By-Law No. 83-25
The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin, enacts as follows:
1. DEFINITI0J'.!~ in this By-Law
"AUTHORIZED'SICN"'means any sign or device placed or erected on a
highway-UndeŸ-thë authority of this By-Law by the County Engineer
for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
"BICYCLE" is a vehicle as defined under The Highway Traffic Act.
"BOUtEVA~D~shall be construed to mean that portion of every high-
way within the limits of the County of Elgin which is not used as
a sidewalk or a travelled roadway.
"BUS STOP" means a part of a highway designated as a point at
which buses stop to take on or let off passengers.
~MMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICtE" means a motor vehicle having permanently
attached thereto a truck or delivery body and includes ambulances,
hearses, casket wagons, fire apparatus, buses and tractors used for
hauling purposes on highways.
"CORNER" with reference to a highway intersection means the point
õf intersection of the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or
in the absence of curbs the prolongation of the edges of the road-
"CORPORATION - COUNTY" means the Corporation of the County of Elgin
~OUNCIL~ means the current Municipal Council of the Corporation of
the County öf Elgin.
------ ,
(i) that part of a highway at an intersection that is included
within the connections of the lateral lines of the side-
walks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the
curbs, or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the
roadway, or
(ii) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere
distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or
by lines or other markings on the surface.
"CURBLINE" means where the curb is constructed, the line thereof,
-- ,
where no curb is constructed "curb line" shall be construed as
meaning the edge of the travelled portion of the highway.
~~JiAY" means improved land on a highway which provides vehicular
access from the roadway to a laneway or a parking area on adjacent
.::QßQ§..LJil2.!i.::!:!I: means the combined weight of vehicle and load.
~IGHWA~ includes a common and public Highway, Street, Avenue,
Parkway, Driveway, Square, Place, Bridge, Viaduct or Trestle
designed and intended for, or used ,by, the general public for the
passage of vehicles, under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin
~ROADWðX~ means the part of the highway that is improved, designed
or ordinarily used for vehicular,traffic but does not include the
shoulder, and, where a highway includes two or more separate
roadways, the term 'roadway' refers to anyone roadway separately
and not to all of the roadway collectively.
dtêtIõ~in t~~rea
a member of the Police Force having
parking meter that is placed
official to indicate that
over a
a parking
bag or other covering for a
parking meter by an authorized
meter is not to be used
PARKING METER" means a device that shall indicate thereon the
length of time during which a vehicle may be parked which shall
have as a part thereof a receptacle for receiving and storing
coins, a slot or place in which such coins may be deposited, a
timing mechanism to indicate the passage of the interval of time
during which the parking is permissible and which shall also
display a signal when said interval of time shall have elapsed
"PARK" or "PARKlBQ:';, when prohibited, means the standing of a
vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily
for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or
unloading merchandise or passengers
"OFFICIALSIG~ means a sign approved by the Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communications
"OFFIgER" means the By-Law Enforcement
any other person authorized by Council
enforcement of this By-Law
Officer of the County or
and charged with the
"M.T.g~ means the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
of the Province of Ontario
"MOTOR VEHICLE" includes an automobile,
bt;~le and ;rtÿ other vehicle propelled
by muscular power, but does not include
steam railways, or other motor vehicles
or a motorized snow vehicle, traction
propelled implement of husbandry
motorcycle, motor-assisted
or driven otherwise than
the cars of electric or
running only upon rails,
engine, farm tractor, self-
or road building machine
~]1§ßED PARKING S~:'; means a parking space for which a meter or
other mechanical device is provided or any space adjacent to which
a parking meter or other mechanical device is located
LOADING ,~~~ means the part of a highway set apart for the
exclusive purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload the
:.:1ANE~ðX~ means improved land adjacent to the highway which pro-
vides access from the highway to a parking area on adjacent land
INTERSECTION:'; means the area embraced within the prolongation or
connection of the lateral curb lines or, if none, then of the
lateral boundary lines of two or more highways that join one
another at an angle, whether or not one highway crosses the other
~IDAY~ includes Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter
Monday, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, the day proclaimed as a
Civic holiday by the Corporation, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day,
Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, the Day proclaimed as
the Birthday or day fixed by proclamation of the Governor General
for the celebration of the birthday of the reigning sovereign, and
any day appointed by proclamation of the Governor General or the
Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council as a public holiday or for a
general fast or thanksgiving and the next following day when any
such holiday falls on a Sunday, and any day appointed by procla-
mation of County Council
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3 -
l. DEFLNITI0.!1§. (Continued)
"SIDEWALK" includes all such parts of a highway as are set aside
- --
by the Corporation for use of pedestrians or use by the general
public for the passage of pedestrians.
