2407 -. /11 r!~' COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2407 I "BEING A BY-LAW TO jWTHORI~E GRANTS TO BE ~M,DE TO VARIOUS ORGANI¿ATIONS, CORl·Of{ATIONS , INSTrrUTIONS, ETC., DURING 1976." I VJHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc.; NOVl 'l'HEltEFOlÆ the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TfU,T the following grants be and are hereby authorized for the year 1976: Association of Clerks and Treasurers 30.00 Association of Municipalities of Ontario 50.00 Elgin Law Library 50.00 Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario 621. 00 Canadian National Institute for the Blind 1,250.00 Salvation lLrmy - Maintenance 500.00 Elgin County Pioneer Museum 500.00 Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology 200.0Ò - University of Western Ontario 400.00 - University of Guelph 400.00 - Wilfrid Laurier University 200.00 - University of Waterloo 200.00 Uni versi ty of VJestern Ontario 3,000.00 l{eporters 50.00 St. Thomas Young Men's Christian Association 3,000.00 Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded 1,500.00 The Local Agricultural Office for Fa.rm Organizations & Junior Farmers and Institute Groups 3,000.00 Agricul tural I'(èpresentati ves Act 500.00 The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the: County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Gra.nts to these Societies. Elgin Farm Safety Council 150.00 County of Mid.dlesex - (A.C.R.O. Hosting) 375.00 IŒAD a first ti me this 17th day of March, 1976. l,(EAD a second time this 17th day of l'iiarch, 1976. I,(EAD a third time and finally' passed this 17th day of March, 1976. __/~/~ ~ J fui~ ( H. L. Johnson, M. A. Schafer, Clerk 1¡.Ja.rden .