83-11 ,j)B-'J1!:I I" COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 83-11 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PAY SCHEDULE FO:R EMPLOYEES COVERED BY THE JOB ~ ---- '---' .!';YALUATION SCALE, OTHER THAN CERTAIN ROADS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS By-Law No. 81-58 presently establishes pay schedules for positions not covered by agreements or otherwise; and WHEREAS a review of the rates indicates that adjustments are deemed necessary'. NOW THEREFORE the following schedule be and is hereby adopted: 1 CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE BIWEEKLY RATE.§ - - Clerk-Treasurer $1,335.27-1,388.92-1,444.92-1,503.19 . Deputy Clerk-Treasurer $818.08-852.19-887.69-924.69 Custodian $686.31-715.46-744.65-773.85 Land Division ~ecretary-Treasurer) $594.92~6ì9.23-644.96-67l.85 Payroll Superv~sor ) . Assistant Custodian $6l9.5¥i--6t;5.35-672.l2-700.l9 ,'," Payroll Clerk ) $491.65-510.,96-531.04-552.00 '!'J.;. Clerk-Typist ) 2 ROA~ DE~ARTME~1: Engineèr $1,617.62-1,683.08-1,751.27-1,822.31 Plus use of County vehicle Assis~ant Engineer $1,212.15-1,260.77-1,311.38-1,364.08 General Superintendent $1,103.12-1,147.15-1,193.04-1,240.81 Plus use of County vehicle Assistant General Superintendent $1,001.15-1,040.96-1,082.38-1,125.54 Plus use of County vehicle Technician $1,001.15-1,040.96-1,082.38-1,125.54 Office Co-Ordinator $740.96-771.92-804.08-837.58 Bookkeeper $594.92-619.23-644.96-671.85 Clerk-Typist $491.65-510.96-531.04-552.00 .~ " 3 ELGIN MANOR - ,',< Director $1,335.27-1,388.92-1,444.92-1,503.19 Di'rector of Nursing ) Assistant Administrator ) $1,001.15-1,040.96-1,082.38-1,125.54 Building Supervisor ) Assistant Director of Nursing ) $818.08-852.19-887.69-924.69 Dietary Supervisor ) Bookkeeper $594.92-619.23-644.96-671.85 Clerk-Typist $491.65~5l0.96~53~.04-552.00 4 MBM-ºE LODG!2 Resident Co-Ordinator $673.35~701.42-730.65-76l.l2 Clerk-Typist $491~65-5l0.96-53l.04-552.00 5 SOCIAL SERViCES Director ,$1,103.12-1,147.15-1,193.04-1,240.81 Field Worker $673.35-701.42-730.65-761.12 Clerk $542.15-563.50-585.77-609.08 rtv, '''''''I 6 LIBRAEX BIWEEKLY RATES --------- Librarian $1,212.15-1,260.77-1,311.38-1,364.08 Deputy Librarian $1,001.15-1,040.96-1,082.38-1,125.54 Semi~Professional $740.96-771.92-804.08-837.58 Library Supervisor $818.08-852.19-887.69-924.69 Bookkeeper ) $594.92-619.23-644.96-671.85 Library Assistant ) Clerk-Typist $491.65-510.96-531.04-552.00 7. That the following 40 hours of work premium, for the Office Co-Ordinator in the Engineer's Office, be added to the basic salary schedule as shown: Effective January 1st, 1983 - $12.85. 8. That By-Law No. 81-58 be, and the same is hereby repealed 9. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1983. READ a first time this 31st day of March, 1983. READ a second time this 31st day of March, 1983. READ a third time and finally passed this 3lst~ay of March, 1983 ,'1 ;;. .~> ;,,:, '.:; .~;; " f¿¿ " __ ~~"L~~ ¡ih~/d(;~ G C. Leverton, E. H. Marr, Clerk Warden '.'"