"STAND" or "STANDING" when prohibited, means the halting of a
---...-..-- ----""'"'--,
vehicle, whether occupied or not, except for the purpose of and
while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers.
"STOP" or "STOPPING", when prohibited, means the halting of a
~ëhIêle, even moffiêñtarily, whether occupied or not, except when
necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance
with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of
a traffic control sign or signal.
"TIME" means that where any expression of time occurs or where any
hõ~õr other period of time is stated, the time referred to shall
be standard time except in periods when daylight saving time is in
effect, in which periods, it shall be daylight saving time.
"TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL" means any device, manually, electrically
õr~hanically ope~d for the regulatio~ or control of traffic.
"U-TURN" means the turning of a vehicle within a roadway so as to
proceed in the opposite direction.
"VEHICLE" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm
tractõr:-road-building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or
driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does
not include a motorized snow vehicle, the cars of electric or
steam railways running only upon rails.
In the Schedules to this By-Law the following abbreviations and
symbols stand for the words respectively set forth opposite
thereto as follows:
(a) Ave. - Avenue
Blvd. - Boulevard
PI. - Place
St. - Street
Cres. - Crescent
Ct. - Court
Dr. - Drive
Rd. - Road
(b) mm - Millimetre
cm - Centimetre
m - Metre
km/h - Kilometres Per Hour
kg - Kilograms
(c) A.M. - Ante Meridian
P.M. - Post Meridian
Where a distance is used in this By-Law as part of a prohibition
of parking or stopping within a specified distance of an object,
structure, land or a part of a highway, such distance shall be
(a) from the projection of the nearest curbline or edge of road-
way in the direction stated unless it is specifically stated
otherwise, and
(b) along the curb or edge of the roadway to a point in such curb
or edge of roadway opposite such object, structure, land or
part of a highway, unless the context otherwise requires, and
No person shall park any vehicle on any highway for the purpose of
displaying the same for sale
The provisions of this
Highway Traffic Act
By-Law are
subject to the provisions
of The
The County Engineer and/or the By-Law Enforcement Officer are
hereby given authority as the occasion arises and when required in
order to assist in the care of moving traffic, to set apart and
indicate or designate on highways in the County space or spaces
for the parking of a vehicle or vehicles by causing lines to be
painted, signs to be erected or otherwise upon the pavement, curbs
or surface of the roadway or immediately adjacent thereto, or on
the highway or highways or portions of highways, as a temporary
provision for the restriction of parking on highways or portions
of highways 'and to make such other temporary provision for
directing the traffic as may be necessary. Such temporary changes
shall not be effective after the next subsequent Council Meeting
unless confirmed by resolution of the Council at such Meeting,
which resolution shall stipulate the length of time such change(s)
shall be in effect
----------..--.-.... ,
It shall be the duty of the By-Law Enforcement Officer to enforce
the provisions of this By-Law. It shall also be the duty of all
other officers appointed by the Municipal Council of the Corpo-
ration of the County of Elgin to enforce all the non-moving
violations of this By-Law
-- " ,-
This By-Law applies to all highways
Corporation of the County of Elgin
under the
jurisdiction of the
a word interpreted in the singular number has
meaning when used in the plural.
