2444 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2444 "BEING A BY -LAW TO CONFII¿M BY -LAW No. 77 -6 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF --- DUNWICH; A BY -LAW TO STOP UP OR CLOSE AND SELL A POI¿TION OF A R01\D ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH." -- - WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Dunwich on the 2nd Day of February 1977 A.D. did pass By-Law No. 77-6 to stop up or close and sell a portion of a road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession 5 S of A lying and being situated in the Township of Dunwich more particularly described in By-Law No. 77-6 of the Township of Dunwich, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND ~ÆIEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-La,,; sha.ll not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at a.n ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law by the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-La,,; confirming the said Township of Dµnwich By-La.w. NOVJ 1'HEltEFOJŒ the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 77-6 of the Township of Dunwich being a by-law to stop up or close and sell a portion of a road allowance in the Township of Dunwich be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 16th day of February,"1977. READ a. second time this 16th day of February, 1977. ItEAD a third time and finally passed this 16th day of February, 1977. ';{~ L. Johnson, D. K. Cook, Clerk Warden r' I Reeve IfECEWED FE B - John W. Campbell ~ 19<71' R.R. 3, Dutton .. II I Deputy Reeve Municipality of Dunwicfì Wilfred Cowan, R.R. I, Wallacetown Councillors Glen Walters, R.R. I, Dutton Donald Lyons, R.R. 2, Dutton J. Donald Campbell, R.R. I, Dutton, Ont., ........F.e.b.:.,..~.7 ,............ 197..7· Iona Station Treasurer June Shipley, Dutton Clerk F. D. McPherson Telephone 762·2204, Dutton Mr. H. Johnson, County Clerk-Treasurer, 9 Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas, Ont. Dear Sir: RE: By-law No. 77-6 On behalf of Dunwich Township Council I anii1asking for confirmation of the enclosed by-law No. 77-6 at the next County Council meeting Hoping to hear from you. Yours truly, -f:4Yn·'ß~ v Clerk. """ ~;¿, ",., t ¡:Jì "'v' ì'. /077 ìf, lP l'~éJ-f/i'''. ," ,J Q'77 s'¿'.t,,\.}':;¿ ;~;.\·;t" f'J t ,-" ." / I .". 1/' / , 1!:!E!lOÞ~ :r.ot$ 1:Z .an;l UO ,1't.hw ¡t$!lt, elol%'t the l1o~·t.hwøl!l.!:!t lin11t of the !:'Oad J.' in OoMO$!:!lon 5SotA be) t11,$ pJ.IlC$ Øtbegln!úJ1!t;. elløw.anoe b$tween maCE !1o;!;"th..