2347 , . Minimum Maximum $4 $4 50 per hour 65 per hour ) $4 $4 60 75 $4 $4 · · 75 90 Dec ¡¡¡,whine Operators (a) Stockkeeper. (b) Itegular Operators on tandem dump truck, distributor, float, grader, shovel loader, backhoe, dozer, etc., ¿l majority of the time. The rest of time-skilled or special vlOrk such as machine repair, sign construction Usually å:~signed as Snm.¡ Flow Operator, Sa.nder OpenÜor WiÌgman or' Night Duty in \'linter. Some Supervisory work is usually required - Experie,pce Ita·it%¡ 5 3 2~J74, May 4/75 -- cents per hour Sept for 7/}5 ye '1 rs , Cl (3, ss 4 Minimum lVla.ximum $4 $4 70 85 per per and hour hour Stockkeeper $4.85 ~ß5. 00 $5 ~ß5 · · 00 15 Foreman ¿mcl Lead lIimds - I-èegularly (a) In charge of a work crew of at lei County and/or hired equipment on a ( Supervising other County (or hired equipment on a regular basis. O]t Performinq work which is a. recognized skill or - May be assigned a.s Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingmen, or Night Duty in Winter. Experience Rate 5 cents per hour for 3 years c Dec 2~j74 Mi'!L.JJ71 Sept JJ.:L5.. trade b st five (5) men with specific project trucks and Class 5 $4 95 per hour $5.10 $5 25 Construction Foreman or Mech¿mic. (a) Mechanic licensed by Ontario of OR b Construction Forema.n in charg-e of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction èlnd in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment a.nd County equipment a.nd one or more County "Iork crmvs Dec. _2/)) 7 '1 May 1175 Sep~~_..JJ 7 5 Ministry La.bour, Class 6 A. Ii'egular ry Schedule for Roa Hourly Rated Employees 1 NO\íý THEltEFOI(E the Council of the Corporation of Elgin ena.cts that the following salary schedules be adopted Stl1 a d Department Employees. , of the County and are hereby schedules County of WFŒ1ŒM3 it is considered advisable to establish for the employees of the va.rious Departments of Elgin. salary -the OF DEl- '-- "BEING 1\ BY -LJíVi 'TQ. E;3'l'IlBI:.£::)B A Si\LßliY ;:3Cljj'::'DUl;OJ;;..J~OlUiLL EIilI..:.,IPJEfº-' OF TIlE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHO jŒ~ NOT COVEli'ED BY 1\ O'l'HEI/ THAN THE -- HEAD~3 J AFi~~ME N1' S" COLLEC'rIVE AGFèEEMENT .__L By-Lm.¡ COUNTY OF No 2347 ELGIN -- -- ~"" ~'~'.'~'_."""_'"M'""._""'m_.__'....._... »i L:::'~~~~:::::cc~~~___ . j $4.00 per hour 0134.10 134 20 Dec 29/71'.' qr , '-\~ "'May 4/75 Sep_~/72. Cla.ss D Experience operators b"ade i33.60 per hour i33.70 $3.80 Dec 29/74 May '1/75 Sept. 7/75 ----- Cla,ss C Experience labour, inexperienced mm'18r operators, $3.35 per hour oi33 45 $3.55. Dec 29/74 May 4/75 Sept 7/75 Class J3 Minimum Maximum Ca.sual $2 $2 Labour, 80 95 per hour per hour inexperienced $2 $3 90 05 $3 $:3 · · 00 15 Dec~.J9 /74. Employees of of a.ge) 1;"fÍ th - Experience 1V1<:) high school age (generally under varied experience. rate 5 cents per hour y 4/75 ---...--- for 3 Sept yea rs 7/75 Cla.ss A. 21 yea.rs B Sea.sonal or Casual Employees. Minimum Maximum $4 $4 · 05 20 per hour per hour ,134.15 $4.30 ~f)4 ,~4 · · 25 40 Dec ,_..£3 /74 May 4/75 Sept. 7 L7 5 Labour. (a) Must be capable of performinq physical labour under supervision. Some light truck or tractor drivinq may be required on occa.s icw. - Experience Flate 5 cents per hour for 3 years Clas s 1 IVU.nimum l\I,oximum $4.15 $4.30 per hour per hour ,134 $4 25 40 ,p4.35 $4.50 Dec 29/74 May 4/75 8eryt 7/75 La.hour Premium. (a.) 8ha.ll be able to operate light truck, tractor, roller, etc., on a part time basis. May be employed as a weighma.n, checker or mower operator (sul1uner). Usually able to be assigned as a Wingman, Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in the Winter. - Experience Ra.te 5 cents per hour for 3 years Cla.ss 2 Minimum Mi'lximum $4 $4 · · 25 per 40 per hour hour $4 $4 35 50 $4 $4 · · 50 65 Dec. 28111 !Ilay_ 4/75. Sept 7/75 PJ" ,,', ";:""-" ,'!