'May shall be construed as imperative
a corresponding
words purporting the singular number or the masculine gender
only include more persons, parties or things of the same kind
that one and females as well as males and 'the converse
............-..~ '--------
all distances/dimensions are measured in the
ment of metres or as otherwise indicated
from such object, structure
all directions, and
4 -
or part of a highway in
No driver
along any
of any vehicle shall drive within,
sidewalk, path or boulevard except
upon, across
at a driveway
No person shall make use of the roadway for the purpose of
washing, waxing, greasing or repairing any vehicle, except such
emergency repairs as are necessary to enable the vehicle to be
removed from the highway and disabled vehicles shall be removed
or caused to be removed from the highway by the driver or owner
without delay
No person shall engage in any game or sports activity upon a
roadway and no person upon roller skates, or sleigh, express
wagon or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or
similar device go upon any roadway
It $hall be the duty of all persons using the highways to observe
the directions indicated by all permanent or temporary signs
erected or placed for the purpose of regulating or directing
No person shall alter, deface, remove or destroy any sign erected
by the County or any pavement lines or other marks for guiding the
parking of vehicles or the regulations of traffic, or deface,
injure, tamper with, open, wilfully break, destroy or impair the
usefulness of any parking meter, and no person shall alter,
interfere with, or change the position of any such sign, line or
other mark or parking meter, unless he has been duly authorized
so to do
No person shall drive any vehicle, except emergency vehicles,
between the vehicles in any duly authorized parade or funeral
procession on any highway, provided the vehicles in such parade
or procession are properly designated
The provisions of Part of this By-Law do not apply to vehicles
of the Corporation where such vehicles are actually engaged in the
performance of cleaning, maintenance, repair, construction, snow
removal or other work on any highway.
. ,.'::.:::
No driver of any vehicle shall drive his vehicle within 150 Metres
of any building which is on fire; nor shall he drive his vehicle
over or across any line of a hose laid by the Fire Department,
and at the directive of the Fire Chief for the area, the Police
authority shall place signs on the highway on which the building
on fire is situated, and any adjoining highways which may be
deemed necessary for the purpose, closing such parts of highways
to traffic until the fire is out, and no driver of any vehicle
shall pass such sign or approach nearer to the fire than such
;'7'+<' 6
The Schedule referred to in this By-Law shall form part of this
By-Law and each entry in a column of such a Schedule shall be
read in conjunction with the entry or entries across therefrom,
and not otherwise.
No person shall place, maintain or display on any highway any
unauthorized device which is an imitation of, or purports to be
or resembles any offical sign or signal, or which purports to
direct parking or the movement of traffic or the actions of
operators of vehicles. Any such device shall be deemed a public
nuisance and any Police or other Officer authorized to enforce
this By-Law may remove the same without notice.
No vehicle shall be permitted to stop:
1 On any sidewalk, crosswalk or boulevard;
2 In front of or within 1 Metre of any lane, driveway or
alley entrance;
3 Except at points where parkirtg is otherwise designated, with
the right hand wheels of the vehicle at a greater distance
from the curbline than 0.3 of a Metre or in Winter, subject
to Subsection (5) , as nearly within such distance as the
conditions of the highway permit;
4 On the roadway side of a vehicle stopped or parked at the
edge or curb of a highway;
5 At the edge or curb on the left side of the roadway having
regard to the direction such vehicle was proceeding except
where parking is permitted on the left-hand side of the
roadway of a highway designated for one-way traffic;
6 In such position as to obstruct traffic;
7 Within 8 Metres of any Fire Hall on the side of the highway
on which the Fire Hall is located or within the 30 Metres
of such Fire Hall on the opposite side of the roadway;
8 On any street within 9 Metres of the production of the
curbline of any intersecting street except where such
intersection is visibly and lawfully designated as a "Bus
Sto~' at which intersection all vehicles shall be parked
in accordance with the instructions set out on the
designating sign or signs;
9 On any bridge, subway and/or any approach thereto;
10 Within 3 Metres of the point of the curbline which is
nearest any fire hydrant;
11 Within 2 Metres of the space on the same side of the
highway directly in front of the entrance to church,
hospital, hotel, theatre, hall or other public building
where large numbers of people assemble, except while
actually taking on or discharging passengers, other than a
bus, in a bus stop, or other than a taxi-cab in a taxi-cab
stand, when any such stop or stand has been officially
designated and appropriately signed;
12 Within 15 Metres of an intersection with Signal Light
Traffic Control System installed;
13 Within 15 Metres of the nearest rail of a level Railway
14 In a position or place that prevents or is likely to prevent
the removal of any vehicle already parked on the highway
When appropriate signs have been erected and are on display
No person shall park a vehicle between 8:30 A.M. and
4:30 P.M. upon the side of the street adjacent to any
school property.
- '"""'---......-
Any non-commercial motor vehicle shall not remain parked or
standing for a longer period ~han five (5) hours and no commer-
cial motor vehicle shall be parked or standing for a longer
period than two (2) hours upon any part of any Highway in the
County of Elgin.
