2373 .~'-.'""''' COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2373 "A BY-LAw' TO ANŒND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD -----. - IMPROVEMENT AIID ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY -' - OF ELGIN UNDER TH~ PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGrTIifAY IMPROYEMENT ACT." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The schedule to the Establishing By-Law No. 2166 is amended.,by: (a) Removing therefrom the Eoa.d on Pla.n Number 28-1 atta.ched hereto and known as County Road No. 28 and (b) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 28-l-R-75 -" .. . 28. to be known as County Road No. (c) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 56-1-75 to be known as County Road No. 56. READ a first time this 17th day of September, 1975. READ a second time this 17th day of September, 1975. lèEAD a third time and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1975. ~ r~~ - - - L. Johnson, A H. Liebner, Clerk Warden 'I -. :"":',¿:,::i:!;,!!,~;,"'-;'''2;¿J!iFf!:;~Q' "'~ I I I ·····1 I, , " I ! ~ II IJ \ j r~'.." ," .,~~,,:.<'{i ,'"" ,,". i; . ® RECEIVED JAM :; 1976 Ontario Ministry of Transportation and East: Building, Communications 1201 wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario. M3M IJ8 January '51~976. Mr. H.R. Johnson, County Clerk, 9 Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 Dear Mr. Johnson: RE: Our F ilel047-12 The attached copy of Order-in-Council Number 3481/75 dated December 17th, 1975 represents approval of By-Law Number 2373 amending the road system of the County of Elgin. I apologize for the delay in processing this Order-in-Council but unfortunately it was misplaced é ABM/Sp Encl. c.c. A.A. Ward A. Zembal .'-J-:)" . "'-'-\.,.. '(,.(Y"(o ('.;~ ):,;f ~~. j . I I '""""'"""-'~·"~'I~:"~:---"~ " " ~fl~ )!II tj D.C. ~481/7,) """'" = ~"""" Ontario Executive Council Copy of an Order-in-Cou~cil approved by Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 17th day of December, A.D. 1975. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Transportation and Communications, the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to subsection 7 of section 41 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 201, approval be given bo By-law No. 2373 of the County of Elgin to amend the road system of the said County. Certified, Tb~l Clerk, xecu ve Council ~ ,~ . ¡;I 1'1 j! ::1 :'1' ., il III 111 'I III I,: ,",'... H. Qounty Clerk. EIÇfin, By-Law on the , '. ;If) I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of nty do hereby certify that the foreÇfoing is a true copy of No. 2373, pas'sed. by the Çouncil of the said Corporation 17th day of September, 19"'75 . L. Johnson, Clerk A. ¿~~ I <) / , -.1( H. LiebMr, Warden,:: [\!. \:\\, \,.1,.-, \'d;',! /;),. '. ,<,..,/¡) the Cou ,'¡' of READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1975. fŒJW a fŒAD a first time this Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 56-1-75 to be known as County Road No. 56. second time this 17th day of 17th day of September, September, 1975. 1975. ( c ) Adding thereto the Road on to be known as County Road Plan Number 28-1-R-75 No. 28. ( b ) Removing therefrom the r<oad on Plan Number 28-1 attached hereto and knòwn as. County Road No. 28 and .. ( 1. The amended by: a ) schedule to the Establishing By-Law No 2166 is The Council of the Corporation of the County of enacts as follows Elgin OF ELGIN UN DER AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD ¡:'UBLIC TRANSl'Ol,(TATlOH 'I'HE AN D HlGHW1W IIvIPfWV1::!