86-35 ,......&- Y:-"'-.-J G. C. Leverton, Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of May 1986 READ a READ a first time 1. That the attached Elgin County Council Policies" marked Schedule "A" be formally adopted for use as they apply to the various circumstances listed second time this 21st day of this 21st day of May May 1986 1986 NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enac~s as follows time to and WHEREAS changes have been made to them from time WHEREAS they have been documented in written form WHEREAS policies have been formulated over a period of time for use by County Council and POLICIES TO FORMALLY ADOPT ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL " r"' ;';'~,¡X~è)~f ''"'",'' "' !",,,,' i " BEING ¡~; A BY-LAW COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No 86-35 '''-~''''''~1' ,:Mi:;~; , i~' I r' .._~"..""",., SCHEDULE A ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL POLICIES 1 COUNTY CRESTS AND TIES County Crests and Ties, supplied to Co~ncillors and Officials, should be expected to last at least three years, without having to be replaced. Anyone requiring a replacement prior to the end of the three years will be required to purchase it at actual cost. 2 FLOWERS Flowers are to be sent, in the event of bereavement, for current Councillors, Ex-Councillors who served during the previous term and all Past Wardens. 3 CHAIRMAN OF RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The Chairman of the Reception and Entertainment Committee is to be paid an annual remuneration of $200.00 for performing the duties of his office. 4 WARDEN'S BANQUET ( i) Thirty (30 ) complimentary banquet and dance tickets will be made available for the Warden's guests. Additional tickets over this amount are to be purchased. ( ii) Complimentary invitations to the Warden's Banquet will be extended to all Ex-Councillors holding office during the previous term. ( iii) The Warden's Watch and a round 12 inch silver tray for the First Lady will be obtained by the Clerk. (iv) The program will list only living Ex-Wardens. (v) The County will provide a Guest Book. 5 WARDEN ( i) The Warden may, when requested, sign and issue proclama- tions on behalf of the County, provided that the wording of such proclamation is submitted to the Clerk for the Warden's approval, prior to publication and that there be no cost to the County. (ii) The Warden is authorized to use his own discretion as to whether he wears the traditional gown and/or Chain of Office for meetings of Council, other than at the time of election to Office, or other events or occasions as warranted. 6 WARDEN'S RECEPTION The County will provide and pay for the cost of a reception after the Warden's election each year. The Clerk will make the necessary arrangements in consultation with the Reception and Entertainment Committee. The County will provide a Guest Book 5/86 ---.--.- - 2·- PINS (i One metal County Lapel Pin will be supplied to the cur- rent Councillors, Department Heads and Deputies annually Additional ones may be purchased in minimum lots of twenty (20) pins. [ii Metal County stick pins will be available on the same basis as item (i) . r·· . Five ( 5 ) plastic lapel pins will be supplied to each ,lll Councillor in January of each year. [ iv) Plastic pins will be supplied to each new employee along with his/her first paycheque. [v) The Warden has authority to give out plastic pins. 8 POCKET GREETERS A pocket type and pin type greeter with the County Crest and name on it and the person's name will be supplied at the beginning of each term of Council to the following: (a) County Councillors (Warden each year). (b) Department Heads and Deputies, upon completion of their probationary period. These greeters are supplied at no charge; any replacements will be at the expense of the person requiring it. 9 COUNTY BOOKENDS, PLATES AND GLASSES The Warden may, without direction from County Council, use his discretion in the distribution of County bookends, plates and glasses, as gifts to visiting dignitaries. 10 PHOTOCOPIES FOR THE PUBLIC A charge of $1.00 per sheet will be made for persons requesting copies of documents. 11 MEALS Councillors and appointed Officials shall be provided with a meal, when the Committee meeting is in both the forenoon and afternoon. The Chairman or the Warden must sign the bill to authorize payment. 12 COUNTY CREST All County departments have been authorized to use the Crest for any County purposes. 13 RETIREMENT GIFT Every retiring County Councillor shall receive a desk pen set with the County Crest and a suitable plaque indicating the term held on Council. 14 RESOLUTIONS 1 Where å resolution is endorsed, a reply be sent to the originating body only, regardless of the request for copies to be sent to others. 2 Where a resolution is filed or not endorsed, no reply be sent, it being felt that no response will indicate non- support 5/86 otinci.l 'w.i?$hès copies d'f resolÚt i0J?E;>e.tc. _. than the originating body, directions to incorporated into the recommendation. 15 COFFEE The County will purchase coffee or tea for Committee meetings and to be used by the staff in the Municipal Building. 16 GRANTS County Grants to Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc. will be paid December 15th each year, except for: (a) ( i) Memberships ( ii) Scholarships ( iii) Payment to the Local Agricultural Office on behalf of 4-H Clubs etc. and these would be paid upon request ( iv) Grants indicating a specific date in the original motion (b) February 1st of each year will be the cutoff for receiving grant requests (c) Council will set aside a separate day, in February, to hear all the delegations (d) Financial Statements will be required from each organ~za- tion and sufficient copies (30) of the brief and Financial Statements are to be provided for distribution to Members of Councilor the request will not be considered (e) In January of each year Council will decide which delega- tions to invite to the special February meeting. 