2368 ~ .. '~~J:~--:-..' """, -,-:.,- ~---..,...-- -- --".- ,}.."..:::'\"\:':'>,>":"~.:" i, ,,,. ...,...... '. , , COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Làw No. 2368 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORI~E THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN,. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON AND THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THO~iAS TO UNDERTAKE AN AREA SüLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY." WHEREAS The County of Elgin, The County of Middlesex, The City of London and The City of St. Thomas are desirous of undertaking an Area Solid Waste Management Study to serve as a possible ma.ster plan for the management of solid waste. NOv{ THEREFORE The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement between the County of Elgin, The County of Middlesex, The City of London and The City of St. Thomas for an Area Solid Waste Management Study a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto and marked Annex "A". READ a first time this 18th day of June, 1975. READ a second time this 18th day of June, 1975. lèEAD a third time and finally passed this 18th day of June, 1975. :'1 :i jl :! Ii, " 'II I " ~ ¡'j " ~ I <?/~ , ".¿ , ili II /' - - , L. Johnson, A H. Liebner, I 'i Clerk Warden I ;~ 1'; , , :i ,t I' :1 111 II " 'I Ii )1 ., [, j I!I . Ii II II \ 1:\ ILL ~\ .';'''""=,,,,"' Ene. DKS/bw c.c. Steering Committee R.. B la ckwe 11 W. S. Ross R. J. Tolmie 1 Area Co_ordinatingCommittee Solid Waste Management Study. The draft agreement was reviewed by the Technical Co-ordinating Committee at its meeting on May 29, 1975, and a copy of the revised agreement is enclosed for your information. Should the terms of the agreement be agreeable to your municipality would you please arrange for the e~ecution of the four (4) original copies, which will be forwarded to you under separate cover, since these copies have to be signed by each of the four (4) participating municipalities. Yours truly. .~~; The SteedngCommittee, f()'t;tbe~eaS~l,¥~,~aste,Ma).1age ß~nt Study, It its meeting on May 7" 1975,adopted ,thefo1l'âìid.Âg;\lÌôt1oJ:l,namely: . ".." ,.... .. .. .. .. ·.·_'::_,___:_:·~iL:..::-:":.;,,·,;,,,;·:.._(~;:':'t};\~,,:,:~_~,,:J.}\!_,-,:,"" "That the f()ur M'!niciPlllities ,partiC:Lpati~!i~Î!',i~be Are~':~gdWaste Management Study enter i~fo ,an Agreement in the5fo~s\lgge'8ì:é~;;l.nthe attached outline, the,saié!, Ágreement (a) to d,t';d~a.tetbe';¢ityof London as the "Administering Municipality" having aùthority' to enter into an Engineering Agreement with the selected Engineering Consultant, .and to act as Treasurer for the Project on behalf of the participants; (b) to set out and establish cost sharing and payment formulas between the participants relating to the 50% Municipal share of the total cost of the Study; and further, that the Agreement when dra1 U be reviewed by the Technical Co-ordin- ating Committee and forwarded to the participating Municipalities fOt"review ane execution, on the understanding that if necessary, a meeting of the Steering Committee will be held to resolve any concerns that may arise among the parti- cipating Municipalities relating to the Agreement." Area Solid Waste Mana 1;ement Stud Mr. R. G. Moore, Elgin County En~ 79 Stanley Street, St. Thoma's, Ontario. N5'R3G 1', . ".;.,..- ;, ':,.,: '~'. ",;.;;-, ." ,~,:;<,f~'-'ì,', 'i'i:·- A. K. ROWUTREE, SASC., P.ENa, CJtyEngfn_r A. JOYNSON. B.se.TECH.. ".I.e.E.. P.ENO. Doputy City Engineer D; K.8CHWARTZEL. B.SC. (ENO.), P.ENG. Asslatant City Engineer A. J~TYLEa.ø._~;.'P .EN~. ^"11~t911V.E~~ÎnHf Dear Sir: CITY .,.' , .:', " ENO IHEER'S DEPARTMENT :;t' ¡: , ADDRESS All CORRESPONDENCE TO CITY ENGINEER P.O. BOX 5036 LONDON, ONTARIO NSA 4I.t ATTENTION OF D. K. Schwartzel OUR PILE' 5n/A/4a TELEPHONE: 679-4925 May 30, 1975. ß) µ ~-I J ífi ~N oP? / D i-" < ( ~_ s· ~J.J c:_< i Art ~çJ\ í I()/] ,"(.Jf' 'J: ./ j\ "~ ¿ - :reement It~\ ~_:~ " "ANNEX A" THIS AGREEMENTmad~., in quadruplicate, as of the 10th day of June. 1975. BETWEEN: TIlE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, hereinafter called ELGIN OF THE FIRST PART AND THE.CORPÖRATIONOF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, hereinafter called MIDDLESEX OF THE SECOND PART AND ':",";:,:;.":,'; :':"',:"', tHE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF L6~ooN¡., , ,.,j-,"',--" -. ,,:'..,," ',.:,'".',':"," ,'-'.. ,-"', ',:.' hereillAffe",: calle(j LO.