2416 ~' Johnson, Clerk . H. M :~ A. Schafer, ~r~n IIEAD a third time and finally pë1 ssed this 17th day of June, 1976. r~EAD a rlEAD TrIAT the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin be <''nd UTe hereby authorized to sign the necessary agreements Hhen approved by the Elgin ÌlIanor Conunittee of I!i¡ma.gement. U second time firs I: time this 17th day of June, this 17th day of June, 1976 1976 NO"\/ THEIIEFOI~E the Council County of Elgin ena.cts a.s foJ.loHs of the Corporation of AND WIJEREAS fronl time to time it may become necessa.ry to enter into aqreements with persons operating said satellite homes for the purpose of providing residentia.J. services and payment for services provided. the for the ì/HElIEAS The Homes for the Ag'ed and l(est placing of persons fo:( residential ca.re in Homes Act provides satellite homes. TO SIGN --- UDEIJJG ---, JUK-LA'i;[ TO_ ALITH~ß_...:nill VU~ßN 2.NQ.. TI~ AGltEEMENTS vHTH PEr~SOW3 TO OPEIIA'rE SATELLI' ,---"-- .-- ,-- rE HOl,0ES.. CLERK OF THE COUW£Y " ~--_.- r " .. '-'''- '~{.,--,.,,~ By - Lél\'.f COUNTY OF No. 2416 ELGIN