79-6 "!lEING A By-lA" ,0 CON,reM ,y_U" NO. ,,-32 OF 111' <<",,,,,,,IP OF S01J'l'll"" LD' A "" -LA'" ,0 S'l'OP 1ll' j\}1D SELL A ROAD ]\L1J:J'l""" TN 'l'I-IB TO~NSJ:lIP OF SOUTm'lOLD. II ~ ;llIERE'" the coanoil of the ,o"n,hiP of South""ld on the Gth daY of N,,","""or, 197&, A.D. did ""~ By-LAW No. 7'-" to ,top up and ,ell' ,oad .llowanoe. be,ng ooopO,ed of pa>t of tM ,o,d all""anoe be_en Range' No,th of tM Union Road and Range' $>,t of the Riee' Road, "t~ated.'n t>e ....,niP of Sout",old, oo,e ""ticula'lY d;,C,'bed ,n SchedUle 'W' of By-LAW No. 7&_32 of the .o..""h>? of South""ld. a true copY of which i' he,euoto anoexed. j\}1D ,"'El"'''' p",",uaot to tM p,oei,ioo of the ""oiC- i",l Mt the ,oid 'o"",niP BY-LA" ,hall ~ot ha" aoY fo'c; antil conf"..d bY a By-LAW of the coanc,l of t~ Couoty ,~ which t"" .""""hip i' ,itoated, p.".d .t ,n o,d,na'" ..et,ng of the Coanoil, held not late,.than one ye.' afte' the pa"- ing of the By-LA" bY the CounO,l of the ....""p. AND """""'" appWation han been oade to thO coancil of t"" Co,pO,ation of the county of Elgin fo' a By.Law oon' "",ing tM ,oid 'o,""hip of 50uth""ld BY-La"' NO< TH'REVORE the counoil of the COrP',atio. of the COu.nty or Blgin enacts as folloWS: ""'" By.La" No. 7,-3' of the ."".,hiP of Sout",old bei'" a BY.LA" to ,top"" and ,ell a pO,tion of a ,oad all"'" anoe in the .....n,hiP of South"old be aod thO ,,,,a" hO,ebY comf irmad-. COUNTY Of ELGIN By-LaW No. 79-6 R,," a fi"t tioe thi' 17th dOY of Janua,Y, 1979. READ a ,eOoud time thi' 17th daY of Janue'Y' 1979. R,," a thi,d tfoe and finallY pas,ed thi' 17th daY of Janue'Y' 1979. ~~~-7 G. C. Leverton, .. Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 'rB" COUNCIL OF Till'. CORPORATION OF TilE TowNSlllP Of 500",,"OL11 ,"'C15 f\S FOLLOWS: , b1-1'W 10 ,loll-UP ,od ,,".' cIrt,in road allowance in the Townsh~P of southwold By-LaW No. "1'13- ~;;)... 1. "",t tbe ro,d ,lloW'o" n'" p"ticu,",I1 d<,crib,d' in 5CbCdUle'~'h,'l be ,od tb' "n' i' b",b1 ,t,pp,d-ull' Tb,t tbe "id Io,d "".,nce '0 ,tOOOcd-,O ,h,Il be offeICd ,or "Ie to tbo,e oWner' .bo,e l,nd' ,but ,ncb ,,10U,oce ull to the middl' line theteof. 'fb' pu,cb"e Oric' to b' O,id bY "cb of th' oune" ,h,ll bC ,t Ib' "tC of 11,500.00 p,r ,CIC. If '01 ,ucb own" do" oot I,erci" bi' ,i,bI to p",ch'" within IS d'Y' tbI couocil '" ,ell thI O,rt wbicb he h,d tbe rigbt to Ourcb'" to ,n1 otber O",on ,I the 2. said price. <0 day of Nov, 1978. RE"" TlllUl" TlMllS ,",0 l'IN"L1 ",53CD Ihi; - "'" ~\.c.~.~ Clerl<: .-/ Reeve certUlad a True Copy ----1-'- <=- ~0 '-" )- ..- e\er\(- Treasurer -r()'\ilol,,~~l" ..,.... ,..,,0.' .-. ....- AC' ANO "NGUl.An that "ertain paro.' or tract of ,and aou p,emi'." ,itUate. 'yin' and bein' io the Town,hiP of ,outhno'd io the count' of ."in and province of ontario being compo,ed of part of tht noad All,"OO"e .etoaeo nange 2 North of the Uoidn ROad aod Rao,e 2 'a,t of the Rive' ROad in the ,ai' ,,"o,hiP, ~o,e pa,tieUla,lY ~- described as follo~S:- p_""G that toe he "in, of the weetedY umit of the Road A"",aoee Betoean the ,oWn,hiP' of southed" and Yarmouth (Tonnline Road) it North 3"'" lO' Baa t, a" bearing' he,e in baiog ,e ,ated thereto; C"","BCING at a poiot io the ioter,ectiOO of the Bo,tha'lY Umit of the "id Road AH,"ance Eetneao Range 2 North of the Union Road and Ranga , ca,t nf the River Road (hereinafter ,eforred to ao the "ROad "'oW,,,ce"l with the "eeterl1 limit of tho "id .oWnlino Road; "",,"cs Bo,th 78" 13' 20" we' t a'=o u>e Norther l1 limit of thO "id . Road oU oW anoe" a dre tanCe nf 166. lO feet to itS inte"ecti 00 with the south-sa,te," limit of a Given nond ae doecribod in nepolt NO. ,02 of "oon BostniOk, datod APril 6th, 1833, to to' J~oaoo District General Quarter session. .NBNCS south 46" ". ". West a'ong toe south-""terl1 limit of toe eaid Giveo Rond, a distance of so.5' feet to ite intOreaetiOn with tho soutMrl1 limit of the "id "ROad ,,1'" once' , ""ENC' south 78" 13 . 20" Root aloog tho South" 'Y Umi t of tM eaid "Road AUoWanoe" a distance of 222." feet to it' iatOreeotiOn "ith thO "eeter'Y limit of the "id .oWnline Rnaa, .",,"CB Nortb 3.'" lO. '^' t a' 009 thO wee tt< 11 limit nf the eaid ...nline Road. a dietanoe of 66.7' foet to the point of ooromeooe- ment; CON'nlB!NG bY a...a,u,e.ent an area of 0.29' acree b' toe ,ame more or lesS. DATED: \\lev G;~ 1978. A by-law to stop"up and sell a certain road allowance in the Township of Southwold By"Law NO. ., 'B -3~ McKay, McKay & Vedova, Barristers and Solicitors, 344 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. ...