2412 It I COUNTY OF. ELGIN By-Law No. 2412 "BEING A BY -11\ TO AUJ.'UOli'I:¿E THE1¡UiIlDEN AND CLEEK TO SIGN 1\ DEED TO CONVEY LAND IN THE TmiNSIUp OF. SOUTH1ilOLD TO ELFfUEDE Nl'CIŒSON." WHEllEAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell to Elfriede Atcheson lands not needed for road allovmnce purposes, being composed of part of Lot 7, Concession V, Township of Southwold, for the sum of ~Þ6,300.00. N01¡] TlIEI~EFOlŒ the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That the ~{arden and Clerk of the CorponJtion of the County of Elgin are heJ:eby authorized to sign a deed for the follmdng parcel of Lot 7, Concession V, Township of Southwold. ALL AND SINGULJ\Ii' that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of all that part of Lot 7, Concession 5., in the 'J'ovl11ship of Southvrold in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario designa.ted as Parts 14 and 15 on a Ti'eference Plan deposited in the Land Ii'eqistry Office for the Reqistry Division of the County of Elgin as Plan 1IR-967. SUBJECT to any rights established in fa.vour of Ontario Hydro across Part 15 on said Ii'èference Plan. Ti'E1\D a first time this 19th day of May, 1976. Ii'Elm a. second time thi s 19th day of May, 1976. llEllD a third time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1976 ~4 - "'......_ . lðt.. M. 1\. i3chafer, VTarden 0 ~