAW No. 2280 (NOV. 21, 1973) ESTA8L1SHING BYLAW No. 2166 (SEPT 22,1971) _ü~",~",~_,:-_,,",,,,__,,,,,,.~",._,,..,,..~~-~,,..~_·,~__~_,,",.-~""~_, ~_~",-._~~._~._ ~_..._- ""'''"'-<-'''--''~' =.~~~~_.~.~-",_."","-- ~ -¿ ..__"._",.~ C'~_, - ~, I IIÌÍII -~_.._.--~-,.,..,~.,,,--- -~. - "~~~".,,,",-~=,,,,~~.",- -- G_ C_ GORGON ------ ---- ------ DRAWN. 8'1' OCT. .1974 ------- ---- OATE R. L. LAKE - - - ëÕUÑTŸ - WARDEt ---- H L. JOHNSON: coüÑTŸ"-¿i::ËRK - --- R G_ MOORE. P. ENG:- ----GÕUÑIT-EÑGlNEE~- -- BY'""' LAW COUNTY OF ELGIN ; AMENDMENT TO ;T,HE ESTABLI SH ING , CORPORATION OF THE THE -"-- / \IJ c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G / N ~~ INDEX SHEET \. EST. Sf-LAW 2166 AMENOMI;NT "0 AMI;NOMEHT '. AMENDMENT '0 AMENOMENT 'C AMENOMENT ROAO PLAN No. BY-LAW AOOEO . REMOVEO '. BY-LAW ADУO REMOVEO '0, BY-LAW AOOEO REMOVEO '0, BY-LAW Aooeo ReMOVED '0, BY':'LAW ADOI;O REMOVEO , " H .., H '" ,-, '" ,-, .. ,-, " ,-, " ,-, ,., ,-, 6.35 " 2323 8-I-R-74 0.22 14.3 ,-, '" H '" 11-1 '" 13-1 10.~ 14-1 6.65 15-1 , 7.43 16-1 11.0 16-2 " /7-1 2,35 18-1 " 19-1 .., 20-1 ,.. 20-2 0.25 2\-1 '.S5 22-1 " ,3-, " 24-1 " 24-2 " 25-1 '" 26-1 - " 27-1 . " 28-1 " 29-1 '" 30-1 - " 31-1 " ,,-, '", ~ ., 33-1 LtO "H 3.15 ,,-, '.00 36-1 "" 37-1 " >S, " 38-2 ., 39-1 U.2 'e-, ,., 41-1 '" 42-1 " 42-2 '0 43-1 4.55 44-1 10.4 45-1 9.71 ,)-> " 43-3 " 46-1 " 47-1 ,., 4a-1 " "9-1 " "H '" 52-1 .. '2-2 0.' 53-1 ., "'-, " ", œ!AL MILEAGE 315.2 7 2280 51·1 0.' "'... MILEAGE 316.39 , .- , _.~~---~--~-~~--_._---------,------_._-