2406 H. Clerk ., M. A. Schafer, Warden j ri'EI\D a third time and fina.11y passed this 17th day of Milrch, 1976 ImAD ¡\'EAD a a. second time this first time this 17th day of 17th day of March, March>~, 1976. 1976 Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Sta.nley li'odney Springfield Vienna 1¡lest Lorne Aldborough BayJ:liJm South Dorchester Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth $ $1, 162, 25, 27, 23, 67, 28, 8, 6, 37, 132, 140, 54, 64, 174, 310, 271( 535, 644.71 034.08 798.58 498.24 883.82 412.91 907.83 296.91 167.16 542.39 067.97 522.07 658.57 931.38 238.27 228.11 -_. 833.00 $ $ 81,322.35 12,517.04 13,899.29 ll,749.12 33,941. 91 14,206.45 4,448.91 3,148.45 18,583.58 66,271.19 70,033.98 27,261. 03 32,3.29.28 87,465.69 155,119.13 13~'§14.05 911. 45 767, $ 81,322. 12,517. 13,899. 11,749. 33,94l. 14,206. 4,448. 3,148. 18,583. 66,271. 70,033. 27,26l. 32,329. 87,465. 155,119. 135,614. $767,911. 36 04 29 12 91 46 92 46 58 20 99 04 29 69 14 06 55 MUNICIPALITY 'TOTAL AMOUNT DUE JULY 20/76 DUE DECEMBEr\' 20/76 THAT the amounts as set forth below be levied on a.ll rateable property by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin for the year 1976 llND VIHE¡/EllS an estima,te has been made showing the sum of One Million, Five Hundred 8, Thirty-Five Thousa.nd, Eight Hundred & Thirty-'Three Dollars is re- quired to be raised in the several municipalities for the låwful purpose of the County during the yea.r 1976, on the basis of the above percentages. I\'EFOIIE the Council of the of the of NOVJ THE enacts Municipal Corporation County Elgin MUNICIPALITY Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Bun-fell Port Stanley li'odney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayha.m South Dorchester Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth EQUALI~ $ 42,390,189 6,510,690 7,2.64,556 6,136,247 17,692,058 7,396,097 2,318,060 1,645,577 9,694,967 34,529,124 36,485,337 14,200,638 16,841,327 45,576,434 80,869,296 70,706,846 $400,257,443 · 2. 8. 9. 3. 4. 11. 20. 17. 100. 10 1 1 1 4 1 · · · · · · 59 63 81 53 42 85 58 41 42 63 12 55 21 39 20 66 00% WHEl\'EAS in a.ccordi:lI1ce established 1ISSES::;¡vŒNT PEHCEN:fÆ3J~ AND been vJ'rlEI\'EAS under Section 507(4) of The Municipal Act, the Council of a. County shall, in each year, on or before the 1st day of April, by by-law, determine the per- öèntdge share that ei'lCh muÌ1.icipa.lity shall contribute for County purposes a.nd also the amount ea.ch sha.ll provide for County purposes in that year. with the above Section the following percentages ha.ve -~~---- ...--.--..---- COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No 2406 "BEING II BY -LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SHi1.RE OF IHE COUNTY OF ELGIN iIND lWl0UN1' ---_. '---.-;- EACH lIEQUIRJ:D FOR C,OUNTY _ PURPOSES PERCENTAGE !ÆUNICIP1DGITY WI'TIIIN FOli' THE YEAE 1976 .-'-'--" . "