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COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2484 'A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW JlDOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANS PORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT IACT." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The schedule to the Establishing By-Law No. 2166 as amended by By-Law 2280 & 2323 & 2373 & 2403 is further amended by: (a) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 30-1- attached hereto and known as County Road No. 30. (b) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 31-1 attached hereto and known as County Road No. 31. (c) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 52-1 attached hereto and known as County Road No. 52. (d) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 30-l-R-78 attached hereto of the Road to be known as County Road No. 30. (e) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 3l-l-R-78 attached hereto of the Road to be known as County Road No. 31. (f) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 52-l-R-78 attached hereto of the Road to be known as County Road No. 52. RE:I\D a first time this14th day of December.. BJ,77. RE:I\D a second time this 14thday of December, 1977. READ a third time and finally passed this 14th day of December; 1977 ._- -~./~~ -£ Clerk Warden ~'t·· '<":':'::, Ii" ·.·.~~~c~ (~ ~'¡" ','2:';,",,',::.' ""'-"-"---~~- HW/nr enc1 ,II Yours very c(fi0 1Y'JJ H. wargeJ/ Municipal Projects Co-Ordinator tru The cronof1ex plans and reduced copies are being forwarded under separate cover to Mr Moore, County Engineer A copy of Order-in-Council No for your records 379-178 has been attached Please be advised that Her H1n¡~ the Lieutenant Governor has approved By-Law No. 2884 to amend the County Road System for the County of Elgin Re Dear Mr Mr. G. C Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, 96 Gladstone Avenue St. Thomas Ontario N5R 2L3 B Leverton: 2..'¡-Çf ""Law 2884 . Amendin.!L CountL Road System ~Œ©Œaw~~ FEEl 211978 COUNTY OF ELGIN CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE February 16 1978 Ministry of Transportation and Communications Municipal Roads Office 1201 Wilson Avenue, 7th Floor, West Tower Downsview, Ontario M3M 138 r"·'''''''' .. 'qV-"" !i·(ê):::-:-::'" "",'."i·'.'-'" I .Gf) Ontario ~---- 1'1' ¡II I; I , r \ \;,~;.J ) 1 _"'<:IP'""""" ~""""~ Ontario Executive Council çopy of an Order-in-Council approved by Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 8th day of February, A.D. 1978. Upon the recommendatio~ of the Honourable the Minister of Transportation and Communications, the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 41 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 201, approval be given to By-Law Number 2484 of the County of Elgin to amend the road system of the said County. Certified, ~ Deputy Clerk, Executive Council. .--",.- , ..T . ... [I ~fBJiiit~::=;:~~;~;~~~,~~~t;Zji,",;'c.c~;~'';~'''2;~"~~. L r!:,', '·"'.c,'"",n·'.~"'·""-'~""·"." .,'.....,'..,'.....:.,._; ''''::,.,'~.._..._.,-_.. ,,- ,', ",~."'.-"~' --" ---,~.~_._- r~ Deputy Clerk, Executive Council Certified of Elgin to amend the road system of the said County approval be given to By-Law Number 2484 of the County and Highway Improvement Act , R.S .0 1970 Chapter 201, Subsection 7 of Section 41 of The Public Transportation the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to the Minister of Transportation and Communications Upon the recommendation of the Honourable day of February A.D 1978 Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by dated the 8th , Ji!íI'" ~l:\ i ~ m'tr-X rrW'23 ,"""', Ontario Executive Council a.c. 379/78 ..,~<, ¡: I.';"" II 1/: I;,' ¡:!i . II ':>.1 'I; ¡¡IT:¡ , 1·'1 I '.,L:) "'1 /: '111: 'I' ,:'¡j.J!;ú! If)"1 -"'1", ·,i)"I::1 .·..·1,(:3 '(!k¡!tl l¡I¡!:IJ " ¡-i¡f!:U '{I'PJ'; .ii;~:: :1; t, ,( ·U~,i:i!H' "1'1 ·I'i" 'I¡,I':"{¡' '!ìTli::'j '¡""! :11·, "'/1' -",j,::i,_:;., ;;')":";1 :Hr."JI r;: ':. I i¡,' . [",.; "'-'1 ,;.- "1 ¡'¡it J';¡¥I ! il. I-r!j I !~¡ "oj)'; i Hi ':¡'¡!lr¡j I· !,;hi I ' I ili :¡:¡r U:l! 'i)! o s R OA COUNTY E L GIN AMENDING BYLAW No. 2484 (DEC. 14 ,1.977J AMENDING BYLAW No. 2373 (SEPT. 17, 1975 ) AMENDING BYLAW No. 2403(JAN. 19,1976) AMENDING BYLAW No. 2323(OCT. 16, 1974 ) AMENDING BYLAW No. 2280 (NOV 21, 1973) ESTABLISHING BYLAW No. 2166 (SEPT 22,197/) YARMOUTH !MALAHfDé r BAy/iAM SOUTH II 197, DRAWN BY ------~-------- G_ C. GORDON -...;_..:P£~_-c!1.:!..-1~..?...? _ DATE -- DAVID K.. COOK - - - -CÕUÑTY - WARDËÑ ---- G· C,' LEVERTON -ÖEP.- coüÑTY-cï:ERK ---- R. G; MOORE. P. ENS. ----CÕUÑTv-EÑGïNËER - -- BY- LAW AMENDMENT TO. THE ESTABLISHING OF ELGIN COUNTY CORPORATION OF THE THE JIll,' ..".' " ",,~ , í ~ "I \iJ c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G / N ~f;/ INDEX SHEET " EST BY- LAW 2/56 AMENDMENT' " AMENDMENT <- AMENDMENT <- AMENDMENT '<"" AMENDMENT ROAD PLAN No. SY-LAW ADDED REMOVED BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED ·0 BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED ." BY-LAW ADDED R£MOV£D BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED " , , MO H '" ,~ , '''' >-, ,., ,~, " ,~, " ,~, ~ '.0 ,~, 8.35 , , 2323 8..,J-R-74 0.22 2403 8-J-R-76 ,-, 14.ð '~I 8-2-R-76 8-I-R-74 12.29 '" N IS-i-R,-7S 15-1 0.57 '" " , '''' '" 10.5 14-1 6.65 15-1 7.45 16-1 11.0 '" 0.' 17-1 2_35 '" " 19-1 ,., 20-1 10.0 20-2 0"" '" 5.95 22-1 " ,>-, ,., 24-1 " ,., " ""' '" 26-{ 61 27-1 " 28-1 2373 28~ I:R -75 28'-1 M '0 29-1 '''' 30-1 2484 30 -[ ~ R . 77 30-1 4_75 0.' 31-) 2484 31 -I - R- 77 31.-1 1.00 " "~I 0.' 33-1 1.l0 " , 3.15 '" 000 " I m, 37-1 " 38,...) " 38-2 0.' ", 11.2 40:-1 0.0 41-1 ,." 42-[ " 42-2 '0 43-1 'ß' 44-1 10.4 '"',' 9.71 "',' '0 45-3 '0 46-) 3.' 47-1 ,,, " , L' "'~' " 50 i '" '" 2484 52- -R-77 52-1 6.10 "' 52-2 0.' '" 0.' " I "" '" 2280 SI-I-R-73 0.' TAL MII..EAGE 315.27 2373 56-I-R-75 0"' TOT AL MIJ..EAGE 316.86 í ¡ I I ,