2421 11' 0;,,J H L Clerk . J lVl. A Scha.fer, Warden Ii'EAD a third time and fina.lly passed this 15th day of July, 1976 ll'EAD a Ii'EAD a. fÜst time this That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Donald A. Whitney and Rose Marie Whitney, for the purpose of joint development as a Sand and Gravel Pit under the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971. second time this 15th day of July, 15th day of July, 1976. 1976 County of NOW 'I'HEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Elgin enacts as follows ment AND WHEli'EAS it is be done by agreement deemed advisable that WHEREAS The County wishes to develop their property in Lot 25, Concession V, Township of Yarmouth, jointly with Donald 1\.. Whitney and Rose Marie Whitney, owners of adjacent property in Lot 24, Concession V, Township of Yarmouth as a Sand and Gravel Pit, under the Pits a.nd Quarries Control Act, such develop- 1971. Ii'OSE MJ\Ii'IE WHITNEY " AGli'EElViENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN JìND DONALD A, ì¡ffiITNEY AND "BEING A BY - LAV'I TO AUTHOIUZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN By-Law No . 2421 rr· . ",. '-"~---J..>--~._~_. ":.,:,..,.'...._.:: ':'C'_'''''':-''_'''' . ." . <"'.' COUN'I'Y OF ELGIN "~------'-.-"- ---'-~--- ----_.._,-~-