83-35 r L COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 83-35 "BEING6_BY-LAW TO AM§BD THE SALARY OK-THE ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEËR." ----------- WHEREAS By-Law No. 83-10 provides for the rate of remuneration to be paid to the Assistant County Engineer; and WHERËAS his duties have now been altered with the retirement of a Superintendent. NOW THEREFORE the biweekly rate shown opposite the position of "Assistant County Engineer" in paragraph L of By-Law No. 83-10 be deleted and an amount of $1,444.92 inserted in its place. 1- That this By-Law become effective July 1st 1983. READ a first time this 21st day of September. 1983. READ a second time this 21st day of. Septerhber 1983~: 'c '. 'I " READ a third time and finally passed this 21st da~~ 0 September 1983 ,~" ~~_h.-.--/ _£~Æ~ G C. Leverton E. H. Matr Clerk Wa-r;<ien 'i..'