79-43 Ii IFir '/:":' COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 79-43 BEING A BY-'-LAW ŒONSENTINGTO THE 'STOPPING UP OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN LOT 7, CONCESSION 1, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH." WHEREAS notice has been received by registered mail from the Township of Yarmouth, indicating their intention to pass a by-law stopping up the ,road allowance in Lot 7, Con- cession 1, Township of Yarmouth, South of County Road 24 to Lake Erie (Hawk's Cliff), from sunset to sunrise in each and every day. AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin has no objection to the said passing of the by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the County of Elgin consents to the passing of a by-law, stopping up the road allowance as described above, from sunset to sunrise in each and every day. READ a first timè this 13th day of December, J,979. READ a second time this 13th day of December, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 13th day of December. 1979 ..- ~-~¡¿,?-,-./ ~a.~ G. C. Leverton L A. Longhurst Clerk Warden ';.:""f.~"":\":,:"~""".~.~"~,,,",,,,,,._.... o Filed ø Referred te "e~, .......... . CR BRUCE B: y~',u.',_.~='qt r,ulY ,,>...~_. } ~r_;;> ¿:;¿5':~ BLAKE Take notice of the provisions of said Section 443 (6) (a). I would ask that the County notify the Clerk of the Township, in writing, by registered mail or personal service within 60 days of the receipt of this noticeH the Council of the County of Elgin objects t~ th~ passing of the proposed by~law Take notice that the Township of Yarmouth. intends to pass a by~law stopping-up the road allowance hereinbefore described from SUnset to sunrise in each, and every day and further intends to provide for the e.rection of baracades to enforce the due observance thereo£, Re Closing of,Road Allowance In Lot 7, Concesston 1 Township of Yarmouth; South. of County ROÇl,d 24 being the Fai,rview extension commonly knQwn ÇLS Hawks Cliff, ' Gounty of Elgin 9 Gladstone Ave Court House St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 3Gl Atfenti,on Clerk Dear Sir COU'HY OF ELGiN CLERIHREASU~ER'S OFFICE REGISTERED MAIL " f]lŒ~Œa~~® NOV ~~o 1919 F'"'' I:;:;:'" ~ iJ-; ~~ '-.."L '~ ißrUtt ~L ißlah, IfiIfi.~. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY 16 METCALFE ST. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 3,)9 TELEPHONE (519) 633-5500 ),9 November 1979