82-1 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-1 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD ---'-----.........----------.-.-.....-.---..----------------------------------------..<------ IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE -----...----_.......-----""""----""""--'---...--..._--------------------.._-----..............------.._-~--- COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY ------.<----------......--------------- ---~---------- IMPROVEMENT ACT." -------------- The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Gounty of Elgin enacts as follows: The Schedule to the Establishing By-Law No. 2166, as amended by By-Laws No. 2280, 2323, 2373, 2403 and 2484 is further amended by - (a) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 39-1 attached. hereto and known as County Road No. 39 and (b) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 39_l-R_82 to be known as County Road No. 39. / READ a first time this 20(h day of January 1982. READ a second time this 20th day of January 1982. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January 1982 ~~~ ---------------------------- G C. Leverton Clerk .;¡,o.T.tJ..... DAY OF.:r./;\AI.IlAt.'i.J~lI:l -,-<-<--:.,C......,..:-:/, .................. THE I, G. C. LEVERTON, CLERK OF THE CORPORA· TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COpy OF ß.Y~ "AW. Ñ.C!.. J~d..., PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON ~.-' .-' , ", '. . ..}' ,'~~</ '", ¡, (1~. 1¡i~'Z\.ì\"·~ì p\;,., , \\ '" .to..! ') (~~'l1L',> --.......::."';')1..:[....-. :,t...~ ~~. - R F H P T . . G. Moore C. Brown H. Greenly Froggatt P Wood ..J cc stem Please be advised that on. May 13, 1982 His Honour the Lieutenant Governor-in~Councilapproved Bylaw No. 82-1 to amend the County Road System for the County of Elgin A copy. of Order-in-Council No. 1231/82 has been attached for your records. The cronoflex plans and reduced copies are being forwarded under separate cover to Mr. R G. Moore, P.Eng., County Engineer. Yours very truly, B. L. Nemethy Project Co-ordina BLN/lh Encl II ® Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications Mr. G. C.Levertol1 Clerk-Treasurer County of Elgin 9 Gladstone Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 Dear Mr Leverton COUNl'i Of £LGI" GLERK.TREI\SURE~·S OFFIC~ ~@Œtro\l\ID MAY 31 1982 I May 19 Municipal Roads 3rd Floor, West 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M US 248-3621 (416 1982 Office Tower 1 \ I , ltj Order in Council ,....,. Onlario "Executive Council Onthe recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and cOl1currence of the Executive Council, orders that pursuant to Subsection 44(7) of the 'Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, RSO 19.80, Chapter 421, approval be given to Bylaw Number 82-1 of the County of "Elgin to amend the road system of the said County. Recommended Minister of hL ..v--I=ielJ tenant-Govel Certified to be a true copy. Ass bmt Clerk, Executive Counci O,C·123l/82 ~;..;..:.~ I, G. C. LEVERTON, CLERK OF THE CORPORA. TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COpy OF ß.Y~ "AW. Ñ.C!. J~d ..., PASSED BY· THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE .;¡,O.TJ:I.....DAY OF .:r./;\AI.IlAe.'i.J~lI:l ~'-<...o<.-'-<-<--.~ ......, ................... ...... -' I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 82-1 "A BY-LA!.J TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD ---~----_._------------------- --:----- IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE ------------------------ COUNl~2I_~LG1N UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAX IMPROVEMENT ACT." --------- The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the '. County of E~gin enacts as follows: The Schedule to the Establishing~ By-Law No. 2166, as amended by By-Laws No. 2280, 2323, 2373, 2403 and 2484 is further amended by - (a) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 39-1 attached hereto and known as County Road No. 39 and (b) Adding thereto the Road on Plan Number 39-1-R-82 to be known as County Road No. 39. READ a first time this 20th day of January 1982. READ a second time this 20th day of January 1982. READ a third time 'and finally passed this 20th day of January 1982 ." ',', __ __, «,00 , -~., .". / ~~-<-<--~~ ~-v --' , ,/ ~ ."./"' " ,,- ,.) >;-- ~·~.·'''.ý'"t ;,../ .-;:-/,"----,. ~ ---"-------- " \,c-{. <jl Shaw, G C. Leverton, Clerk Wa~den. ~ ~ -;~', ,.. ~ _..' ..,."~."'"~~.: ~.~:~,.<t:~:.~ / 'í.-'<t\'''-. <~> \:.. ...,Þ , t.... \. '. \ r .. ' '''A? "'.; 3: ìl ~ p ~ ~'i t:ï '"::1 -' \: r ,,~ -.... ........ .~_. : .-;:> ...'1 ~~., . .~~"/ </"Þ., D¡ST >": . ;,','nO~\.,;;-'~<::-/ G( t . t'... _ '" ," ',' r., ..<:'~·1·.: .-'" ransp:_ " 1. ',C I, G. C. LEVERTON. CLERK OF THE CORPORA· TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COpy OF flY.-J.,AW. Ñ.C!. J~d,., PASSED BY, THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE .;¡'O.TJ:L... DAY OF .:r./;\AI.Il"e.'i.J~1I:l ~,-,--,<---,-<-<--,~ ..............~....................