---~- ' , --
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section, no vehicle
shall remain parked or standing upon any part of any street in
the County of Elgin between the hours of 3 o'clock A.M. and
5 o'clock A.M.
Where Council, under this By-Law, has designated certain streets
as one-way streets and parking is permitted on both sides of such
one-way streets, vehicles parking on the left-hand side of the
street, shall park with the left-hand wheels of the vehicle at
not more than 0.3 of a Metre from the curbline, or in Winter, as
nearly within such distance as the conditions of the highway
Where appropriate signs are erected and are on display no person
shall park a vehicle on any highway at the side and between the
limits set out respectively in Schedule "A" to this By-Law.
(i) Buses operating over any highway in the County of Elgin
shall take on or discharge passengers only on the right-
hand side of the bus. When stopping all buses shall stop
in such manner as not to obstruct traffic.
(ii) When an authorized Bus Stop Sign is on display no vehicle
shall stand any closer than 15 Metres before the said sign.
No person shall ride a bicycle with a wheel or wheels more than
510 mm in diameter with a tire size of 510 mm x 45 mm upon any
sidewalk in the County.
-- . .....----'-"-"'--
(a) Every person, inculding a corporation, who contravenes any
provision of this By-Law is guilty of an offence
28. OFF.!2E.fJ2 (Co'ntinued)
(b) The owner of a vehicle that is parked, stopped or left
standing in contravention of this By-Law is guilty of an
offence and on conviction thereof is liable to a fine unless
the owner proves to the satisfaction of the Court that, at
the time of the offence, the motor vehicle was in the
possession of another person without the owner's consent,
whether expressed or implied.
Where a By-Law Enforcement Officer believes that an offence may
have been committed pursuant to any Section of this By-Law, the
Officer may:
(i) in respect of offences set out in Part "C" of the By-Law,
issue a ticket in the prescribed form; or
(ii ) in respect of all other offences set out in the By-Law,
issue a ticket in the prescribed form or issue process in
accordance with all the requirements contained in Part I of
the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 400 or
Part III of the said Act.
The ticket used by all officers authorized to enforce this By-Law
shall meet the requirements of Section 31 herein.
(0 Where a vehicle is found parked or standing in contraven-
tion of the parking or standing provisions of this By-Law,
the By-Law Enforcement Officer or other officers so finding
the vehicle shall attach to the vehicle a parking ticket in
the form of a serially numbered notice stating:
(a) the licence number and a concise description of the
(b) that the vehicle is unlawfully stopped or parked as
the case may be;
(c) the date, time, place and nature of the alleged
(d) where metered parking spaces are provided, the number
or other adequate description of each parking meter
which indicates that the vehicle occupying such
metered parking space or portion thereof is or has
been parking in violation of any of the provisions of
this By-Law;
(e) that the owner or operator thereof may report to the
County Office within two (2) days, exclusive of
Sundays and holidays after the day when the ticket is
attached, to make a voluntary payment of the penalty.
(f) that in the event of a failure to so report and make
such payment, a Summons will be issued under the
Provincial Offences Act.
(ii ) The parking ticket shall be prepared in triplicate and the
By-Law Enforcement Officer shall attach one (1) copy to the
vehicle and deliver the other copies to the designated
official on duty at the County Offices
9 ' C",""__,,-
The owner or coperator of the vehicle may, within two (2) days
exclusive of Sundays and holidays, after the day when the ticket
is attached to the vehicle, pay to the Office of the County
Treasurer or other designated official on duty at the County
Offices, and to such Treasurer, or any other person designated
by him to receive such payment, the sum set out on the face of
the parking ticket which shall be accepted as the payment of the
penalty in full satisfaction in respect of the alleged offence
and a receipt therefore shall be given to the person making the
. ----- " '-,....
(a) If a voluntary payment is not made in accordance with the
procedure provided in Section 32 the procedure of the
Provincial Offences Act shall apply and the penalties shall
be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act.
(b) Where process is issued in respect of any offence under
Part I of Part III of the Provincial Offences Act, the
procedure of the said Act shall apply.
That By-Laws No. 82-52 and 83-3, and all other By-Laws pertaining
to the regulation of traffic on highways in the County of Elgin
that are inconsistent with the terms of this By-Law be and the
same are hereby repealed.
