2411 ~." ~o ~ '" Johnson, Clerk . j A. Schafer, Warden M. -"4cL~ ImAD a th ird time and fina.lly passed this 19th day of I:';ay, 1976. RCAD READ ALL AND SINGULlifi tha.t certain parcel or tYijct of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Dum-rich, in the County of Elgin, being composed of part of Lot A in the 11th Concession of the said Township, particularly designated as Pé¡rts 3 and 4 on iJ Plan of Survey, registered in the Land l(egistry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11 as No. D-1123. a a second time this 19th first time this 19th day of day of 'llay, IliiJY, 1976 1976. County of folloldng Dunwich. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the Elgin a.re hereby authorized to sign a deed for the parcel of part of Lot A, Concession XI, Township of NOW TIIEIIEFOlIE the Council County of Elgin enacts as follows of the \i'iHEllEi\.3 the Corporation of tho County of Elgin has agroed to convey to Port Talbot Farms Ltd. lands not n(~eded for road allowance purposes, being composed of part of Lot A, Con- cession XI, TOliDship of Dunwich, in exchange for other lélnds to widen County Road 16. Corporation of the TO "BEING A BY -U\W --- CONVEY LAND IN TO THE T01¡JNé3IUP -- ilUTHOI(l/jE .-- THE OF ViAIIDEN DUN1¡iICII ---- i1ND TO CLEEK POET TALBOT F ¡\TlMS LTD." .----.---.- TO SIGN 1\. DEED By-La.w No . 2411 ~. (V ~--- COUNTY OF ELGIN ,--..,:~-_._-- '-'~---.~.~'... ""=' .~,~-~~..".'-