~7r"<" Class 3 Part Time Foremen and Grademen. (a) Employee performing 1;vork of a higher classification than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead Hand of a work Cl'evi for a. portion of the year, includes experience Grademen; usually able to be assigned as Wingmen, Sander Operator or Night Duty in the ì\Tinter -Experience l?ate 5 cents per hour for 3 years 2 ~;;-~~_:-.-: ._..~ Minimum lVlaximum $10,100.00 per annuw $10,700.00 per annum Increments $200 ;'00 per < ~310,600.00 $11,200.00 year to maximum. Office Co-Ordinator < - To a.ssist with and sUNiiJi;rvise others in all phases of office work such a.s pàYroll, accounts, bookkeeping, etc. To receive inquiries from and provide information to the general public ¡'f'$ may from time to time be required. Jan 1175 Jul 1175 Minimum Ma.ximum ~;6, 800.00 per annum $7,'100.00 pe:¡;- annum Increments.'$200.00 per $7,300.00 $7,900.00 year to maximum, Jan 1 75 July In~ Gréj de 3 Office ]-'ersonnel Minimum Maximum $6,000.00 per éjnnum $6,600.00 per a.nnum Increments $200.00 per 836,500.00 $7,100.00 year to maximum Jan 1/7~ July.l/75 Gra.de 2 Office Personnel Minimum Maximum $5,'100.00 per annum ~;5,800.00 per a.nnum Increments $200.00 $5,900.00 $6,300.00 per year to maximum Jan 1)75 JulL 1/75. Grade I Office Personnel D Salaried Employees Minimum Maximum $13,600.00 $1'1,200.00 Increments per annum per a.nnum ~Þ200.00 per $13,900.00 $14 $14,500.00 $1'1 year to ma.ximum , , 200.00 800.00 Jan'_.JJ75 Shall supervise drafting. Shall assist the Engineer in the design, supervision a.nd construction of such projects as hot-mix asphalt pavinç" dra.inage, urban construction, etc. Qualifications to be similar to Ministry of Transportation and CorrUllUnica.tion Technician Experience Ra.te $200 per year for 3 years IIIaLJ.J.1Ji Sept. 1/75 - Grade II Technician Minimum Maximum ~p4. 50 per hour $4.85 per hour Increments of Instrument $4.65 $5.00 12¢ per Men, $4.70 ~p5 .15 hour for three years Surveying crew and Dec Education, Grade 12 or equivalent Work includes drafting, surveying and when exp.erienced to be ¡ible to work with a. minimum of supervision. Increments sha11 be governed by ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportation and Communications sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Technicia.n III Surveys 29/74 May 4/75 Sept. 7 /7~ r"> ..ú. .' Instrument v C Technical Personnel. Man 3 ~' .'..:...:;:....,:::...:.:.- ,~~-- ...... " .~:':'-:.":: ~¥gt.ti,!<·E2=~~:=.~~:~:~-c-~.,_'"~~~ _._._...=="".""..'''"'';c,,_''·,'''·,'·....o,.··,.,.._· !VJinimum Maximum J~JJ75 ~35,400.00 $5,800.00 Increments per annum per annum $200.00 per $5,900.00 ,);6,300.00 year to maximum Jl~ly -1J.]5 lary ¡3chedule Clerk-Treasurer Office Personnel Gri.Jde One J , 3. c' üa for , s Staff . Minimum Maximum $7,287.00 per a.nnum :p, 887. DOþer annum Increments' $200.00 per $7,787.00 :138,387.00 year to maximum Ja~,JJ75 Supervisor, " '''', JU~"y_l/7~ Assistant Minimum Maximum l~,ibrary $5,987.00 per annum ~36,587.DO per annum Incremen ts:Þ200. 00 $6,487.00 $7,087.00 per year to maximum J i:;!l~-.1JJJ.. Ll!:.;hyJJJJ.. Li Minimum Maximum bra ry ¡ 'ersonnel $6,787.00 :137,387.00 Increment s (Grade 'rvW per annum $7,287.00 per annum $'7,88'7.00 $200.00 per year to maximum. Jan 1/75 July_lj75 Library Personnel Gr¿ide One 2 :3alary Schedule o Over - for County Library 5 5 , , 000 miles 000 miles Employees . . 18<þ per mile 15¢ per mile rv", 4 General :3uperintendent - General supervision of all county work, both mainte- nance and construction. - Control of a.ll county and hired equipment a.nd personr,el. - lxesponsible to the Engineer for the planning and schedu- ling of the work. . - ]Ï'esponsible for the hiring of outside equipment and personnel when required. - Responsible for investigations of inquiries a.nd complaints by the 'Jeneral public. J aTl~LJ.l. M0::;LJJ) 5 .Sept. 1/79.. !JIÜÜmurn $14,000.00 per annum :1314,3DO.00 :1314,600.00 1\laximum :1314,600.00 per annum ,p14,900.00 $15,200.00 Increments :'13200.00 per year to maximum. Plus