83-48 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 83-48 TO APPO!NT A COUNTY,ROADS COMMITTEE" :ì¡: "':. "'¡/'_-- ,,_:~~ As rø.quiredby Section 45':pfrhe~Puj¡¡lTc¡f Transporta- tion and Highway Improvement Act, b~îng Chaptér ~2l,of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Elgin County Council enacts: 1- THAT the following five Members of this Council constitute a Committee for the pu~pose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: ' W. R. Caverly - fo~ term of one year , D. Perovich - for term of two years D. A. McWilliam - for term df t¡'hree years M. H. Stewart - ,for term of ~our' years J. N. Smyth - for term of five years. ,'" 2 . THAT By-Law No. 82-55 bee" and i hereby repealed. ;,.. '.f-' ')',' READ a first time this 15th day of De'~e1l1þe1i'ri:L983. " . ~ '{~:," READ a' second t:im,~ this 15th day of Decemb~r 1983. ,> ~ READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December 1983 "., "' 'd{ , -<::~,X~ ~ ...:..._~-- ..... - " G C. Leverton E.' H. Marr, Clerk Warden.