2331 ~ , "~ . j L. Lake, WarçJ.en . Johnson, Clerk R ¡'lEAD a l:h Üd time a.nd fina.lly passed this 18th day of December, 1974. I:¡Elm a I<E:AD a f second i rst time This By-Law sha.ll not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Corrrrnunications t ime this this 18th 18th day of day of December, December, 1974. 1974 4 The penalties as provided Traffic Act, R.S.O., 1970, against this By-Law in Section 152 of the Highway shall apply to of~ences II I i ! 3 The designations in Section 1 of this By-Law of a Highway or part of a Highway as a through Highway sha.ll not include a.ny intersection thereon where the ¡'load intersected is a. King's Highway or where traffic control signals are installed. 2 Being County Itoad 32 (the· Road Allowance between Concession VII and Concession VIII Township of Ma.la.hide) at the Road Allmrance between Lots 15 and 16. (Road Allowance between Concession VII and Concession VIII is the through highway.) 32 Ièoad No. Descri The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated a.s through highways )tion 1 Municipal NOW ity THE¡'IEFOEE the Council of of Elgin enacts as follows the Corporation of the "through highway" means any highway or part of a highway designated as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a. municipality approved by the Ministry, and every such hig'hway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regula.tions of the Ministry the ~nlEREAS Clause 33 of Highway Traffic Act m.s.o Subsection 1 of Section 1 of , 1970, Chapter 202) provides that "ji BY -LAid DESIGNATING THROUGH By-Law No . 2331 HIGH1¡"ŒYS " "A BY - Llí1, DE:JIClIA'1~ING l'IJI/()UG!! ìIGInIAY3. " I , . c1eSVnmrlEi\D Clause ·33 of Bubf>ccti.on 1 of Section 1 of\ o IIighway 'l'raffic Act (R.B.O., 1970, Chdpter 202) provides hat "through higlnlay~' means flny highvmy or piut of a highwDY dEJsign,·¡ted ,'s <meh by th(j hlin:i.nter or' by By-Law 6f a. m).1!Iic:i.pi.íJ.i ty approved by tho Minilitry, and every such higbmy shall. be mDrkod by,') stop sign or' yield ricJht-of-\Vi'IY sign J. n. cOlnpJ.:Lance vÙ th the regulalions of' tho Ministry. NCAI ']!IlElmForm the CO\lI\ciJ. of the C.Ôrporation of the 6unióipality of Elgin aruicts asfol16ws: 1. The fol1owin!J high\mysor. parts of highways under the jurisdiction of lheMllnicipa.J.:Lty of E).gin <lre' clesi(Jnôted as through highvmys: I1oae1 Ni.>. DO~icription 32 Being County 110i,d 32 (the lload Allovli'1nee between Concession VII and Concession VIII Township of Moli.lhide) ot the Road li.llm·[i'Jnce betwoenLots 15 a'nd 16. (Road l\.J.lmvoI\cE! betwE!E!nConcession VII and Concession VIII is the .through highvmy.) 2. The designflHons in Section 1 of this By-Law of a IIi9hvli.1Y or part of êJ Highway as a through Highway shalJ. not. include any intersec·t:ion thereon \Vhere the Ilowl inl:ersocted is a King's IIi.ghwoy or \/hore . troffic control sig~als are installed. 3. The penalties as provided in Section 152 of the lIi9hvmy Traffic !lct, I~.S.O., 1970, shül1 apply to offences against this By-LüVl.. 4, This By-LaVl shalJ.. riot. become effeqtive until' opprov0Jd I:he Ministry ()f.Transportf.].tibn and Co [ununications.. ImAD a fJ. rst time this 18th day òf December, 1974. W21\D a second time this 18th dayof' December, 1974. IIEl\D a third timeond finally passed this 18th day of December, 1974. " _~r?:.. ,..,..~.,; ¿/~ H. .'- Johnson, It, L. Lake, Clerk vJarden . I, H. L, Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin cJ.q hereby certify that th~)f0X'egoing is i.l. true copy ,?f By.,LmvNo.2331· passedbyth(j;.C9µncilof the said Corporahon on the 18th .day of becembe:t, 19711.::'""., ~:: . pen 'roved pursuant The ,,"' .'~ .' ',' ."". ." . .' :' thIs 15 day of JAN 1915 to the provisions of Hlghw:1Y Traffic Act: , ,.v COUNTY OF ELGIH By-LmvNo. 2331