2325 ,¡ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Lm·, No. 2325 "BE ING A BY -LAW TO AU1'HORI¿;E THE I^I"ARDEN AND THE CLEli:K OF THE COUNTY TO SIGN 1\N AGl'iEEMENT BE'l'WEEN THE MINISTRY OF TREASURY ECONOMICS . .L- AND INTERGOVEI;:NJ'f1ENTAL AFFAIRS, THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TI-IE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND-MR. STEPHEN H. JANES RESPECTING AN ELGIN COUNTY RESTRUCTUIUNG STUDY." WHEli:EAS it is deemed advisable that a. Restructuring Study be carried out for the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin; AND vnIEREAS an l\greement between the Ministry of Trea_sury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas and Mr. Stephen H. Janes, is required in order to participate in a local government restructuring study. NOW THEl'iEFOEE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden a.nd the Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign for and on behalf of the County of Elgin,the County Restructuring Study Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked "Annex A". READ a first time this 16th day of October, 1974. Ii:EAD a second time this 16th day of October, 1974. READ a. third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 1974. t-L._ - q4 , L. Johnson R. 1- Lake, Clerk Warden j ',\:) IE.;,~-,,_w_.,. ,,~'"'' C·."., - ,,--,,--- ------ " (a) an outline of the s~udy procedure to be followed by the Co~issiðher, :) 2. And that the study~þ~ospectus shall include but not be limited to: Ð where referred to herein 1. That the study area where referred to herein shall be defined as that area lying within and adjacent to the Participating Municipalities. Now therefore this Agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the premises and covenants the Parties hereto, for themselves, their respective successors, and assignees hereby agree as follows; And whereas the Province is desirous of assisting in the implementation of the aforementioned study. Whereas the participating Municipalities have by resolution of their respective municipal councils, certified copies of which resolutions are attached hereto and labelled Schedule A to this Agreement, agreed to participate in a local government restructuring study and Stephen H. Janes, hereinafter referred to as the " Commissioner" OF THE THIRD PART The City of St. Thomas, The County of Elgin, hereinafter referred to as the "Participating Municipalities" OF THE SECOND PART and Between Her Majesty The Queen in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs hereinafter referred to as the " province" OF THE FIRST PART Memorandum of Agreement made in 21st day of October 1974, quadruplicate this A.D COUNTY RESTRUCTURING STUDY AGREEMENT COUNTY OF ELGIN 2 2. (b) a detailed budget for the restructuring s~µdy said budget to include but not be limited to the total ~stimated cost of the preparation and comrle~ion of all study documents and materials reláted thereto, staff fee schedules .and other expè~ditures do~sidered by the Commissioner to be necessary in the performance of his duties purSuant to this Agreement". (ó) a.list of the proposed staff, including consultants ~hich the Commissioner proposes to retain including their duties and remuneration, (d) a schedule of proposed hearings and pUblic meetings ahd formal meetings with elected representatives within the study area, (e) the number and quantity of documents to be made available by the Commissioner to the Parties to this Agreement and the public, and (f) other matters necessary, in the opinion of the Commissioner, to the restructuring study. 3. And that the study documents where referred to herein shall include the study prospectus, the study report and any other materials or documents prepared or designated by the Commissioner. 4. And that the Province and the Participating Municipal- ities shall hire the services of Stephen H. Janes as Commissioner. 5. And that the Commissioner shall: (a) examine, evaluate and make recommendations concerning all facets of the structure, organization, and operation of local governments within the study area, including but not to be limited to, municipal governments, boards and commissions with specific reference being ·made to: (i) population pressures and constraints on growth, (H) anticipated future development, population and economic growth patterns of the study area and with particular reference to the servicing requirements of the municipalities, (Hi) existing communities of interest, (iv) boundaries of both local and county municipalities within the study area, ,'. , ~, (v) one or two level county government, (vi) amalgamations, annexations and consogdatiÓ'ì\p, ,j " 1'.. ~~:;;~::~'~:'-~;;' _m__._ ,'..',..",_,.______u_, . .-",' "....--"-,...---..,.,..,,.-.....,.-,.. .,....., .. ...... -"'-'-----'-'-''-''-'=''''-''-'''_._~'''-.'-'-,'- -- _u -- --_._----_.._~..._.__.. ... ___ ___n.".'_,".__.._____ _________________ .. "_..__._.._ __~_._ ________,__ _m._'___ ___~_._..._____,....,________._._,...____ ____.,,___________ "n"___" _ ._._m ___..___________ _____________'.n --------- -- ..-..-.----------...... -- -----~ -----..".."....,.-." - --_.