use of County ca.r Assistant General Superintendent - To act for and to assume all duties of the General Superintendent when the General Superintendent is absen'l: (sickness, holidays, etc.) . - To assist the Superintendent "lith all pha.ses of construc- tion dnd ma.intenance and to have direct control of any pdrticular operation as from time to time required. - To ,oct as Construction Safety Inspector for the County J~J:.!75 May 1 / 7 ?. S~£h..JJ2?. Minimum $13,600.00 per annum $13,900.00 $14,200.00 Maximum $14,200.00 per annum $14,500.0D :1314,800.00 Increments $200.00 per year to m¡¡ximum. Plus use of County car Ell ¡ViilGage IÎ'ates to be paid to all county employ(,es using their m·m pri vate cars be.: '.-';".~ ".....".'.~"'."" - ..... --,.'~'''''''''''''', -...-...._~- - 5 - Office Personnel (Grade T.m) Jan. 1/75 J ul LJJ..Z,ª- Minimum $6,000.00 per annum $6,500.00 Maximum $6,600.00 per annum $7,100.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade 'rhree) Ji.m. 1/75 July 1['75 Minimum :Þ6,800.00 per annum $7,300.00 !Ili.Jximum $7,400.00 per annum :$7,900.00 Increments $200.00 per year to mi.Jximum. Payroll Supervisor Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $7,200.00 per annum $7,700.00 IVli.!Ximum $7,800.00 per annum $8,300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maxinmm. Custodia.n of County Buildings Jan. 1/75 July 1[75 Minimum $8,900.00 per annum $9,400.00 Mi.Jximum $9,500.00 per annum $10,000.00 Increments $200.00 per yei.Jr to maximum. In the above schedule the value of the serviced apartment ($650.00) is to be considered as pi.Jrt of the salary. 4. Si.Jlary Schedule for Social Services Employees. Field vlorkers Jdn. 1/75 julY.. 1/75 Minimum $8,200.00 per annum $8,700.00 ]V!i.iximum :ß8,800.00 per annum $9,300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum Office Personnel (Grade Two) J a.n :.....JJ..1.!i._ J.~ly 1/75 Minimum $6,000.00 per annruu ~p6,500.00 Maximum $6,600.00 per annum :ß7, 100. 00 Increments :ß200. 00 per year to maximum. 5. Sa.1ary Schedule for Elgin Manor Employees Director of Nursing Jan. 1/75 $13,098.00 þer annum. Assistant Director of Nursing Ja.;..~Jj].....s.. :1;12,338.00 per annum~ . Registered Nurse Jan. 1/75 ----- ~;5. 28 per hour , ~"":':.':è'"' ....". .,~ . ,~._...,.,. 6 Recreation Director Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 $;7,000.00 per a.nnum $7,500.00 Dietary Supervisor Jan. 1/75 July 1/'15 Minimum $8,700.00 per annum $9,200.00 Maximum $9,300.00 per a.nnum $9,800.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Laundry ex Housekeeping Supervisor Ja~ 1/7'9.. July ~j'7 '9.. Minimum $8,'100.00 per annum $9,200.00 N],'¡.ximum $9,300.00 per annum $9,800.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Ma.intena.nce Supervisor Jan. 1/75 Minimum $8,560.00 per annum Maximum $9,360.00 per annum Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade One) I I Jafl.__....1 / 7 5 July 1/7'9.. Minimum $5,400.00 per annum $5,900.00 Maximum $5,800.00 per annum $6,300.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Two) Jan. 1/75 July 1/'1'9., Minimum $6,000.00 per annum $6,500.00 Ma.ximum $6,600.00 per a.nnum $7,100.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Office Personnel (Grade Three) Jan. 1/75 July 1/75 Minimum $6,800.00 per annum $7,300.00 Maximum :137,400.00 per a.nnum $'1,900.00 Increments $200.00 per year to maximum. Part Time Help Jan. 1/75 . Students $2.50 per hour , Office Help ',4ì.2. 75 per hour ',:"1':. ~,,~< Ga.rdener $3.00 per hour Barber $65.00 per month Iairdre s ser $21.00 per day ·1 " 'rHAT J3y-Lavr No 2267 be, and the samé is hereby repealed 7 '.rUNT this By-Law shall become effective on the dates indicateC1 in the various schedules. I~EAD a first time this 23rd day of January, 1975. I~El\D a. second time this 23rd day of January, 1975. IIEAD a third time a.nel finally passed this 23rd day of January, 1975. - ~~ - A. H. Liebner, WardeY\ ;~ . \