2415 ~~k ~~'J ohnson, Clerk , ,---- -~f4_- T/¡. A. ,)chafer, \,vaxden IIEAD él thj rd time and fina.lly passed this 17th day of June, 1976 11E1\D a 11£110 a 3 'I'HAT Ba.yha.m, Aylmer, be combined and Board of Education second time first time the municipaJities of Belmont, Springfield, alloted four 4) members this 17th this 17th day of June, Ilia lahide Vienna, the . day of June, 1976 1976. on Dorchester and Fort Bunvel Elgin County South, 1 2. mømbers on TWiT the municipality of Ya the Elgin County Board of I rmouth be alloted two Educat ion. 2 1. TWiT the municipalities of Aldborough, Dum¡ich, Southwold, Eodney, VJest Lorne, Dutton, and Port Stanley be combined and al10ted four 4) members on the Elgin County Board of Education ELGIN THE ENACTS, COUNCIL OF THE CORFOl'lATION as fo 1 10'\\1"8 : OF BEING A BY -L1\.VI TO DE'L'El(!/iINE THE COUNTY ~ OF ELGIN MUNICIPALITY OR MUNICIPALITIES TO BE I'IEPRESENTED BY EACH MEMBErl TO BE ___m_ ~LE~Ç~_lN 'I'JIlLJ3CHOOL DIVIi?ION OF THE COUN'I'Y OF ELGIN J?L THE PUl?LIC :3ÇJ:L90L _ ELEC..:rm~ OF:..J'HE COUN1'Y OF ELGIN." THE COUNTY OF ~.....""_"='''w"~'''''''Zre'''.,'1''i''''""''\ .,,',:\<~.::::,~':i',"1!.'·ê?;è',,,:¡,,,,~:;~p:!'~'!r,· . .". , ,\: 'i1j'Y!';;~+;"" ;,~..>~, COUNTY By-Law OF No ELGIN 2415 ____ '¡jí(