2355 ~:: ¡ ~ , ii rri\' , ¡",~ ' ,3"'" COUNTY OF ELGIN By-La.w No. 2355 "BEING A BY-LAW TO CONF'HIM BY-LA':! No. 824 OF THE VILLAGE OF ------ ~.~ -~--"---~- Dlfl'TON, A BY -LA1¡i .'170 i\U'I'HOIê]j,E 'THE ~)'TOPPING UP 011:.._ CLOSING AND DI§I:9SI!i(L 01"...l~.l-'O~\rION JW THE ¡êOAD ALLOIiANCE OF ALLEN ~)'llœE':r IN THE VIL:q~E 0L1!U'I1'..QN." \'ŒŒIêEAS the Council of the Village Of Dutton on thê 3rd D'3Y of February, 1975, did pass By-Law No. 824 to stop up or close and dispose of a. portion of Allen Street in the Village of Duttoni"more particularly described in By-Law No. 824 of the Village of Dutton, a. true copy of v¡hich is hereunto annexed. AND ViHEIêEAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the said Village By-Law sha.ll not have any force until con- firmed by a By-La.w of the Council of the County in which the Village is si tua.ted, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year a.fter the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Village. AND "VvHEI"CEAS application ha.sbeen made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the sa.id Vil1age of Dutton By-La,,¡. NOVi 'l'HEIi'EFOI(f; ti,e Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: I - THAT By-La.w No. 824 of the Village of Dutton, being a By-Li'lw to stop up or close a.nd dispose of a portion of Allen ;3treet in the Village of Dutton, be and. the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 19th day of Februa.ry, 1975. IIEAD a second time this 19th day of February, 1975. IŒAD a third time imd fina.l1y passed this 19th day of February, 1975. ~ _._~/~~ <'G ~ .. - ---"~-- H. L. Johnson, l\. H. Liebner, Clerk Iriarden \>, t:' ~~,;:",:-:., r" ".( I I " \; -.".,."""""""""'''-.''':'''''.'!',..,, stopping up or closing and disposing of the road allowance of Allen Street in the Village of Dutton Whereas under R.S.O.1970 Chapt. 284 Sect. 443 Sub sec. (c) the Council of the Village of Dutton is given the power to pass by-laws '" for stopping and disposingbany highway or part thereof within the municipality. And wheras the Council of this municipality feels that this power should be exercised as regards a portion of the road allowance of Allen Street from the Brown Drain in a Northwesterly direction a distance of approzimately 396 .feet to the Southwesterly boundry of lot 64 plan 171. And whereas the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Villag of Dutton has complied with R.S.O. 1970 Chpt. 284 Sect. 445 Sub Sect. 2 and Section 446 Sect 1 Sub Sect. (a) as to advertising their intention of closing and disposing of a portion of the said road allowance. Therefor the CO,uncil of the Village of Dutton enacts as ,follows: 1. That the portion of the road allowance of Allen Street from the Brown Drain in a Northwesterly direction a distance of approximat 1 396. feet to the Southeasterly,boundry of Lot 64 Plan 171,' shalJ. be clos d ( and which portion is moreparticularly described. as follows: Starting at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 64 plan 171 proceedin in a Southeasterly direction to the Brown Drain a distance of approxi mately 396 feet . Then iÏn a Southwesterly direction a distance of fourty feet .·Then in a Northwesterly direction a distance ofJ96 feet Then in a Northeasterly direction a distance of fourtyfeet to the point of beginning. 2. That the Reeve Treasurer and Clerk'..be authorized to dispose of and convey title of the above portion of land to Glen Palmateer Opal Palmateer, Dorothy Milton and Clarence Milton in exchange for the completed portion of road in the authorized planned subdevision. 3. That this by-law shall come into effect on and after its confirmation by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and upon approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council and' its registration in the Registry Office of the Registration Division of the County of Elgin. Read a First,a Second, a Third time and finally passed this 3 day Of¡~6U'-t.,'1 1975 ."-''') - /"'" /', ' é ,/ .. .' . . -;2.a ",~¿:::- ¿. /) r-' . C r,' . (})';, _'''_~'''.;~¿-...1 JL _ 2 ~-.f;~ ~':c:* ~:o: _ _ _ _ __ -; _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _':< ':(,;<_ _ _..: __"1_'::. f'YV Reeve .,. Treª,sure'r Clerk I HEREBY [.?EClr\RE THIS iTO BE l-\~TRU~ AND E)<AC'r COP'( ,OF THE OR!GINAL. DOCUMENT " ('J. 71:J...~~..'., '.M...............".J-...y.,"ttI Cî~;k;'Çi;ii;ge of Dutton