2428 .--' ¿~ a L. Johnson, Clerk ;.u j -~Jt M. A. Scha.fer, Warden ]í'EAD a. third time a.nd finally passed this 20th day of October, 19'16. ]í'ELW l~Elm a first a second time this time this 20th day of 20th day of October, October, 1976. 1976 2 l\1L l\ND SINGULlUí' that certain parcel or tract of land and premises si tua.te, lying and being composed of all tha.t Pa.rt of Lot 30, Block 16, Registered Plan 149, in the Village of Dutton, in the County of Elgin, and the Province of Ontario, designatEJd as Part 1 on a. Reference Plan deposited in the Land ]í'egistry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin a.s Pla.n llR-986. That By-Law No . 2426 be and the same is hereby repealed 1. Tha.t the Warden and Clerk of County of Elgin are hereby authorized following parcel the Corporation of the to sign a deed for the County of NOW 'I'HElí'EF01í'E the Council of Elgin enacts as follows agreed allowance Plan 149, the Corporation of the vlHE]í'EAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has to sell to !VIr. John W. Crowe lands not needed for road purposes in that Part of Lot 30, Block 16, Registered Village of Dutton, for the sum of $5,750.00. '1'0 CONVEY LAND -- "BEING A BY-LAW IN THE VILLAGE '1'0 AU'rHORIL;E OF THE ])UTTON W1ŒDEN TO MR AND CLE1~K JOHN '1'0 SIGN w CROWE l\. " DEE]) By-Law No ~:"., 'I'~'~;';~"--'-"""~-""-_'h__"" r . -.. COUNTY OF . 2428 ELGIN ,.----- -._"_.,---~----