2465 '" 'iii· .¿+1 ¡y,","" , ,l" COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2465 "BEING A BY -U~W TO APPOINT A DIRECTOR FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." WHEREAS Section 11 (1) of the Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act provides that a Council may appoint, as administrator of a Home for the Aged, a person who has in the opinion of the Minister, served satisfactorily as an administrator for a period of at least six months, and has successfully completed a course of instruction that is approved by the Minister. AND WHEREAS Mr. Fred J. Boyes has complied with the above-mentioned requirements. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin wish to name Mr. Boyes as Director of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Mr. Fred J. Boyes be and is hereby appointed Director of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. 2. THAT By-Law No. 2340 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 21st day of September, 1977. READ a second time this 21st day of September, 1977. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of September, 1977. , , ~~ ~ G. C. Leverton, , Deputy Clerk I~ , f<' '.,.,> , >,' "-. " ® ~ Ontario - - Ministry of Parliament Buildings Community and Queen's Park Social Toronto Ontario Services M7A 1 E9 Senior Citizens 4th Floor, Hepburn Block Telephone: 965-5103 October 11, 1977 Mr. G.C. Leverton, A.M.C.T Deputy Clerk-Treasurer County of Elgin 9 Gladstone Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 Dear Mr. Leverton: We wish to aCknowledge receipt of By-Law No. 2465, which appoints Mr. Fred J. Boyes, as Director for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens (Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge) . May I and our staff congratulate Mr. Boyes on his appoint- ment. Yours sincerely, ¿Ur~r'-"J ". . '-"- ---",,1 Lawrence Crawford Director LC:BT:mz c.c Mr. F.J. Boyes Mr. Walter Chmiel Mr. J.M. Hamilton ~Œ~ŒQWŒ~ OCT 14 1917 CG.!,:TY OF ELGIN CLERil- ItiEI\SUREH'S OFFICE ,.I GCL: jvms Encl. G. C. Leverton Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Yours truly, You indicate in your letter of ImçjUst 16th, 1977 that approval for ·this by-1m, is not required, but that your records will be altered accordingly on receipt of a copy of the by-law. I am enclosing a copy of By··La"l No. 2465, Mr. Fre:d J. Bé)yes, a.s Director for the Elgin County Senior Citizens (Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge). \"i'hich Homes appoints for Dear ¡'iir. Lawrence Director ~:3enior Citizens' ministry of Conwunity & Social 4th Floor, Hepburn BloCk Péuli<;¡me¡'\t Buildings Queen's Park 1'OkON'l'O, Ontario M71\ lE9 ç.' . ~)lr Services I~··· Crawford September 2b, 19'77 J~ \..V./ RECEIVED AUG i 9. 19'11 Ontario Ministry of Parliament Buildings Community and Queen's Park Social Toronto Ontario Services M7 A 1 E9 SENIOR CITIZENS' 4th Floor H<õ!pburn Block August 16, 1977 Mr. G.C. Leverton Deputy Clerk~Treasurer County of Elgin 9 Gladstone Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 Dear Mr. Leverton: This will acknowledge your letter of August 5, 1977 , concerning the appointments and title change for Mr. Fred J. Boyes for both Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Homes for Senior Citizens, County of Elgin. For purposes of the present Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act, Mr. Boyes will, of course, be approved as Administrator of Terrace Lodge and there will be no difficulty in this regard. Mr. Boyes' back- ground and record of service are well known to us and I am, quite frankly, delighted to see the development which has taken place. The present Act has not recøgnized other titles other than Administrator. However, as you may well know, we have such titles in use in Regional Niagara, Regional Ottawa~Carleton, and other communities. It is therefore perfectly in order for County Council to pass By-lawscreáting .a new title and position for Mr. Boyes, and we will change our records accordingly for information directories, mail, etc. , on receipt of your advice of the passage of the necessary By-law. Continued 2 If ~ 2 ~ I take the opportunity to wish you and your associates well, and to say how much I am looking forward to being with you at the official opening of Terrace Lodge and to express again, my congratulations to Mr. Boyes Yours sincerely, Lawrence Crawford Director LC/ls cc Mr. Walter Chmiel GCL: jvms G. C. Leverton Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Yours truly, It was our original intention to have the necessary by-laws passed at the September 21st, 1977 Session of County Council. If approval can be provided prior to this date it would be appreciated. The Elgin County Council have adopted a report recommending that Mr. Fred J. Boyes' title be changed from Administrator to Director, with addit ion of Terrace LOdge Home for Senior Citizens. However, his original appointment as Administrator of Elgin Manor was subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. vie would therefore request the necessary approval for Mr. Boyes' appointment as Director of both Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Homes for f,enior Citizens for the County of Elgin. r August 5, 1977 Ministry of COlnmunity & Social Services Senior Citizens' 4th Floor, Hephurn Block Parliament Buildings Queen's Park TO¡"ON~.'O, Ontario Attention: Mr. Lawrence Crawford Director - Dear Sir