2435 ~' t \, i/ 'i' -c/ _7 a -L'i:::'..12"....:--at-.. .s;.. "'. /- I. L. Clerk _Ltl A. Sell Warden ~-:':>... ,./7 ,;...,y ,-~- Johnson, ,.;? ~ --::: " M. afer, I?Ei\.D a third time and fina lly passed this 15th day of December, 1976. ¡?ElID a seco nd time this 15th dåy:. 15th day of Decenmer, of December, 1976 l~EAD él f .lrst time thi s 1976. 0' J IT tIiT this !'3y-Law by-law become effective January henòby repealed 1st 1977 4 THAT Each member shall remunera.tion, $10 investigates No 2401 . be 00 be paid, in for each and. the same addition to the above application which he is 3. o - Over 5 5 , , o o ) ) o o miles miles 2016 1716 per mile per mile In addition to the above remuneration be paid the follovrinq rates for each triwelled in attending such meetings each member shall mile necessari,ly c For attending a meeting of the Committee when held in either the forenoon, afternoon Dr the evening - $27.00. b In attending a meeting of held in both the forenoon of the sa.me day - $44.00. it the Committee when it is and afternoon or evening is a I'HA'I' the paid the mc:;et ings members of the Land Division Committee be follovling remuneration for attending of the said Committee: 2 Alista ir ittlejohn to hold office until January 1 1980 Fred C1 Ù Shively to hold office until January 1, 1980 J lilìp 1~l Sch1eiha.uf to hold office until January 1, 1979 N oble G !;ufford to hold office until January 1, 1979 KiJ rl Bartley to hold office until January 1, 1979 John V NicKi nlay to hold. office unt il January 1, 1978 vlalter D Nelson 'l'HN.I' a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee: to hold office until Ja nuary 1 1978 1 County of NOVJ 'l1-IEI~EF'OEE, Elgin ena.cts as The Council of the Corporation of foIImvs vlHEliEAS Section 30 of constitution and appointment of The Pla.nning Act provides a Land Division Corrunittee the "BEING A BY -LA\'\) TO APPOINT A LAND DIVISION C()]/û'ÍiI'l'TEE." ----~._----- ._~,--~-,_._._~---- .- for the III' By-Law COUN'l'Y OF No . 2435 ELGIN --:.'-_.---..-.....-...;".-_- <.."'"