READ a first time this 16th day of June, 1983
READ a second time this 16th day of June, 1983
READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June, 1983
~c_~,~~-..-J 'rJ(~
'-- ,-......-------- -
G C. Leverton E. H. Marr
Clerk Warden
By-Law No. 83-25
1 (a) County Road #2 is the road allowance known as Main Street
in the Village of West Lorne.
(b) 'County Road #3 is the road allowance known as Furnival Street
in the Village of Rodney.
(c) County Road #8 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as diverted known as Main Street south in the Village of
(d) County Road #14 is the róad allowance between the Townships
of Dunwich and Southwold opposite Concessions IV and V South
of A, Dunwich.
(e) County Road #15 is the road allowance known as Main Street
north in the Village of Dutton.
(f) County Road #16 is the road allowance known as Talbot Road
East Branch opposite Lot 18 and 19 in the Township of
(g) County Road #20 is the road allowance between Lot 18 and 19,
North and South of Talbot Road East Branch and North and
South of Talbot Road North Branch in the Township of
(h) County Road #21 is the road allowance known as Warren Street
in the Village of Port Stanley.
(i) County Road #25 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as widened between the Township of Southwold and Yarmouth
opposite Concession B, Southwold.
(j) County Road #27 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as widened between Concession III and IV in the Township of
(k) County Road #35 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as widened between the Township of Yarmouth and Malahide
opposite Concession V, Malahide.
(1) County Road #37 is the road allowance known as the Townline
Road between the Township of South Dorchester and North
(m) County Road #38 is the road allowance known as Talbot Road in
the Hamlet of Straffordville in the Township of Bayham.
(n) County Road #40 is the road allowance between Lot 20 and 21
in Concession IX, and X in the Village of Springfield,
(formerly the Township of Malahide).
(0) County Road #47 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as widened between Lot 3 and 4 in Concession VII and X in the
Township of South Dorchester.
(p) County Road #48 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as widened between Concession X and XI, opposite Lot 3 and 4
in the Township of South Dorchester.
( q) County Road #49 is the road allowance between Lot 6 and 7 in
Concession XII, in the Village of Springfield, (formerly the
Township of South Dorchester)
,', '->".,,'
(r) County Road #52 is the road allowance and the road allowance
as widened between Concession X and Range 2 North of Edgeware
Road, opposite Lot 20 in the Township of Yarmouth and the
road allowance between the Township of South Dorchester and
Malahide now in the Village of Springfield known as Main
(s) County Road #53 is the road allowance known as Elm Street and
Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer.
2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no
person shall park a vehicle on the highway or part of the highway
known as:
(a) County Road #2 from the east limit of Wood Street westerly
for 195 Metres on the north side of Road #2.
(b) County Road #2 within 30.0 Metres of the east limit of Graham
Street on the north side of Road #2.
(c) County Road #2 within 21.0 Metres of the west limit of Graham
Street on the north side of Road #2.
(d) County Road #2 within 36.5 Metres of the east limit of Graham
Street on the south side of Road #2.
(e) County Road #2 within 21.0 Metres of the west limit of Graham
Street on the south side of Road #2.
(f) County Road #3 from a point 34.5 Metres north of the north
limits of Centre Street, southerly for 67.0 Metres on the
west side of Road #3.
(g) County Road #3 within 40.0 Metres of the north limit of Queen
Street on the east and west side of Road #3.
(h) County Road #8 within 8.0 Metres of the north limit of
Shackleton Street on the east side of Road #8.
(i) County Road #8 within 23.0 Metres of the south limit of Mary
Street on the east side of Road #8.
(j) County Road #8 within 18.0 Metres of the north limit of Mary
Street on the east side of Road #8.
(k) County Road #8 from a point 105.7 Metres north of the north
limit of Mary Street, northerly for 102.0 Metres on the east
side of Road #8.
(1) County Road #8 within 8.0 Metres of the north limit of
Shackleton Street on the west side of Road #8.
(m) County Road #8 within 23.0 Metres of the south limit of Mary
Street on the west side of Road #8.
(n) County Road #8 within 45.0 Metres of the north limit of Mary
Street, on the west side of Road #8.
(0) County Road #8 from a point 105.7 Metres north of the north
limit of Mary Street, northerly for 26.4 Metres on the west
side of Road #8.
(p) County Road #14 within 38.0 Metres of the south limit of the
road allowance between Concession IV and V, South of A,
Township of Dunwich on the west side of Road #14.
