By-Law No. 2497
WHEREAS it is desirable to exempt certain lands in the
County of Elgin from the absolute prohibitions in By-Law Number 2208,
THEI(EFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin enacts as follows:
1. Section 2 of By-Law Number 2208, shall be amended by
adding thereto paragraph (f) which shall read as follows:
(f) Estate lots.
2. Estate lots, for the purpose of the By-Law shall be defined as
(a) A lot having an area of not less than two acres;
(b) A lot designated as "Estate I(esidential" under the
restricted area By-Law, for the local municipality wherein
t4e lot is located, and
(c) A lot, for which a building permit has been issued
to permit the construction thereon of one residential unit and
- -
(d) A lot whereon it is necessary, to properly 10ca.te a
residential unit, to remove trees to permit the construction
and proper maintenance of the said residential unit, together
with proper access thereto.
3. The Owner, prior to removing any trees from an estate lot,
as herein defined, shall
(a) File with the proper officer appointed under By-Law
Number 2208, a plan of the said lot, showing the proposed
location of the residential building unit, the type and
number of trees to be removed and the location, approximate
number of, and the general type of trees to remain on the
said lot, together with a copy of the building permit.
(b) Obtain from the said officer, written consent to
remove trees.
4. In all other respects By-Law Number 2208 shall remain the same.
READ a first time this 14th day of December, 1977.
READ a seoond time this 14th day of December, 1977.
IŒAD a third time and finally passed day of December, 1977.
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G. C. Leverton, D. K. Cook,
Deputy Clerk. Warden.