~OON OF THE THIRD PART: AND THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS, hereinafter called ST. THOMAS OF THE FOURTH PART WHEREAS Elgin, Middlesex, London and St. Thomas (hereinafter collectively called the "participating municipalities") are desirous of undertaking an Area Solid Waste Management Study (hereinafter called the "Study") to serve as a possible master plan for the management of solid waste. AND WHEREAS the scope of the Study is intended to consist generally of a consideration and determination of (1) the most efficient and economic system of management, that is to say, of handling, transporting, treating (including recovering) and disposing, of solid waste generated within the participating municipalities, and, (2) the most suitable 'geograph~c area in respect of which to manage , ~1\, solid waste. AND WHEREAS the participating municipalities have agreed that the study should be carried out1in accordance with the terms herein~ after set out. , AND WHEREAS the Minister of the Environment has advised that '""-'('I L·"" ,*;,::-?'~:',':::~ : .~';")'~';"~-_. consulting engineer, the Steering Committee"and inclusion in the contract of Reference of the Study for approval , with the by (a) to prepare the Terms be 3. The functions of the Technical Co-ordinating Committee shall TECHNICAL considers appropriate. and to the Ministry at such times as the Steering Committee through its voting members to the participating municipalities (d) to make such reports and recommendations either directly or (c) to appoint the Consulting Engineer to undertake the Study, and (b) to approve the Terms of Reference of the Study, (a) to generally supervise and the Steering Committee shall manage the Study, 2. The functions of be ca lled the 'Ministry") . representatives from the Ministry of the Environment (hereinafter officials from each of the participating municipalities and two Co-ordinating Commit,tee) , being two cotechnica1 " (b) ten non-voting members (who shall also constitute the Technical the participating municipalities, and i!'\';~'í..j;"'l "~;,j':' ii:¡',1< , ~)f'¡>~fç'/ ~, :-\~ ':"\>:'.":~ ttee het:etofore/,f.8,tablished (a) eight voting members, being two council members from each of and shall as originally' constituted be composed of is continued 1. th';',',Steerit\g èòmnû. , STEER];NG ,',:," .... :: ,', \) - - - - ' : :':' -, ~' ,~.ev~rally: wit!h 'j" COMMITTEE the others and provide jointly:' and as follows inafter contained, the. påt'ttcipatlngmunicipalitie s each agree, covenant of the premises NOW THEREFORE and the mutual agreementS, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH covenants and provisions .here- that in consideration AREA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY AGREEMENT cost of the Study up to a the Prov~nce of Ontario will pay a maximum subsidy of $30,000.00. subsidy of one half of'..the actual 2 ~--~-_.- ~ 3 (b) t9give technical direction and supervision to the conduct of the Study, ·T" (c) to receive and consider reports fromtþ¢ consulting engineer J", _,' ""i! and .to repo!;'tPtand advise the Steering Committee thereon, ,Ii:, (d) ::,_,""'::",',':'i';' ,t') make SiJ"M~t~~r ieportsan~; reconunel)dations to the Steerinl 'i'" .....' ",' .',!·.:,th·;>':,'_.·::'¡·:r..'·;··.............. '._",,;,,;,~:-;~~.(~'-, ',",.. .' ...·d·_, Committee at. su~htiinesásthe Technicàl Co-ordinating Committee (e) ~·,;¡·:~'~~;~i~~r'~i;0i"~¡~~£~'h';'«,,'"' ordiI!at~l)g c011Ím*tt~e,cåtÎsJð'~¡;l',~dVi~åb¥'~iq¡~~as' ma)ibe assigned ::' ,,- "',' "-',;"";''':: ,.... '". .,:, '-: " ;"',:':.':;,,"_ " , .: ',·',_s., "":;L~-";" ..,,:':" :.... . .~:',,:,',;": to it by;the Steèring Committ~.eò ·'.r",'." .. '", .. "", t;1..' :::·',i. ",r ADMINISTERING MUNICIPAÍ:.ITY 4. The Administering Municipality shall be London. 5. The functions of the Administering Municipality sl¡all be (a) to prepare the terms (except the Terms of Reference) of and to enter into a contract on behalf of the participating municipalities with the consulting engineer to undertake the Study, (b) to receive, keep and payout all money related to' the Study, (c) to make applications to the,Ministry for the subsidy payable . . . .. . . by the Province "':f,gp.tario,. \:{\':;,:, (d) to receive,apprQ\re"åndprocess payment certificates related to the Study, and (e) to render accounts to the participating municipalities at such , times as it considers advisable :for the share of. each of the cost of th.e Study, COST-SIIARING .1.'