83-10 , COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 83-10 ~BEINQ-ð~Y-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SALARIES OF VARIOUS POSITIONS OF THE CODNT1~ËLGIN.~ \ :\1 WHEREAS persons, holding certain positions within the structure of the County Administration, have been appointed by by-law; and .'" WHEREAS it'is necessary'toestablish th!= remuner?-tion to be paid to the persons holding"these 'positfons'. ' "!:' "" NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council ,of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1- That the salary or remuneration be established as follows - POSITION BIWEEKLY RATE ---<----...-_- - ' Clerk-Treasurer $1,349.34 ) Secretary-Treasurer, Homes for Senior Citizens £ 153.85 ) Deputy Clerk-Treasurer ,"j, ~24 ;69 , ~ 71. 85 Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee County Engineer & Road Superintendent 1,~22.3l Plus'µse'of a C01.1nt!~ vèhic1e ;" Assistant County Engineer 1,364.08 Director, Homes for Senior Citiz~ns 1,503.19 Assistant Administrator, Homes for Senior Citizens 1,125.54 Director, Social Services 1;240.81 2. That By-Law No. 81-60 be, and the same is hereby repealed. f. 3. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1983. READ a first time this 31st day of March, 1983. J~: READ a second time this 31st day of March, 1983. READ a third time and finally passed this 31st day Majrch, 1983 _~ < ~-<-:::_7>-'h./ --- -~ l-4~~ ~, " , . .......""""----- G C. Leverton E. H. Má1't Clerk Ward.én /'