2451 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2451 "BEING 1\. BY -LAW TO AUTHOIŒ¿;E THE 1¡\fARDEN AND CLEEK OF 'rilE COUNTY TO SIGN AN AGl~EElVlENT WITH THE TOWN OF AYLMEI? RE: 'l'EitRACE LODGE." -- -"-- - WHEREAS The 'rown of Aylmer has constructed sanitary sewer and water service lines to se-rve Terrace Lodge Home for the Aged, located adjacent to the Town in the Township of Malahide. AND WHEl~EAS the capital cost of construction ($19,500.00) is to be repaid over a period of twenty (20) years in accordance wi th a. proposed schedule, a copy of which is hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS a. cost for the treatment of the sewage ha.s been calculated at FOl?TY CENTS ($.40) per ONE THOUSAND (1,000) imperial gallons of wa.ter consumed. NOW 'rl-IEREFOlŒ the Wmrden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the Town of Aylmer setting forth the repayment of capital cost of construction and the cost of treatment of sewage for the Terrace Lodge Home for the Aged. READ a first time this 18th day of May, 1977. READ a second time this 18th day of May, 1977. TtEAD a third time and finally passed this 18th day of May, 1977. ~ \ ¿¿ ~.",' I ,:;, ~ - 1. Jp D K. Cook, Clerk Warden " ~I!') "",,, {~':.: C- 0-/ ~ c) , c;< </ ¿ 'ì~/)r7" 7', J l. :) , ---,""'-""~--' CTJiHY OF ELGIN CLERI(-I iii::ASURER'S OFFICE .~. ~Œ@ŒavŒ~ OCT '2' 1977 - October 6, 1977 County of Elgin, 9 Gladstone Avenue, ST. THOMAS, On tar io Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a copy of the Agreement between the Town of Aylmer and the County of Elgin, setting out the manner of repayment of the cost of facilities provided to serve Terrace Lodge which council authorities have signed. We hope that you will find it in order. Yours truly, r~ Clerk-Treasurer JSF:pk Encl .JOHN FCY, CL;ERKwTR£ASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR TOWN OF' AYLMER .~ ~ AYLMER, ONTARIO POSTAL'ADDRESS 46 TALBOT ST; WEST NSH loJ? TELEPHONE 773-3164 ... ~o.... ~.'~."'....~, ~_.,.."'-:.:: ' - .-. "-. .';;í year up to and including the 1st day ()f ,Tune 1996. ~'he 1978 and thereafter on the 1st da.y of ,Ttme 1n each and every prinoipal and interest to be maÇ1e on the 1st day of ;June , preoeding the interest payment date, the first pa~nont of r¡¡1'I::e of thø Eank of Monteral for the year immediately bala.nce owing frOtH ti¡n<!o1 to timf~ at the averaq;.) prime l<')\¡¡ding interfò\S t oaJ.cl.1lated not: in advance on thø outstanding principal before the 1st, day of ,:Tune in each yøar togøther with THOUSlU~D DOLLARS ($1 ,000.00) on principal payabl<1! on or In ninet.