$A$t e,lQng; the l1.o,'t\'t..we$t litdt of the rOad allwanoe between 00110$$$:1.011 5SotA and. oonøøsl!iO!'1 6. a dililte.no(¡ of 66 feet tQ it$ intel'lì'ot:l.on ¡<11th the I1Qrth"$IMtt 1:1mit of the road allwanoe bGtW~1 !At$ 12 e.nd 1;1: !n. OOrtoElilildl.m ,$otAI 1'!œN0!i1 lIo1.d;.h<-elllst along tho Jl 'Qu;t,h"w$lIt UmUof ¡¡úel rOAd ailwe.nO$ to ita int$ ;'$fi Ct.ion w1th tho 1'Oll1d G\llQil6e.no!ll bet;ween Oono$$$1Ort 53QtA end Oonøell'îlion 6; ~mNCE north 47°113 t;1 1'!~tO¡¡¡ l1oX'tb ,q.$()OO.l 'lUNGE north 47°J,à"jj 'mJ!JN'OE no:t'tb 470l¡J!). n ~ Wl!!NO¡t gòUth 46054" WGi1Jt a1.Øngl1l. wiZ'è tonee to :Lt$ in~ø$ectton witñ the nòrt~øt Um1t. of th1ilQ1'1~ ~ alj,l»lance between. lo1í$ 12 and 1:3. Gcmeeaaiøn $'3ot.(\, which :La tbe p1aøe of be¡rt;nning of the toll~ d$lJcript: .¢¡U TI\!!1)NO¡¡: $Iouth 46°54' west å(lX'Ole said, X'01l.41111Q101e.ncotß d1l.$tance of to Us int6Z'aeotion with thl!) IJOU.thwwlilllt 1:1mit of said :road: a:U,QWatlCel 66 te\\lt ;:;41.:;,1 fÉlet; Oumo noal1, . , ì:U.ú~ce otSlt5.00 teet.; west &long Ou.1'rie no~d ¡¡;, dbtince of 352_'5 t'oatl , "'~lItal~ a~e noa.d, 4 <iii te.nCØ of 24.60 teet; west alQng west I!\long OOMJ!; MOING tit , 1'01l1t :11'1 thE! inteV!lection øt the !loutl1,.w\l !iJteX'ly :'1:1.1\\1t of ~1e Road ä!lshœm on Plan D91 and tM !ilòU1¡h<-eaatorly :!.1tïd.t of tot 1.2>, OOrto!lila1on ~O.t'Jl.1 Currie Road, a ì:U.stenoo of PlØttsm that the blill:lrlng of the nort\'t..eaetel'ly 1:1mit Qt Clurrilil Road :1a nø1'th 47ólV3' we, t¡" as shøwn on DI):po$1t/ild Plen 91, e.nd all bearings h"1I'IiI1n .1'$ II'IiIlat/ild tb$?'/iltol ALtAND ðINOOLAR that¡ . ce!:'to1n parcel Ø1" ttl1l,ct¡ of 1.Imd and p:t'ðlUiSi!lS" g:Lt:w!lte" lyin¡; l1U\d b$:1n¡¡; :!..Ii the 'l'Wl'lsh:1p of Punwtob" in the OQ'lmty ot ¡r4$1I1, $'.nd PrQ!l':1.noe ot Ontariø, b<l1ngoQl¡\þQsØåot all of theorigb,!il 4I.UOWe.nCíI tor road botwGen Løtll 1::; an,l J3. OOrt<lI.l\'l$1011 j'iSofA, inQ:t'ð partie.- u1wJ,y de$øribeð. at;! tollQil6s 1'!W~Eth4! t'llmiotpa.10Q'lmc:U 01' the '.!'om'l$hip øt Dunwll.eh él'l!\<lt!ll M 1. 'lIfA'r ß :portiOl.\ of the ~d Al1wa~lcé b<lWß!I!'1 thíl 'l'o1llnli.h1p of Dur~w1øh, !lMU 'bíl ø1.0iJ~ and wh1¢h d/il!llo:r1bed tAS follows. tQt,$ 12 and 1:3, aúd pQrtion is OonollSl3il'm ~30tA. IMj" putieu3.a1'ly in foJ.lQWS! .t\m)·wmmJ1;AS thiIJ ÞihUû.e1pal Qorpo1'at:Lon of th/il 'l'ownii$hipof II\:In1<.'\i.oh h,\$ øømpUed with Sílctton JJ¡,6 of the M\¡¡¡'lioip>Ìl1 A<lt aa to åd!f$X't1!.(~1n.t:¡ theb inttntJt.