2433 , L Johnson, Clerk oJ 1\ Schafer, VJarden H ...-?'Ay. ,./r..... .~~ !II. READ a. third time a nd finally passed this 17th day of November , 1976 PEI\.D r~EAD a. first time this 17th a second time this 17th day of November, day of November, 1976 1976 THENCE south-westerly in a straight line a distance of 660 feet to the pl¿we of beginning, containing by admeasurement eight and nine one-hundredths (8.09) acres be the same more or less, save and except that part designated as Part 115 on Deposit Plan 1066. limi t of THENCE south-easterly, said lot a distance of parallel to the 532 feet; limi t of THENCE north-e,,-sterly, said lot, a distance of south-.vesterly parallel to the north-westerly 660 feet; said THENCE north-westerly Lot One, a distance of 536 along feet; Lot One, point in the COlVIMENCnlG at a. point in the south-westerly limit of said distant 917 feet meilsured south-easterly thereon from a the west angle of said lot; south-westerly limit of ALL AND SINGULJ\.R that certain parcel or trilct of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Southwold, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot 1 in the Fifth or Gore Concession of the said 'rownship of Southwold and which may be more particularly described a.s follows That the Warden a.nd Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby a.uthorized to sign a deed for all that portion of Lot 1, Concession 5, Township of Southwold of Elgi NOli! '1'] n enacts ŒIŒFOIm the as follows Corporation of the Council of the \iŒIE!/EAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell to Lower Tha.mes Valley Conservation Authority lands not needed for road allowance purposes in that pa.rt of Lot 1, Concession Township of Southwold, for the sum of :/)1. 00 County 5 , VALLEY CONSE!/VATION -~- .- ,-- AUTHü!ucry. .----.. " DEI: D TO CONVEY LAND ---,- "BEING A BY -LAV! --.-.---- AUTHORIZE IN THE TOvINSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD .-------- WI\l(DEN AND CLEEK TO SIGN A .---------~-_._---- TO LOVŒR THlì!iJES 'rü THE By-Law No . 2433 ComITY OF ELGIN ~ " . .~----".~~ --.--.-.------.-- -- --- :...:..i.'.:'.,'..,..,.,.,,·..··. ,,' . --