2353 , . .) 11111 ,v ./ ~-C~ '----~ READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February 1975. READ a second time this 19th day of February 1975 READ a first time this 19thday of February 1975. '~i l 4. BY· LAW No. This By-Law shall not ,become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule 2212 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. 3. 2 Any person violating any of the provisions shall be subject to the .pena1ty provided in Subsection (7 )of the HigÞwayTraffic Act. of this By-Law Section 64, No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No. 1 and 2, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of' weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 1. of Elgin enacts as foHows NOW THEREFORE the Council of th¢'Çorporation of the County " vehicles is t: passing over certain bridges ANÍJ WHEREAS it in the County of Elgin expedient , deemed The Municipal Corporation or other authority having over a bridge, may by By-Law approved by the Ministry, regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combi~ation of vehicles, or any,c1ass thereof, passing over such bridge to limit the weight of jurisdiction make (R.S .0. 1970) WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traffic provides that BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WE IGHT OF VEHICLES Act PASSING OVER BRIDGES " " BY-LAW COUNTY OF ELGIN NO. 2353 -_.._-~-'-----~ ~""_'~'~.,,,"",,, --~::~==-."-:-'C~-~:-C::--===:=¡" . Lot 5, Range II North of Edgeware Rd. Township of Yarmouth ,) Early 1900' s Bituminous 3. 5-14 52 Carrs Lot 3, Con. VI, Township of Bayham 10 2. 1. Schedule 1 5-146 5-144 Bridge No. (MrC) 43 43 Road No. Phi11more Cooks Name of Bridge Lot 1, Con. V, Township of Bayham 15 ,Weight Limit in Tons 15 1909 1907 Year of Const- ruction Bituminous Type of Floor Finish Bituminous Location BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS SCHEDULE N 0 1 SCHEDULE N O. 2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Schedule Bridge Name 0 f Location Weight Year of Type of 2 No. Bridge Limit in Constr- Floor (MrC) Tons uction Finish - - 1. 5'-'59 Robbins Lot 5, 5 1898 Wooden River Road Township of Southwo1d 2. 5-60 Fulton Lots 3 & 4, 15 1912 Concrete Mill Road, Township of Southwo1d 3. 5-133 Meeks Lot 16, 20 1900 Concrete N. U. Road, Township of Southwo1d 4. 5-138 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. II 15 1908 Bitmunious Township of Yarmouth 5. 5-158 Vienna Lot 14, Con. III 20 Unknown, Concrete Bayham, Now in Reconst- Village of Vienna ructed in 1933 '" ~~" .) . H. L Johnson, County Clerk . ¡ . I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elqin do hereby certify tha.t the foregoing is a true Copy of By-Law No. .2353 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 19th day of February, 1975. þ I II I II ¡III , .~~~-,;.~ Warden fl^-¿/k~(Æ---r.. // READ a third time and finally passed ( READ a second time this 19th day of UNICATIONS READ a first time this 19thday of for Approved to the this provisions of the period ending 7th day of the May May, 1975 pursuant Highway Traffic Act 7th 1978 :,i I:~ I ,Ii Ii I,i 2212 0 f the County 0 f Elgin is hereby repealed. 4. BY-LAW No. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a nòtice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule February 1975. JOHN R RHODES MINISTER OF TRANSP~RTÞ- 10 A February 1975. / Per: ' this 19th day of ~r 197 R.H. Humpnr Registrar of Motor Vehicles -. 3 Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 64, Subsection (7) of the Highway Traffic Act 2. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No. 1 and 2, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 1 of Elgin enacts as follows NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin AND The Municipal Corporation or othèr authority having over a bridge, may by By-Law approved by the Ministry, regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, or any class thereof, passing over such bridge WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of jurisdiction make (R.S O. 1970) provides that WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section 64 of the Highway Traffic Act BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WE IGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES " BY-LAW NO. COUNTY OF ELGIN 2353 S chcdu1e Bridge Road Name 0 f 1 No. No. Bridge (MTC) - - 1. 5-144 43 Cool<:s 2. 5~146 43 Phi llmore 3 5-14 52 Carrs i I I I , 'I I , Ii II " II II II II 'I , I Lot 1, Con. 15 V, Township of Bayham Lot 3, Còn. 15 VI, Township of Bayham Lot.5, 10 Range n North 0 f Edgc~~arc Rd. Township of YaL"Iuouth I' ---.-'----"----..-.-:~ ISTRUCIUHE SITE NO. » Early 1900ls Bituminous Location Weight Limit in Tons 1909 1907 Year of Const- ruction Bituminous Bituminous TYPQ of Floor Finish I~ ~~ r·,xJ' , SCHEDULE NO 1 BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS r~' .<."""0 ~~,~~[;:::;,:":",:,,,:, SCHEDULE N O. 2 COIJN'l'Y 1\1tl1JtiJI,G Oi'l 'I'rivlHiJIIll' li!)i,/) --_'~~'''~'_.__~....-_".,.""~,,.....,.,...,_...«._.. e< Schødulc Bridgé Namc 0 f Location ¡-¡eight Year of Type of 2 No. Bridge Limit in Const!:'- Floo!:' (mc ) Tons uction Finish - 1. 5~.59 Robbins Lot 5, 5 l89é 1'ooden River Road Township of Southwold 2. 5-60 Fulton Lots 3 6< 4, 15 1912 Cor,cl'cte Mill Road, TO'O"lnship of Southv101d 3. 5-133 Méel~s Lot 16, 20 1900 Concrete N. U. Road, Township of Southwold 4. 5-138 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. II 15 1908 Bi tmuniou s Township of Yarmouth 5. 5-158 Vienna Lot 14, Con. III 20 Unknow'n, Conc!:'ctc Bayham, Now in Reconst- Village of Vienna ructed in 1933 [~TRUÇruRESfTE-;;; J .