ønót olQs:I.ng and Iii,.. þQ(1¡:!.n,i of iii JloX'tion Q.t' the Road AUø'l1Iene$ between Lot~ 1.2 &1Ii! 1;3. OQuo&lIdQn ~of A. 1t1 t.b$ '1'~lIhip øt lJunw:!,oh. AND mml~j\',A$ 'I;he Oounø:IJ.ot tbb Muni¢ip$1,it.y têela that. t.b1a pCi'Vfèr /bould !at;! !lMX'e:lllod ~ar$ßIU'd!il ~ pwt.:1on of thO! R~d Allwdll.n¢Ð betweon Løta 12 ana 13, Conøi!ll1lsion $;30£A, !n. the '1'O\!;~'u h1pof' DW1tllicb. !ìl11IR1i:I\$ un!.!.;, Obaptør #'.8.4, $eotion };,43 at theliJwl1cipal A<lt, thll OQW1o:l.l of 1.\11Y Huniø:\.- pn1.ity 1a g!.vøn the $10\0/&1" to J!II¡IJ~ by-la~13 fo'$' atopp1n.t:¡ up' and (R~ò$:1ng of an:r h:11!;h1'¡ay 01' plU't thø"ot within the ~{un1c1p¡¡JJ;t.¡¡r. Bi!I:1t1g a 13y..le.w tQ e.uthorirue thê$toPpin£l; u.p i)r clQ(1¡ing àI1d selling of II. portiol'l ot the ROad Allowance batweEm Løtll 12 e.nd 13, Conoession 5SotA. in the 'l'oWlwb1p of Dun~ri.(lh_ . OF 'J$]:. l'M'lIC1?J\I. OQ~'nQN 01 !t'HE1'QWNSa:tP OF' D\1N1\'ICH BY-u¡.¡ llUM!'JER -6 , I ;! , I I I ¡I Ii \ il ') ~ and FIN'ALtY PA:3,3ED t!d:iJ evé dtIJT of F$¡'~qt -£Û.fk~. C~I!I 1911. II r ,I READ af'it'at ~h m{~ J;y...laI1 IIball ì'J1iM1I$ htQ f'Ql."òe and t!'lke (1!,t'.t'eot on 1);).'1(1 aEtw its ò~nr.¡¡,tion by' the Council at the Covpol."lit.i00 of tb$ CöUnty otElgin, ¡wI its regi¡:¡t:¢'liIt:l.on :in the Regist.r,¡rOtti<ìe at the Regtøtr,¡r D:1.rta:l.on of the QQtmty of ElgÚl. an,'\' aecond t:tme ;l. I 2. :mAT the ~eve ,and 'l'x'eIMJUì'er be autho'l.':bed to :I?u:rOhni'lillJr of the e.bove portion of l!:ll'ld. 2 dispose of and íI'<Jm'tey title to the l .i ¥' -0'/\ Çl~;~k ~-' "'''.~'' Certified truecöpy That By-law No. 77-06 being a by-law for closing certain portion of unopened road allowance in Concession 5SofA, Lots 12 & 13, Township of Dtmwich, passed on February 4, 1977, be rescinded on grounds that' closing procedure was not completed properly such as advertising and posting notices, and by-law No. 79-2 passed February 7/79 by Township of Dtmwich Council replaces By-law No. 77-06. ( sigI'lea'ÐTDon,(;ampbell .¡. .., , i? Reeve Secondedfby~ Wa.lters I Mov~d by Gfaham ~:)' Deputy Reev~~ "'~" Glen Walters I' R.R. I, DuttQQ' ". ' CounÇJl1~tš¡ Donald ?¢. Graham R.R. :¡i Dutton Donald ~{MeW:iJ¡¡a¿n R.R. 1';' Dutton 'j' Bl1\~ llillînan .r R.Ri!þD!tt!9n{ '" ·'~)1'_<~,"':,:'. "" ..fr. Treas~r'!"1:" June ShiPiiiy}jjlÍi,'h .};¡'Clet\: '>5{',,:;~:,::":":"',: , .!"'# F. D:' McPhersQn ,: Telephone 762·2204, :ìÐu!tpn DUTTON, ONTARIO,NOL IJð ~__ M~JC_cÈ~~~.?L_~_~_ 1979 Municipality of Dunwic/ì "J ~r .oFFICERS FOR 1979·1980 Reeve J. DomÚd Cìunpbell R.R. I, Iona\ Station COUNTY OF ELGIN CLERK·TREAStJ.RER'S OFFICE ~Œ~ŒavŒ® . MAR 7 1919 .