17 WARDEN AND COUNCIL REMUNERATION A review is to be made in the remuneration of the Warden and Members of Council each year, in time to have any revisions presented to the November Session of County Council, for imple- mentation in January of the following year. 18 WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAM All requests for grants in connection with work incentive or other programs made available to the County, are to be channelled through the County Government Committee only if a specific amount has been allocated to the County. All others shall be made with reference only to their own Committee. 19 SCHOLARSHIPS All scholarships given to the various Universities will be provided for persons attaining the highest academic standing and not restricted to boys or girls. 20 BUDGETS All budgets (Committees of Council and Outside Boards) are to be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer by March 1st of each year and they are to be provided in sufficient copies (30 ) to be distributed to Council, prior to the actual Budget Session. 5/86 '·\1." ~."...'."$"'-- -..-- ----.-- --' - 4 - 21. COUNTY VEHICLES ROADS DEPARTMENT (a) All new licensed vehlcles purchased are to be North American manufactured, chrome yelíow in colour, with the exception of the autQmobiledriven by the Engineer which may be any colour, all of which shall have a County Crest decal affixed on the front doors. (b) Personal use is restricted to the persons presently enjoying this privilege and future replacements be not extended this benefit. (c) The policy of providing vehicles for Supervisors be limited to one car for the use by the Engineer, and any other vehi- cles be pickups and future personal use of all vehicles be restricted to the Province of Ontario, unless otherwise approved by County Council. HOMES FOR THE AGED (a) All new licensed passenger vehicles purchased are to be North American manufactured and have a County Crest decal affixed on the front doors. (b) Any other new vehicles, other than passenger ones, shall be North American manufactured, chrome yellow in colour, and have a County Crest decal affixed on the front doors. LIBRARY (a) All new licensed vehicles purchased are to be North American manufactured, chrome yellow in colour, and have a County Crest decal affixed on the front doors. 22. CONVENTIONS The convention procedures are to be printed and handed out to all County Councillors at the December Session and reimburse- ment will be made within ten days after receipt of accounts. 23. HEARINGS All applications for hearings must be sanctioned by County Council. 24. REPORTS AND/OR MINUTES ( i) All Reports mailed prior to Council need not be read and the Chairman move its adoption as circulated. ( ii) In order to streamline the keeping of minutes of the various Committees and Reports, it is recommended that a summary of the correspondence be listed by number in the minutes and action taken on each item merely refer to the correspondence number, rather than repeating a brief des- cription of its contents. 25. COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meetings for the Agricultural Committee and Homes for Senior Citizens Committee are to be open to the public. 26. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION The Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission are to be invited to the May Session luncheon each year 5/86 Iii .." 27. APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BOARDS The policy for re-appointment to local boards and Committees is that they not necessarily be renewed if a person has served for six consecutive years and that all appointments be made through the County Government Committee. Any local board or Committee to which County Council makes appointments must receive Council's approval prior to anyone being appointed to a further board, in order to receive payment for his/her attendance on the second board. 28. CORRESPONDENCE The cutoff for correspondence is the Thursday before Council unless it is urgent and must be acted upon prior to the next Council Session and that it be at the discretion of the Warden and the Clerk. That all notices of proposed zoning by-law changes and public hearings, received from the local municipalities, be no longer referred to the County Government Committee, but, be listed under the "Filed" Communications. It is understood that any that affect County roads or property will be forwarded to the appropriate Committee. 29 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE In order to keep time spent in Committee Of The Whole to a minimum, only topics forwarded to the Clerk by the Thursday before Council for insertion on an agenda will be discussed. The name of the person who will speak to the topic will also be relayed. 30 PENS Pens may be given out at the discretion of the Warden. 31 LIBRARY BRANCH CONSTRUCTION The Library Branch Construction Policy and Agreement, attached as Schedule 11111 , will be the one used for all Library Branch construction. 32 PURCHASES Any Member of Council may purchase any of the following County items at cost - (a) Bookends (b) Glasses (c) Pens (d) Plates (e) Coloured Metal County Crest Medallions (f) Flags. 33. ROAD CLOSING NOTICE That where a Township gives notice to the County of a proposed road closing and the County Roads Committee does not object, a letter to this effect be forwarded to the Township in lieu of passing a by-law, upon adoption by County Council 5/86