(q) County Road #14 within 36.0 Metres of the north limit of the
road allowance between Concession IV and V, South of A,
Township of Dunwich on the west side of Road #14
(r) County Road #15 within 203.3 Metres of the north-westerly
limit of John Street on the north and south side of Road #15
(s) County Road #16 within 9.1 Metres of the east limit of County
Road #20 on the north side of Road #16.
(t) County Road #16 within 7.6 Metres of the west limit of County
Road #20 on the north side of Road #16.
(u) County Road #16 within 4.6 Metres of the east limit of County
Road #20 on the south side of Road #16.
(v) Coúnty Road #16 within 9.1 Metres of the west limit of County
Road #20 on the south side of Road #16. '
(w) County Road #20 within 9.1 Metres of the north limit of
County Road #16 on the east side of Road #20.
(x) County Road #20 within 4.6 Metres of the north limit of
County Road #16 on the west side of Road #20.
(y) County Road #20 within 27.5 Metres of the south limit of
King's Highway #3 on the east side of Road #20.
(z) County Road #20 within 9.0 Metres of the south limit of
King's Highway #3 on the west side of Road #20.
(aa) County Road #20 within 15.0 Metres of the north limit of
King's Highway #3 on the east side of Road #20.
(bb) County Road #20 within 30.5 Metres of the north limit of
King's Highway #3 on the west side of Road #20.
(cc) County Road #21 within 15.2 Metres of the east limit of
County Road #20 on the north and south side of Road #21.
(dd) County Road #21 within 26.5 Metres of the west limit of
King's Highway #4 on the north side of Road #21.
(ee) County Road #21 within 74.1 Metres of the west limit of
King's Highway #4 on the south side of Road #21.
(ff) County Road #25 within 82.0 Metres of the south limit of the
road allowance between Concession A and B, Township of
Southwold, on the east and west side of Road #25.
(gg) County Road #27 from a point opposite the line between Lot 18
and 19, Concession III, Township of Yarmouth, westerly for
360.0 Metres on the north and south side of Road #27.
(hh) County Road #27 from a point 97.0 Metres west of the line
between Lot 19 and 20, Concession IV, easterly for 200.0
Metres on the north side of Road #27.
(ii ) County Road #27 from a point 302.0 Metres east of the line
between Lot 18 and 19, Concession III, easterly for 155.0
Metres on the south side of Road #27.
(jj) County Road #35 from the south limit of the road allowance
between Concession V and the gore south of Talbot Road,
Township of Malahide, southerly for 805.2 Metres on the east
and west side of Road #35.
(kk) County Road #38 within 40.0 Metres of the west limit of
King's Highway #19 on the south side of Road #38.
(11) County Road #40 within 9.1 Metres of the south limit of
County Road #52 on the east and west side of Road #40.
(mm) County Road #47 within 18.3 Metres of the north limit of
County Road #48 on the east side of Road #47
,-:---- -~1
- 4 - ?\
(nn) County Road #47 within 29.0 Metres of the north limit of
County Road #48 on the west side of Road #47.
(00) County Road #47 within 41.8 Metres of the south limit of
County Road #37 on the west side of Road #47.
(pp) County Road #48 within 18.3 Metres of the east limit of
County Road #47 on the north and south side of Road #48.
(qq) County Road #48 within 19.8 Metres of the west limit of
County Road #47 on the north and south side of ROad #48.
(rr) County Road #49 within 15.3 Metres of the north limit of
County Road #52 on the west side of Road #49.
(ss) County Road #52 from a point 150.0 Metres west of the line
between Lots 19 and 20, Range 2, North of Edgeware Road,
Township of Yarmouth, easterly for 405.0 Metres on the north
and south side of Road #52.
(tt) County Road #52 within 10.4 Metres of the west limit of
County Road #49 on the north side of Road #52.
(uu) County Road #53 (Elm Street) within 76.3 Metres of the south
limit of Beech Street on the east and west side of Elm Street
(vv) County Road #53 (Beech Street) from the west limit of John
Street to the east limit of Elm Street (County Road #53) on
the north side of Beech Street.
(ww) County Road #53 (Beech Street) within 123.8 Metres of the
west limit of John Street on the south side of Beech Street.
(xx) County Road #53 (Beech Street) within 21.4 Metres of the east
limit of Elm Street (County Road #53) on the south side of
Beech Street