85-48 ·~~.,~~..~J G. C. Leverton Clerk. ~ J. Lavereau Warden. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September 1985 READ a READ a first time this 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement between William Wiebenga, John Volekaert and Mario Chirico and County of Elgin setting forth the terms and conditions to for the said property second time this 12th day of September 12th day of September 1985 1985 the agreed be NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows certain WHEREAS both the County and owners terms and conditions have agreed WHEREAS the County of Elgin wishes to set out cer- tain responsibilities by agreement with respect tQ/'entrances onto County Road #28 and the assumption by the owners of a portion of Lot 10, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. of certain costs of widening the said road and the sale of property to the County to widen same and to "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN LOT 10 CONCESSION VIII TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH " ~ A'/>'\.:¡-.'.' 'fit>.: .~ ; :T?;:·············· ¡r \; . COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO 85-48 present pavement. twenty-four carried to the new property Highway #3 and County Road #28 curb to have~$uitable radius for curb and gutter to accommodate a paVement intersection of feet (24 ) from the centerline of the line. The the entrance and to be location of the width of This Ministry of Transportation and Communications at the from the end of the present curb return placed by the Communications barrier type curb and gutter southerly installation of Ministry of Transportation and (H) The Owner s agree to reimburse the County for the property line to be twenty-eight feet (28 ) between curbs at the (23 ) from the south property line with the entrance south limit of the entrance to be twenty-three feet limited to one (1 ) entrance from County Road #28 the (B) (i) The Owners of the property agree that they will be regi ~B!,anon in the County of Elgin Registry Office. preparation of a deed to the County of Elgin and its (iii) The County of Elgin agrees to pay for surveying and along the new property line at the rate of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per rod measured allowance in lieu of fence erected along the new frontage (ii ) Two Thousand the full length and seventeen feet (17 The County agrees to pay for this land Dollars ($2 000 ) per acre and pay a fence ) in width. at the rate of " County Road #28 along the east side of their property for (A) (i) The Owners agree to sell to the hereinafter known as the COUNTY PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART County land to widen THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN and hereinafter known as the OWNERS PARTIES OF THE FIRST PART WILLIAM WIEBENGA, Owners of part of Yarmouth Township Schedule 'AI ), JOHN VOLEKAERT AND MARIO QIIRICO, the of Lot 10, Concession VIII, of which is annexed as a portion (a description r "",'.."".,,,...... """"<",:::::",,:,,;,n:·,,,'ó¡:," ::~~D::,:; ... BETWEEN , A G R E E MEN T --...~ F -:;~...",,- ·~.IO.M. ~qS "0 uOI~aldmoa aq~ ~o" Á~ess~aau ~~o~ uOI~aadsuI pue .. " .' 8uIkaA~ns '8uI~aauI8ua l1e apnpul l1eqs ~~o~ "0 s~soa aqJ. (X) 'Á~~ado~d ~Iaq~ "0 .,m'l q~nos aq~ ~eau alod aq~ pue (# Áe~q8,H pu~ BZ# peo~ Á.uno~ ~e alod ~au~oa aq~ uaaß~aq aUIl ~aa~IP e UI aq IlJM ~I ~eq~ os alod o~pÁH ope~uo ue 8upeaola~ "0 ~soa aq~ ~ij" Á~uno~ aq~ as~nqmla~ l1Iß Áaq~ ~eq~ aa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. (X». ·SZ# peo~ Á~uno~ saqaea~ ~a~eß "0 mnmIuIm e ~eq~ OS Á~~ado~d ~,aq. pue ':;'Y"':ò ~>;~'~},.~. (HI"") sÁ~M~~t~p aq. adeqsa~ l1Iß Áaq~ ~eq~ ~a~8e s~aUMO aqJ. .} $ ~':' "'., ::.,,;~"~' -.:tn:):JO :¡ou saop U01S0.I.i:J :¡Bq:¡ osea.:u:? ~ì;r:};¿ p~deqsa~ ~~~ posa~ ~o paasa~ llIß Áaq~ ~eq~ aa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. '(# Áeßq8'H pue SZ# peo~ Á~uno~ "0 uo,.?aS~9~uI ~q~ ~e ~~aAlna aq~ p~eßo~ pa~aa~IP aq l1Iß Á.