2505 ~~~,{;.'--:,-"",,,..,.J')r,' 1J··;":"""h'h'" t:~"}~""",,-, COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2505 "BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NO. 1932 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM; A BY -LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLOWANCE TIiROUGH LOT 114 N.T.R." ~lEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass By-Law No. 1932, to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R., lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more par- ticularly described as Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan llR768, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Munic- ipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law by the Council of the Township. AND vlliEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law con- firming the said Township of Bayham By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1932 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R., in the Township of Bayham, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1978. .') /Î' ? " '/ ~",,~-;r::¿,~,,-< ~J ¿ f/' ...., "~ __I?>;¿' , - .,/) (í--1./1'-<. ( ?/C/:2-'1/ð"- C/ G. C. Leverton, 1. R. Carroll, Clerk Warden ," J I;, .\, ~.:~ ":", ,,..~,.~the road al:1owance' through Lot 114 N. ,. '--, .. ,- .. .. '::"-,:-::' " 'j.;:: \ .. :c",::,_:,,', _ .. _ .". "'_' _ _'::' situa' in the. T owi1 ship of BaŸh¡m¡ m;'r~ .\',~<;-:;':," ',' .; , .. , ,'.. - .. ,- ','" bé'd:~: ,arts3,;5,<i8:,:a, :j.S, 19ànd 21 ,,;':\ie;~.':.:;'(,:-'-·':':;, '.."" .;"':~,""'.: ,':\Y:, ~"" _,' ,'" ' ,::"\,_ ',:, of.' $iri,' ,11·R , 76s'on (f.:He in 'the ,Regist .' .,"," '\'~':;.?,:],-> '. ;'. .. ';',: .. "-0- f,""-~ the. D,t 'yÙiòl1\ói'~Elgd.n~ 'ibes'töþp~d' u ", ::" ¡, ",\',~I,,~;;<,~.,,: :'" er:",',i 'at d :a11owanc~Ô'be offè¡'~ci up' ar{d'<~ ~ . ¡, ~ . :"' -, ';¿,' , , .. >.. '-, .. :~' bùt er or, own'èr~;.:: '," ' , '" .. ;:;i:;,'}:'; >1 .. ,:",,';,_, ' ~t ' .Cl,erk, Q):íe'.'h#,re1:¡y;authoriZ I, ','," " '. :;._....,::.,,<:."; :"" ,', . '" , .,' irer r the· said."'Ì¡i¡fds" under the ",::;~": :J,'."', c" .' ',:':~:;':';-<;:',_:~¡,';~i'+:·;'~'\'r~,.t,j~,:;";.', ',_'"' , !õll'et;ô t1i~: 'škid~~bútting l.and ¡. " , ',' ,'),'..:::):/-.:: :")'> .,," ,.' " I ' _ i '.\',~: '~:;~, '. . ..,', ' ')" , rhird 7· '. ..",¡ " '. c ; '.) ,~ ;,'p,"'¡ P<.;.:"---; ti1~ '. " t,',' THEIJ.EFORE. , "" ," :¡:'/:' 1, a,Fir::¡t t " , ITE " .0 the Municiipal . ~ "': ; , , . Council' . ') " , of' " I. B.:E WHJi:REASthe Muni ~i?aJ; i).c:t,~; S ~ 0 :',:~,::ßV:~"":i;',)::" ,r',''-' ".\ ,- ,:,:: " ,:: : ,¡ ;'i'i<rJ,~.).~:{,:;\:,:·.<,;,,:--':::,:;,':';;) ,,',;- ,~" ';'. ',', adtJ1ð~i'ty' för nlUhíi.CiPali t:ies. to which;is 'SÓSt9Pþ~d up. . Township of Bayham . ~: Section ;',:~_'.ii::,;""'5'i,O . ( 1 ) ( . -~¡ ,\ in the CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1932 BEING A BY~LAW to stop up and close and sell a road allowance r~""""d'"W''''''''' :_'",,,~þr;i::;:,~¡\~_o:W~'i?Ö)t';~;,':~-: '¡J::':>' ,',- r?'''''' '"i'