. '\%'¡" ¡,j 6. The cost of undertaking the Study shall not exceed the estimated maximum cost of $60,000.00 Without the authorization of the participating municipalities. . '4"'"-,, ,~.> "' ~~- 's¿,;£St;."f!';'t<!'~· ",;;~Jil~f:)2 ~ Steering Committee deciding whether in those instances the cost of pro- /lnd material gathered /lnd compiled for the Study. subject however to the shall obtain approval Each of the participating municipalities and j of the Steering Committee for access to information the Ministry 12. quantities as the Steering Committee may decide. be provided to Progress the and ',,,, partitipating"municipalities reports final in report such form and of the Study shall 11. the officials or documentation. to providing technical or either information .through local' munici,pal EJ.gin and Middlesex in theçonduct of the Study including b\.lt.~ôt restricted municipalities other' than' St. the ';fre~ .,at;ld reasonable assista~ce of the Thomas and LòndonldthintheCounties of 10. if so reques,t ed. Elgin"l!d ffi.i~dJ.esex 'WiÜ use their best loca'l :efforts to· ,secure through municipal officials or documentation. including but not restricted to. providing technical or other shall render free and reasonable assistance in the conduct Each of the participating municipalities if so re!iueste,d of the S'tüdy. 9. GENERAL is rendered. made 8. be within siXty daÝØ of the da.j:eon which :Ò~, õi.: r ':\. each C' parì:idpåt1ng the. account therefor shall in the foUowingper centages in htl,ö, to the . ;;':~\':i:,,;;\.::.·· _, '_ . i: .'. ....~ Regional ASS~Ssll!~l1t,¿4i;~~~S'ion~rí'¡'j~:;the Minis'try of ~,974'Î>opulatibij of Revenue. expressed municipalities ma:ximum . . be appcirÜoned amon~st each according to qoo.oo. ;-\C,}): and !),eirne by the such cost shall the participating of the Study. up to a subsidr of $30'· , ~ the remainder of Province of Ontario will .p~y ,a subs~dy of one half of the actual cost that the 7. The Minister of the Environment having advised . , . THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WARDEN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLI , WARDEN CLERK ,.." ,'." THE CORPORATION OF THE CIT~ OF LONDON MAYOR CLERK N. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS MAYOR CLERK i, unto caused to be affb:edtheir respective corporate se,áls ,r by the hands of their respective propersigningofficet,'s. WHEREOF l!¡#nicipaliÚes have', here- ,:-" duly attesÜd agreement but upon , -'. . . _:':' ,', .. , .' ,',-', ':-"" -, ()''':: '," .,' . .... .', .~ passed this agreè¡U~nt· shall be' t,áken, a'tjd coni¡,tiued as having be",n ~ '''~i; ~~~~i~~~c;ì~îj~1~ ., ,:', l4.:This ,agreement .àltai¡ ~úbsi~t and ,¥øi\'iì);nue in fl,l1l '/''.'-',<,: ,;:;'x;L /";::,,;1','\ ',~< . i':~:':_'-~':;""" ';':'::' ~.'.',:_,::":':" _,:~,:".,:,"~,:·::,r,_:':,';,'/,: ~>"::~_::'~.'"}::i>·,:t,~~,,,j,gj¥ii::;¡:ì":::':::":;': " ",',' -,':,' \ . " effe,ct .uX).tH.>t:,l¡e:'þolliplet.ion of' all' as~ec~s of¡ '~~~ . Study but f.s .:""';'.'~:-"<,,,,.,,,:..ü""" _>:,;>,:"i.(;" ·',;..:ì-"_\"':(,·f'>:i:~: ' " . ,",' '" ....'/j. :.'. ',',:','_ ,.,..:,'.::':/,::,\,:::",',;',' :":,:','.",'; 1nt,andMi ~nd ·šliá;J.ì..riot: b'c; 'so' taken or construedi:o relåtll me~~a't'~cîÌ\ qf th~:iJ~~<Ì~~;<:;~'·' ::'i' ,::":,,,,'!i~'''ì2/'''';;!: ." ;~ IN \UTNESS the participating ,to' any ':" ,11' not ~orce and imple- made normal sh'are of the ""'¡'"\»'¡;:-::'<,::':', " , ,,:' ,"',' This ,~srèenient, shall not ::" ' ."".,:,{:::~;~j,<'<;"~~,~:,'>,:";,,<,,,,::- .'/.:, ',"'., ';":::;" "".', ,," been: passed bY' k~çl¡f¡'f . the paf'f:icipatiI)g ", ,','" . ',",'", 'c' "',, "" izing the execution of this such by-laws being have 13. ". ""', , ,:' ''riiunictpalities a"uthor- ",,;-,(,- i__._', ";,"i ·¡.'~('"l/,"',.._: " 'become: effective ,¡,..' ~o its ., C()st Mirifstry...as,·,th", case ,,,' . :, ',:,t':':':;"\';:;';~~_I':;"'-">::':";' '.,: of ,tÞ~.'Study, addition participatingmunicipaÜ~y"çr 'tþe ','",,'/ may be, in until by-laws 5 vlding s~ch info~tion and material should be at the expense of the