~ado~d aq~ m~~" ~a~eß .eq~ os aaue~~u~ aq~ ;0 q~~ou aq~ o~ Á~~ado~d 30 8uld~qsa~ aq~ ~o" Á~uno~ aq. Áed o~ aa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. (nA) 'laAe~8 paqsn~a "0 (II';» saqauI ~no" pue laAe~8 un~ ~,d "0 (119) saqauI x,s 8ulac, ~e¡nue~8 JO (,,01) saqauI ua~ "0 q~dap e o~ !-"W~ aq. 8uole .:::ann8 vue q~na aq. "0 ~saß aq~ o~v~apIDoqs ~elnue~8 v 8ulaeld q:¡pT~ UI ,8 "0 ~so~ aq~ ~oJ Á~uno~ aq~ as~nqm,a~ o. oa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. (fA) 'leI~a~em aseq alqe~Insun ~aq.o Áue ~o 8uI~sIxa "0 uOI~eAeaxaqns aq. pue ~ua~~Aed ~q~ ~apun 1~Ae~8 un~ ~Id "0 ("Sl) saqauI uaa~q8,a pue laAe~8 paqsn~a "0 (,,9)saqau, x}s 8uIaq lepa~t'1I1 nlnue~8 pa~aedmoa "0 (II';>Z) saqauI ~no"-Á~uaß~ 8upqd "ct ~soa aq~ ~o" Á.uno~ ~q. as~nqmIa~ o~ aa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. (A) 'u~n~a~ q~na aq~ "0 pua aq~ o~ aaue~~ua aq~ 8uIAed "d ~soa aq~ ~o" Á~uno~ aq~ ~s~nqmIa~ o~ àa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. (A,) '(a8e~ea~q mo~" aa~" sa8pa ~eau ap,Ao~d o~ paßes) 8uIAed .uasa~d aq~ "0 a8pa aq~ pue ~a..n8 pue q~na aq~ uaaß~aq 8u,Aed ~leqdse "0 (,,£) saq:>u, aa~q. "0 ~soa aq~ ~oJ Á~uno~ aq~ aS~nqm,a~ o~ aa~8e s~aUMO aqJ. (n» f"'" {¡·£c·t ......,.. :"'.;"';"- _. ..J (xi) Prior to commencing any work, the County shall provide notice to the Owners who shall have 14 days to arrange for the work to be done privately at their own cost and according to County specifications. If within the 14 days the Owners notify the County that they will complete the work themselves at their cost", the County will not proceed with the work so long as it is finalized within a time frame agreeable to the parties. xii) It is agreed that the wQrk described in this section will be completed in 1985 by the County or the Owners. It is however agreed that in the case of an undue delay caused by failure of the owners to obtain final Rezoning Approvals from the Township of Yarmouth or the Ontario Municipal Board J the work may be postponed to 1986. L (,¡iii) Any invoice rendered by the County of Elgin for work done j ')¡ ,i { by the County or by its Agents shall be paid for by the j- J Owners within 30 days. (C) The County agrees that the cost of work to be undertaken by virtue of this and to be paid by the Owners shall not exceed the sum of SIX TJIOUSAND DOLLARS ($6,000) in total. (D) The Owners agree and enclose herewith an irrevocable letter of credit from a Canadian Chartered ßank made - payable to the County in the amount of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000). (E) (i) The County will at their expense provide a catch basin in the curb and gutter near the end of the present curb .,_._.m...'.. return at Highway #3 and County Road #28 and will outlet this basin using steel pipe to the inlet of the culvert crossing County Road #28 at Highway #3. (ii ) The County will at their expense provide a catch basin if required at or near the present catch basin near the south property line on the Winters Municipal Drain and will pay for any modifications or relocation of the present catch basin required. (F) This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of ånd be binding upon their respective executors, administrators he ir s, successors and assigns of the parties hereto I 4 (0) ThE! ipartiE!s maY vary this AgrE!E!mE!nt at any timE! and from timE! to timE! by agreE!ffiE!nt in writing sigrtE!d by all partiE!s. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said WILLIAM WIEBENGA, JOHN VOLEKAERT AND MARIO GHIRICO have hereunto set their hands and sE!a1sthis day of SéþtE!mber, 1985. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ). in thE! prE!SE!nCE! of: ) ) WILLIAM WIEBENGA , ) ) ) JOHN VOLEKAERT f! ) ) ) ) MARIO CHIRICO . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation has hE!rE!unto affixE!d thE!ir Corporate Seal by the hand of the proper signing offic~r duly authorized in that behalf this day of September, 1985. ) THE COPPOFATWN OF THE COUNTY OF ) ELGIN ) ) ) WARDEN ) ) ) ) CLERK - .-d-e..u CI~'c~;t '4 /t~ð