(~en consecut:J.ve annual installments of ON~ County undertakes tC) repay 'I'he Cl'OW!1 in tho following m;)\xmer I NJ:'t.iJ:iJTEEN THOUSAND, FIVE ¡:¡üN¡::'Rm) )OLI,1\J~S ($19,500.0Q) 'J,he the benefit of ~'he Count:y at a capital cost of approximately 'J:he f1'Otvrt procecd:b¡ç¡ to iXlEItall t:.he a:EOrG~ar,lid fac:iHties for. NO'N' ~:H11;ltL~:r.""iORÁ~ W!:PN,BSßEI):!,H tL1H21.fJ; ü} consid0!ration of and ilal prepared to compensate '.1"ho Totqn for t':11é Saine. of Terrace Lodge, requires t.he ongoing use of these ±'aciH·ties .iIl'm WHEREAS The County, being the owner and operat:or of r1alahid¡¡, in the County of rUg:!.n. Te~race r~dge located adjacent to l:Phe ¡.'own in t.he To't'mship ,~orkl!! and has provid(\)d r:m WH!~ {ßAS The 'J.'O'i'ln owns extension of t.hese faoilities to c€/rtain v/ater and sevlage '1'he C(Hmty" THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY -_.- --- ----" hereinafter referrec1 OF ELGIN to as Ill..:! - "'f'he Town" hereinafter referred ~~..£2.R:!?"ORA'!'ION OF THE T01i~N OP AY1:.J-A.Ji):!< tø as 13 of ~, A.D. September !~ '" .. i'Ï 1~ EN ; 1977. THrs AGREEMENT måc'ie in quadruplicate this 14th day balance is to be paid on ~le 1st day of June, 1997 toge~1er with accured interest thereon (:alculated in 't,he hereinbc!:(,ro mamlG!.r.. ~7A~r.lm RM'J; '1!he County undertaJccs to "Pay to The Town on or before t:h~\ 1st day of ,Tune, ],978 /,'!1'¡(1 on or before ·the lot: day of Jc~~e in each and eve~l year thereaft.er for a period of five yearn the sum of FORTY CENTS ($.40) par ONE THOU8ÞJ,D (1,OOO) imper.1.al gallons of '[¡later cQnsUI1ìed by Terrace 1:,0(:.,)',,,, ~'he annual CŒ11p¡msatiol1 to be derivaQ by douJ:¡linq t.he '-,¡:m,mm¡1t,'ton indicat:ed on th.?> métar at: ')','errace Lo(lge f!or the s:b( wlnter months, Nov(~¡'(\ber 1:hrough April, preceding each paY¡¡lent da,t.e. At the Q~piry of the flve year period, the parties agree to amenù!::he rate for ONE TïIQUSl'.,ND (1,000) :I.:mperial ga11.01.1S char'ðod t,o ry,'hc County to coincide ~,Jit:h thé CQzi;. to ':I.'he ry!O,"ffi as (ted;eri1d.ned by ':!!he '.rOlr\ll'l mlqinee!' at tha.t tim€>, In 1:,he event that 'J.'ne Town is forced t;o expand :i.tiS present treatmeni; facilities '!Il.ithin the fir",t five yea.rs both parties agree to amend t.he rate per ONB THOUSAND (l,O()() imperial gallons accordingly, the first ~aendad rate paY~8Dt to be made to ThE! 'I'own on the first: dllY of June i1\1!!\edia.t,<:;;ly following t.he completion of any $\1.ch ex¡nmd,on or :i.!!1pJ:ovcml'~rrt, TIIIS AGr-æBMENT is to be binding upon the p¡¡;rt.1.Gs heretQ, their successors and assigns. :m WI'l'Nl~SS ~œ:EREOF th~ Corporat.ions have hereunto affixed their corporate Seals duly attested. by the hands of' their proper signing officers and duly approved by resolut.:lon or by-law pursuant to the provislons of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284 and amendments thereto. 'l'HE COHPORATION OF THE TOWN OF. A.YLMEI I _ ~../U"...q-'~ r:C..- I . MAYOR ."'-. ~-- ..--.- J "- OF 13 iii ~~~~. Deputy Clerk ----- · ~='--- GLOIN, :t,ITTLB & HALL Barristers & Solicitors 139 ':J.'alw"t Street, East Aylmer, ontario :t'-DL:kg åGREEJ:1EN!r OF ELGIN THE CORPOP-ATION OF TEE COŒ'1TY and AYI.J:<:œR THE CORPOP-ATIŒl OJ? TEE 'I''Ct'ÌN OJ? BETíiEEN :: September 14th, XX~~, A.D. 1977 DATED: ~c~t I i 'c" ,. I J.