ŒNT ¡'lCT. " "1Ï. BY-LA.T¡¡ TO _.0.....- I i,'.jJJWVEME NT lWIE;tm TI-œ BY -LA1:[ SYt)TEI'/¡ ADOFTING A UI,N "-- IN OF CQUNTY THE COUNTY [WilD t~ By-Law No. ;..---".~.~':"":;,.~ COUNTY 2373 --:O;~"~~'~""'~.~,.,"-=",", "'~.''''-''-'-.." """"~--~"'}"">?'i',.,.~.,", OF ELGIN ,f.¡ :¡i If I [I ",II' , :,,1' Ii,1 j'lll ;·i·'.-.;'. ¡",'::T' .,¡., ::.if';; - ~_:!~,¡::1i; ROADS L (: [ f I .~. COUNTY :¡ E L (; I N . PI d ESTABLISHING BYLAW No. 2166 (SEPT 22,1971) AMENDING BYLAW No. 2280 (NOV. 21,1973) AMENDING BYLAW No. 2323 (OCT. 16,1974) AMENDING BYLAW No 23.73 (SEPT. 17,1975) I i i C·'__"_'~ _"',"~'.~."="~~." ._~.__. ~ - ~ DRAWN BY ---------------- 6. C. GORDON _ _ _SÉ~"I:_ ':...7J_!.!!!5~__ DATE A. H. L IEBNER - - W-ÃRDE-N- - --- H L .JOHNSON --- ------ --- ---- COUNTY CLERK u_~_G.:..~l£·.3J'!6:..__ COUNTY ENGINEER BY- LAW AMENDMENT TO THE ESTABLISHING COUNTY OF ELGIN CORPORATION OF THE THE \1J c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G I N ~ N INOEX SHEET , " £ST. BY~ LAW ZI66 AMENDMENT " AMENDMENT , AMENDMENT «('~C), AMENDMENT " AME,VOMENT ROAD PLAN NO, BY-LAW ADDEO- REMOVED BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED <>0, BY-LAW ADOEO REMOVED BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED BY-LAW ADDED R~MOVED " ,-, '00 H '" 3-: ." ,-, 4' 4-' " ,-, 4.' ,-, ,., ,-, 6.35 , , 2323 8- -R-74 0.22 14,3 ,-, , , '" ,-, '" II-I '" 13-1 10.5 14-1 6.65 ,<>-, 7.45 16-1 11.0 16-2 0.' 17-1 ,." 18-1 M '" , " 20-1 '00 20-2 ,." 21-1 - 5,91'> 22-1 ., " 3-' " 24-1 " 24-2 - 4, ,<>-, . '" 26-1 " 27-1 I " 28-1 28-1- R-75 28-1 3.0 '.0 29-1 4" 30-1 0.' 31-1 " '" 0; 33-1 LlQ ~- 3.15 "H ,.'" 36-1 0." 37-1 4' "" " 38-2 " 39-1 11.2 40-' 0.4 ." ,." <\2.,.1 " 42-2 ,0 43-1 . 4.55 44_1 10.4 45-1 9.71 4õ-' '.0 4';-' I " 46-1 ,., 47-1 ,.. 48-1 .., 4''-' ." ,,'-' '''' " , .. 52-2 O. '" 0.' >H " "" 2280 51-[ A.. TAL. MIL,.EAGE 315.27 56-1-75 0.7 TOT"- MILEAGE 318.3 - ¡ ! ..i,1 .'1. ......',,".'" _:.i>i , ROADS COUNTY E L GIN . "'1" ESTABLISHING BYLAW No. 2166 (SEPT 22,1971) AMENDING BYLAW NO.2 280 (NOV. 21,1973) AMENDING BYLAW No. 2323 (OCT.16,1974) AMENDING BYLAW NO.2373 (SEPT. 17,1975) ~ r DRAWN EIY ---------- ------ G_ C_ GORDON ___SÉ~"!:: _ !]J_!.~I5___ DATE A. H. LIEBNER - - WÃRDE-N- - --- H L .JOHNSON --- ------ - - -- --- COUNTY CLERK R G MOORE. P. ENG. -- - --CÕUÑTv -EÑGlNEER - -- BY- LAW AMENDMENT TO THE ESTABLISHING COUNTY OF ELGIN CORPORATION OF THE THE \[) c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G I N ~ INDEX SHEET , ESr BY-LAW 2/66 AMENDMENT ADDEI) REMOVe:o ",.I AMENOMENT ADo<D REMOVED .,~ AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVED 'e AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVeD " AMENDMENT ADDED R$MOVEO ROAD PLAN No. SY-LAW BY-LAw BY-LAW .~ BY-LAW BY-LAW ,., ,-, <00 H '" '-I 6." ,-, 4.6 4-' '.9 5-( 4.' 6-1 '.0 7:-1 6.35 , , 2323 6- -R-74 0.22 !4.3 '-I ,.ÕÕ ,-, '" II-J '" 13-1 10.5 14-1 6.65 '>-1 7.45 16-1 11.0 16-2 0.' 17-1 '.35 18-1 " 19-1 ,., 20-1 10.0 20,2 0.>5 21-1 5.95 22-] ., 1.6 >3-, " 24-1 . " 24-2 - 4.' ,..., , ,." 2EH 6' 27-1 t7 28-1 2B-I-R-75 28-1 3.0 '.0 29-1 ." 30-1 0' 3hl' " ,,-, " 33~1 1.10 :3! .-1 3.15 35-1 i '.œ 36-1 1 0." '" I ., '" " 38-2 0' 3!H I 11.2 '0-, 0.' 41-1 6' 42-1 , .. 42-2 , " 43-1 '.60 44-1 10.4 "'-1 9.71 ...-, '0 45-3 I '0 4~-1 '.6 47-1 ,.. ,48-1 L' og-, I i ~6 "" '" 52-1 ., 'N 0.' õõ-I 0.' "'-I ." 35 1 2260 51-1 0.' TAl.. MIl.EAGE 31527 56-1-75 0.7 TOTAL MILEAGE 318.3 .