84-17 ----~~--,-~-,~.,._._-,...,...,- COUNTY OF ELGIN By-LAW No. 84-17 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A REMUNERATION SCHEDULE AND OTHER WORKING CONDITIONS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE ROADS DEPARTMENT." WHEREAS it is considered advisable to establish hourly rates as well as other working conditions as they pertain to the employees of the Roads Department. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts that the following schedule be and is hereby adopted for the Roads Department: 1- REGULAR HOURLY RATED EMfbOYEES Class 5 - Construction Foreman or Shop Foreman 1- (a) Person designated a Shop Foreman being a Mechanic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. (Persons presently in this category as of April 1, 1982 shall continue to be paid at the Class 5 rate). OR (b) Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or grading equipment and County equipment and one or more County Work Crews. 2. Motor Vehic1.§....Lice:nce Re.9Birement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "D" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $10.67 per hour, plus a premium of 8¢ per hour. Class 4 - Foreman, Lead Hands and Mechanic 1- Regularly (a) Mechanic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour (for hi rings after April 1st, 1982). (b) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with ~County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (c) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment. OR (d) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. 2. May be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman, or Night Duty in Winter. 3. Experience Rate 16 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to maximum of two years. 4. ~tor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "D" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $10.17 to $10.49 per hour, plus a premium of 8¢ per hour. Class 3 - Machine Operators, Stockkeepers, Part Time Foremen and Grademen 1- (a) Stockkeepers - Licence Requirement - Class "A" or "D" preferred. Valid Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications operator's licence required. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distributor, float, grader, shovel, loader, backhoe, dozer etc., a majority of the time. The remainder of time - skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign construc- tion, etc.. Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. SOme supervisory work is usually required. Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications Class "A" licence required for some positions; Class "A" licence preferred for all other positions; Class "D" required for any position '" 2_- (C) Part Time Foreman performing work of a higher classifi- cation than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or Lead Hand of a work crew for a port-ion of the year, and including experienced Grademen; able to be assigned as Wingman, Sander Operator or Night Duty in the Winter. 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. 3 . Experience Rate 16 cents per hour for completion of the first year's work and 15 cents per hour for the second year Rate - $9.65 to $9.96 per hour, plus a premium of 7¢ per hour. Class 2 - Labourer Premium 1. Shall be able to operate light truck, tractor, roller, etc. on a part time basis.Ma) be employed as a Weighman, Checker or Mower Operator (Summer. Able to be assigned as a Wingman, Sander Operator (part time) or Night Duty in Winter. 2. Experience Rate 16 cents per hour for completion of the first year's work and 15 cents per hour for the second year. 3. Moto~ Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "D" licence required. Rate - $8.98 to $9.29 per hour, plus a premium of 7¢ per hour. Class 1 - Labourer 1. Must be capable of performing physical labour under super- vision. Some light truck or tractor driving may be required On occasion. 2. Motor Vehicle Lice~ce Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class "G" licence will be required for employees engaged after January 1st, 1978. Rate $9.10 per hour, plus a premium of 7¢ per hour. NOTE: 1. An employee hired to fill a particular vacancy in Classifi- cations 2, 3, 4 or 5 shall have a probationary starting rate of 50 cents per hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned for their probationary period of 90 days. 2. The requirements for Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications drivers licences will not result in the down- grading of anyone presently in a category, but will be a requirement for anyone 'entering a new category. 2. 2§ASQNA~ OR CASUAL EMPLOYEES !:jOTE: Those employees who are not engaged to fill a particular vacancy - maximum service without layoff is six months. Class A - Employees of high school age (16 to 18 years of age with varied experience). Rate $4.78 to $5.10 per hour, plus a premium of 4¢ per hour. Experience Rate 16 cents per hour depending on age and experience. Class B Casual Labour, inexperienced (Students 19-20 years of age etc.) Rate - $5.83 per hour, plus a premium of 4¢ per hour. Class C Experienced Labour, inexperienced Mower Operators. University age students with prior experience. Rate - $6.55 per hour, plus a premium of 5¢ per hour. Class D Experienced Operators or Tradesmen. Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications Class "D" licence usually required Ministry of the Environment Mosquito Operators when engaged in Abatement Programme. Rate $7.14 per hour plus a premium of 5¢ per hour Any balance presently held in accounts, to the credit of employees, may be used to purchase future footwear until the account is depleted. If a retirement occurs, any amount still held in their account will be paid to the employee Where an employee is laid off, with his return to work not expected prior to the next year, his payment for safety footwear allowance will be made upon separation, instead of being held until January 2hFETY FOOTWEAR-ALLOWANCE - A cash 11 be paid rformed in wi pe Regular payment of $2.50 per on the first payroll the preceding year, employees only week (to a maximum of $125.00) in January each year, for work as safety footwear allowance. a 9 It is understood that an employee will not be required to any additional hours, merely to put in sufficient hours to equal a regular working day. If an employee regular hours, work performed on vacation, is called he will be guaranteed a in to work during full day's pay for work (2) .C.ALL-IN PAY (1) In the event of a call-in (regular rate) minimum pay will be four hours 8 If standby is required on a calendar Statutory Holiday standby will be paid at l~ times the regular rate (2) STANDBY TIME designated ------ (1) If the designated time 6:00 P.M. - four hours employees for standby is from 7 at their regular rate 00 A.M , to 7 for In the event of a Statutory Holiday, Sick Bengfit, Annual Holiday, Compassionate Leave, etc., falling on Friday,the employee shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for eight hours and the time shall count as one full day 6 FRIDAY PAY ~~ '- 15 cents per hour 8:00 P.M. 25 cents per hour for 8:30 P.M. to Midnight Maintenance hourly rate Premi um persons Shift) of pay a appointed to Regular Night arg eligible for a premium for such time as they are for shift a shift beginning from Duty (Winter over their regular on Night Duty. beginning before PREMIUM NIGHT ~UTY Those 5 An employee is eligible for an annual increment (to a max- imum of two years) on January 1st of any year provided he has been in that particular category since September 1st or prior of the previous year INCREMENT '- 4 ANNUAL ---........... Increments of 26 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of two years $9.97 per hour $10.49 per hour ) ) r 3 Minimum - Maximum - 1]~IC~PERSONNEL Instrument Man plus - Education - Grade 12 or equivalent. - Work includes drafting, surveying and when experiencgd to be able to work with a minimum of supervision. Increments shall bg govgrned by ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportation and Communications sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Technician III Surveys a premium of 8¢ per hour ,: -....-----.-,_. 4. - 10 That By-Law No 83-13 be and the same is hereby repealed 11 That this by-law shall become effèctive April 1st" 1984 READ a first time this 16th day of May 1984. READ a second time this 16th day of May 1984. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of May 1984 ~ -/'~~-~ ?L.~ ~,.~ ----........ - ~-_._,---...... G C. Leverton E. H. Marr Clerk Warden