2431 ~ 1:\ " C Johnson, lerk " A \t,Ia Schafer, rden H II. F~EAD a. t ird time and finally passed this 17th day of November, I 1976 . READ ALL AND SINGULAI/ that cert<'Ün parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and beinq composed of all that Part of Lot 20, Concession X, Township of Yarmouth in the County of Elgin and Province of Onta.rio designated as Part 1 on a I/eference Plan deposited. in the La.nd I/egistry Office for the I'teqistry Division of the Coun'l:y of Elgin a.s Plan 111/-1110. I(EAD a a second. first time this 17th day of time this 17th day of November, November, 1975 1975 County that Pa of rt Tha.t the Elgin are of Lot 20, Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the hereby authorized. to sign a. deed for all Concession 10, Township of Yarmouth. County of NOW THlŒEF'OJi'E the Council of the Elqin enacts as follows agreed to not needed Concession WIŒIi'EAS sell to for 10, Corporation of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has Norfolk-Elgin Properties Incorporated lands road allowance purposes in that Part of Lot 20, Township of Yarmouth, for the sum of $11,300.00. the PIWPEf/'TIES I NCOl/PO!'tATED . " M_ ._ TO "BEING -- CONVEY LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YAIi'MOUTH TO AND CLEEK NOIŒOLK-ELGIN TO SIGN .~-- A BY-LAW TO AU:J.'HORI¿;E THE WARDE N A DEED By-Law No. 2431 COUNTY OF r...............--·"-·~' .' "-"- }~u);:""(~"':-:: _ _ r ELGIN ._------~--~----" '-