85-27 r ,<; -" ~ . . ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-27 "A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISH A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGH\~AY IMPROVEMENT ACT." WHEREAS the By-Law adopting a plan of county roaâ improvement and establishing a county road system in the County of Elgin has been amended from time to time by &dding roads or port ions of road's to and retnoving roads' or'port ions of roads from the county road system; and WHEREAS certain roads formerly included in the county road system have been assumed by the Province of Ontario, and certain roads or portions of roads so assumed have been reverted to the municipality preVÏously liable for their maintenance and repair or transferred to the municipal- ity within which the same are .situated as the case may be; and WHEREAS the description of certain roads included in the county road system and the recorded mileage thereof as established by by-laws heretofore passed have been affected by alterations to or diversions of the said roads or by altera- tions to the boundaries of certain local municipalities; and WHEREAS certain roads or portions or roads heretofore added to or removed from the county road system have not been described sufficiently in the relevant by-laws to permit them to be identified with certainty or to make clear the true intent of the Council in respect then\of; and WHEREAS it is deemed in the puþlic interest that the locations of al'l roads or portions of roads, includ~d in the county road system described in a manner sufficient to permit ready identification; and WHEREAS in order to attain greater efficiency in the administration of the county road syste$ it is deemed expedient to adopt a plan of county road improvement and establish a county road system fn the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 85-27 as follows: 1. The roads shown as county roads on the several plans numbered - 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 5-1,6-1, 7-1, 8-1, 8-2, 9-1, 9-2, 11-1, 13-1, 14-1, 15-1, 16-1, 16-2, 17-1, 18-1, 19-1, 20-1, 20-2, 21-1, 22-1, 23-1, 24-1, 24-2, 25-1, 25-2, 26-1, 27-1, 28-1, 29-1, 30-1, 31-1, 32-1, 33-1, 34-1, 35-1, 36-1, 37-1, 38-1, 38-2, 39-1, 40-1, 41-1, 42-1, 42-2, 43-1, 44-1, 45-1, 45-2, 45-3, 46-1, 47-1, 48-1, 49-1, 50-1, 51-1, 52-1, 52-2, 53-1, 54-1, 55-1, 56-1, ' comprising the Schedu3.e to tlÜËiBy;-J'¡\'lw,are designatedthé county road system of the County of Elgin. 2. The roads shown &s county roads on the several plans numbered as in Paragraph 1 comprising the Schedule to this By-Law shall be known by the numþérs shown on the said plans and such numbers shall be used for all purposes of administr- tion and accounting J: ~ ~ ~ .~ 2 3. The cost of constructing and maintaining the county road system shall be met from: (a) Monies raised by the levying of a general annual rate upon all municipalities in the county not separated therefrom for municipal purposes and, (b) Provincial grants-in-aid and, (c) The proceeds of debentures issued for purposes of road construction and, (d) Any special contributions made by a person or persons, public or private or corporate bodies, the Federal or Provincial Governments, their agencies or boards, or from any other source. 4. By-Law No. 2166, being the original By-Law adopting a plan of county road improvement and establishing a county road system in the County of Elgin as amended by subsequent amending by-laws and consolidated by subsequent consolidating by-laws, and all other by-laws adding or purporting to add roads or portions of roads to the county road system are hereby repealed. 5 . This by-law shall come in force upon and to the extent of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. READ a first time this ISth day of May, 1985.' READ a second time this ISth day of May, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of May 1985. "~/'---<----<./--<--< ~ ,-------J G. C. Leverton Clerk. Leverton R. G. Moore G. Browning, R. E. Thompson T. P. Wood O. Maier Attn: J. H. Blevins Attn: W. W. Osborn c.c Attch BLN/sr tfl Officer Yours very truly The bylaw, plans and a copy of the Order-in-Council are being forwarded under separate cover to Mr. R. G. Moore, P. Eng., County Engineer together with about 50 copies of the reduced bound plans. A copy of records. 1954/85 hereby attached for your Order-in-Council Please be advised that on August 7, 1985 His Honour the Lieutenant- Governor-in-Council has approved Bylaw No 85-27 to consolidate the County Road System for the County of Elgin. No O.C is Bylaw No. 85-27 Consolidating the County Road System Re: Dear Mr. G. C. Leverton Clerk- Treasurer County of Elgin 9 Gladstone Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 Mr Leverton: COUNTY OF ELGIN CLERK. TREASURER'S OFFICE ~Œ®1a~Œ~ AUG 16 1985 August 14, (416) Ministry of Transportation and Communications 248-3621 1985 Municipal Roads Office 3rd Floor, West Tower 120l Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3 M lJ8 ® Ontario , ,'¡;' v '.iC ',,",,' INTERNATlON^l. YOUTH YE^R 19B~ ~.) ~ AN!'Iá:IN1rnNATlONAl£ DElAJEUNF.SSEI9R5 0.Cl954/85 DepucyJ, ! ~ . xecutlve Councll Certified to be a true copy Approved and Ordered Date Auqust 7 ;1' i/ ~ , ~{enant Governor Recommende to County Road n £ System i '\ , _J, ~..:~ ster of Transportat and Communications 85-27 of of the H By - Law Pursuant i ghway Numb e r Improvement on Act sa 7 RSO the id County i on County of the 1980, Pub Chapter of E g Transportation 421, approva in to con so be given idate the and to On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Líeutenant concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that Subsect i 44 i Governor, c by and w 'th the advice and ~ ~_f"""" Ontario "Executive Council Order in CounciÌ - " """ ~ n~1 ,!îIIIIIII ).::r),1. ·....~.-.....-.;o;;..."",,--'--~""",...> G. C. Leverton, Clerk. --.-- ("') o z ( ) o ,.... - o ;Þ -I ..... Z " OJ -< Ii r-' :Þ ~ Z . . 00 CJ1 I t-..:) -.. en -< C/) ~ rrI ~ - c: Z -I -< .'1: I - I ....:;~;: -