~ " (f) not use or p¢~roit the use of any materials prepared pursuant ):"0 .this Agreement without the authorized written' consents of both the Province and the Participating Munic~ralities other than those materials used by Gthe Commissioner in the preparation of the study documents, .J. (e) make representation and or other interest personally or indirectly held by him or or related to the study area , warranty of any financial or by contract directly his immediate family in (d) exercise his discretion in receiving and analyzing briefs, submissions, studies, plans, data, drawings and documents from interested parties and in including all or portions of such materials in the study documents, (c) maintain a local office available to the public staffed during the life of the study program at a location within the study area agreed to from time to time by the parties to this Agreement, (b) encourage public awareness of and participation in the ìssues a:3::Jociat.Gd· t:Il t}~<_~. :~:-2;si:ruct...t.l.:ti2";g study through, but not limited to, the holding of public meetings throughout the study area and by providing copies of the study's findings and recommendations to the public in the study area, 5. any other matters which in the opinion of the Commissioner are related to the local government within the study area ¡ (xvi) (xv) responsive local government decision- making and the accountability of elected and appointed officials, and the role and seleCtion of the heads of council (xiv) the organization of council and its co~~ittees with particular reference to roles and systems of pOlicy-making and implementation (xiii (xii a planning framework the financial arrangements of governments in the study area . . (xi) local (x) (ix the resource and assessment base a division of responsibilities between the local and county municipalities, . , operations of special purpose bodies and their relationships to other local governments in the study area 5 . (viii) (vii) relationships amongst the municipalities in the study area; 3 .,~ ~J 10. And that all materiq~s com~iled or purchased by the Commissioner pursuant to this Agreement, including but not to be limited to equipmen~;, d~ta, drawings, plans, studies and documents shall be andrremain the property of the Province and the Participating Municipalities. 9. And that approval of the study prospectus with or without amendments shall, º~.:!given before the Commissioner may continue with the study'~ , 8. And that any alteration, addition, or amendment to the study prospectus, including but not limited to, matters of cost, procedure or services to be performed by the Commissioner, must have the authorized written approvals of the Province, the Commissioner, and the Participating Municipalities, 7. And that within 30 days of receipt of the completed study prospectus the Province and the Participating Municipalities will review same and either approve or seek alterations, additions, or amendments to the study prospectus. 6. And that for the purpose of preparing the study prospectus and the study report and any other related documents the province and the Participating Municipalities shall, where in the opinion of the Province and/or the Participating Municipalities there is no breach of confidentiality, make all relevant materials available to the Commissioner said materials to include but not be limited to relevant data, drawings, plans, studies and documents. (k) be discharged of all his obligations related to this Agreement upon the receipt by the Province and the Participating Municipalities of the completed study report. any sum of money exceeding $5,000 until receiving the authorized written approvals to the study prospectus of both the Province and the Participating Municipalities, (2) co~it nor authorize any stirn of möney exceeding $5,000 not accounteC¡ for it). the study prospectus without the authorizedw:titten consents of both the Þrovince áhd thé Participating Municipali Hes, neither (1) (j) (i) maintain a liaison with the Province and the Participating Municipalities thrott~ñout the study, the commitment of (h) prepare, complete and submit by the 31st day of March, 1976, a final study report to both the Province and the Participating Municipalities, (g) prepare, complete and submit by the 6th day of November, 1974, a study prOSDectus to both the Province and the Participating Municipalities, 5. - 4 17. $275 for , And that the Commfisioner shall be paid a salary of per diem commencing 'the date of signature as billed actual days work0d. .:J which is based on per capita as determined by the 1973 Provincial Census. (b) The City of St. Thomas 40% (a) 16. And that, within one (1) calendar year of receiving the record referred to in clause 15 of this Agreement, the Partici?ating Municipalities shall reimburse the Province to the extent of one-half of all monies expended by the Province pursuant to clause 14 of this Agreement on the following percentage basis: The County of Elgin 60% 15. And that the Province shall forward to the Treasurer of each of the participating Municipalities a record of the monies expended by the Province pursuant to clause 14 of this Agreement. 