2493 "" y:.;"".,....J G. C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk D. K. Cook, Warden I?EAD a third time and finally passed th is 14th day of December, 1977 READ a READ a first time this 14th day of December, second time this 14th day of December, 1977 1977 3. THAT this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1978 2 . THAT By-Law No THAT Mrs. Rose M.. Daniel be and is hereby appointed Deputy Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. . 2470 be and the same is hereby repealed. 1. of NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County Elgin enacts as follows: WHEREAS Treasurer for the it is deemed advisable to have a Deputy Secretary- Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. COUNTY HOMES "BEING A BY~LAW TO APPOINT A DEPUTY SECRETAl?Y-TREASURER FOR FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. THE ELGIN -'\~- c " -----' By-Law No COUNTY OF ELGIN - --".-- . 2493 ~._¡: "--~.'"