2470 L~_. ~ ,,~,,~ '. Gi C. Leve~to.n, Deputy Cllérk ~ D. K. Co.o.k, Warden READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day o.f September , 1977. READ a second time this READ a first time this 21st day of 21st day of September September, , 1977. 1977 3. THAT this By-Law beco.me effective January 2nd, 1977 . 2 . THAT By-Law No. THATlfarley L. Jo.hnson be and is hereby appöinted Deputy Secretary-Treasurer o.f the Elgin County Homes fo.r Senior Citizens. . 2087 be and the same is hereby ;repealed. 1. NOW THEREFORE the Co.uncil o.f the Co.rpo.ration o.f the Co.unty o.f Elgin enacts as fol1o.ws WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to have a Deputy Secretary- Treasurer fo.r the Elgin Co.unty Ho.mes for Senior Citizens. COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." IF r1 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A DEPUTY SECRETARY-TREASURER FOR THE ELGIN By-Law No.. COUNTY .." OF ELGIN 2470