14. And that the Province shall pay the cost, as determined by the Province, whose decisions shall be final, of the restructuring study as provided for by the commissioner in the study prospectus 13. And that, where impractical to comply with clause 12 of this Agreement, the commissioner shall present receipts, in a form acceptable to the Ministry of Treasury, Economics' and Intergovernmental Affairs, for expenditures, incurred by the Commissioner in the performance of his duties pursuant to this Agreement, for the purposes of reimbursement, The Manager Structure policy Section Local Governme~t Organization Branch The Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs 4th Floor, Frost Building North Queen's Park, Toronto. 12. And that the Commissioner shall, subject to clause of this Agreement, cause all expendi~:ures incurred in the performance of his duties pursuant to this agreement to be billed to: 13 11. And that upon completion of the study report the Province and the Participating Municipalities shall determine the disposition, possession, and use of all materials compiled or purchased in relation to the study by the Commissioner r 5 " 22. And that notwithstanding this Agreement, neither the Province nor the Participating Municipalities are bound to act upon, obey, implement, or discharge any suggestions or recommendations expressed in the study prospectus or the study report _J 21. And that no portion of this Agreement shall be assigned without the authorized written consents of both the Province and the Participating Municipalities . 20.. And that no person br cÖÌ'r,jÖration other. than,tlie Commissioner or per~onsdeslgnatèdby the Commissi9~er Shall be ,entitled to receive any :i:'ei1'!'.bursement or .other dompen- satiön from the Province or.th~ p~r~iciþ~tlng Municipalities for any material§ or þreparation of any materials, including but rtðt to be liIrt:U::etl to documents, submissions, briefs, data, drawings, studies, and plans authorized by the Province or the Participating Municipalities intended for the use of the Parties to this1\.greement for the purposos of the restructuring study 19. And that the Commissioner shall indemnify and save harmlesS the Province and the participatihg r~uniçip&lìties from and against any claim, action, cau~e of action, suit¡ demand and/or liability for loss, expeMG, cost or damage of every .nattireand kind whatsoever ámc)ng, due to,oût df,from, or in c<;>n!1ection with the work und¡,):tt.!iken and performed by the CoÌ1lfuissioner, his agent(s), employee(s), or öffider(s) pursuant to this Agreement. . 18. And that, in addition to the amount set out in clause 17 of this Agreement, effective during the period set out therein, the Commissioner shall, in accordance with the Regulations of the Province pertaining to a provincial employee, be reimbursed for travel expenses necessarily, in the opinion of the Province, incurred in the performance of his duties as Commissioner. 6 7 In Witness Whereof the Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs on behalf of the Party of the First Part has hereunto subscribed his signature, the Parties of the Second Part have hereunto affixed their corporate seals under the hands of their proper officers düly authorized in that behalf, and the Party of the Third Part has hereunto subscribed his signa- ture. Signed and Delivered this /Cu 'day of. ~ (... 1974 and of and nmenta1 Affairs. The Corporation of The County of Elgin: /~.,¿X WARDEN /¿cI~~ ,. CLERK The Corporation of The City of St. Thomas: - ,. ~ ( - e:- .,- '/ - - ="'" , J IN THE PRESENCE OF ::: ;:: ,. ~ ,,; o:! CO .Ó .¡>, I 11 This is Schedule A to Agreement dated October 16th, 1974 respecting the County of Elgin Restructuring Study I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County ..- ,. .,.- 6f-Elgin,'d6 hereby certify that the fOllowing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Elgin County Council on OctQber 16th, 1974. "THAT: The Council of the County of Elgin agrees to participate with the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs and the City of St. Thomas, in a local government restructuring study for the County of Elgin and City of St. Thomas." seal f/J~", ¿ff'L. Johnson County Clerk I, Robert A. Barrett, Clerk-Administrator of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, do hereby certify that the following is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council on October 21st, 197~. "THAT: The Council of the City of St. Thomas agrees to participate with: the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs and the County of Elgin, in a local government restructuring study for the County of Elgin and City of St. Thomas." - ~ R. A. Barrett City Clerk-Administrator .) ,\" · ,:; C. P. Honey, Assistant Deputy Minister, Urban and Regional Affairs Attach /¿- , , Yours truly , Let me take this opportunity to wish every success to the Commissioner, the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin as they undertake this important task On behalf of the Honourable John White, Minister of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Province of Ontario has approved both the Elgin County Restructuring Study Agreement and the Study Prospectus dated November 6, 1974. I am attaching a copy of the signed Restructuring Study Agreement for your files Dear Mr Mr. H. L. JOhnson, County Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, st. Thomas, Ontario. Johnson December 20 , 1974 Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs RECEIVED In: c .~ b 1§~ Queen's Park Toronto Ontario ® Ontario