86-43 .~---,--- COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 86-43 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND CULTURE RE: AN LCAP CAPITAL GRANT TO ASSIST IN THE BUILDING OF A MACHINE READABLE DATABASE." WHEREAS the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture has been requested to provide a Library Cooperative Automation Program Capital Grant to assist in the building of a machine readable database by the Libraries of the following municipali- ties of: Bruce, Chatham, Cobourg, Elgin, Essex, Frontenac, Haliburton, Huron, Kent, Kingston, Lambton, Middlesex, Northumberland, Oxford, Port Hope, Sarnia, St. Thomas, Stormont Dundas & Glengarry and Victoria; and WHEREAS the Ministry wishes to outline certain terms and conditions under which the grant is to be given. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the County of Elgin Library Committee an agreement (attached as Appendix "A") between the County and the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture re: an LCAP Capital Grant. READ a first time this 18th day of June, 1986. READ a second time this 18th day of June, 1986. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of June 1986 ~4C-<.-<-~- y.:."",_.1 G C. Leverton Clerk , ~ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO ¡IS represented by the Minister of Citizenship ¡lnd Culture for the Province of Ontario, (the "Ministry") - and - BRUœCOUNTY LIBRARY BOARD ("Bruce·') - and - CHATHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ("Chatham") - and~ COBOURG PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ("Cobourg") - and - ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY 804JtD ("Elgin") . and,. ~5SJ1.X COUNTY t.mRARV'ßöM,D ("Essex") - and - FRONTENAc COUNTY LIBRARY BoARD (i'Frontenac") -and- HALIBURTON COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD ("Haliburton") - and - HURON COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD ("Huron") \''',. ) ¡ ~ aM '.. '" M' ~""". II II II : , Iii jl I " I I \ I I I \, II I I - 2- KENT COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD ("Kent") - and - KINGSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ("Kingston") - and - LAMBTON COUNTY LIBRARY BoARD ("Lambton") - and ~ MIDDLESEX COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD ("Middlesex") -and· NORTHUMBERLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ("NorthUmberland") -and· OXFO~D cöUNTY UBRA~y BOARD ("Oxford") ~ and ~ PORT HOPE PUBLIC UBRARY BoA~D ("Port Hope") ~ and '" SARNIA PUBL1C L1B~A~y BOARD (tiSarniail) - and.. ST. THoMAS PUBUè liBRARy BöARD ("St. Thomas") I ~ arid . , Subject to the in thls Agreernent, / 2.1 Grant - terms ànd conditions set out the 2.0 'Ontario Librà¡'y Cooperative Aut~mation Project"rneans the cooperátlve building ot ä machine reädable database, to be aváilablè provihc1a1lý tor resource sharing, without charge except lor áctuåJ disbursements. (d (a) (b) 'Ministry' means the Ministry of the Library Cooperative Automation Program. Citizenship and Culture. 'LCAP" rneans ln this Agreement, 1.1 1.0 Definitions consideration ol to THEREFORE mutual covenants the terms and conditions herelnafter set outl NOW the THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in and ägreements herein contáinêd and subject as follows: the parties hereto agree AND WHEREAS the Libraries provide an LCAP capital grant to ässist ih database: have requested the Ministry the building of the sáid rnachine readable Haliburton, Port tiope, (hereiniûter databáše; that Chatharri, Cobourg, Elgin, Essex, Frontenac, Huron, Lambton, Middlesex, Northumberlahd, Oxford, Sarnia, St. Thomas, Stormont, DundaS &: Glengarry and Victoria the l'LibÎ'ãdes"l þi'õpðsê tô êÒÔþératJvélybtJ¡!d ä riìàchine readable WHE!tEAS Bruce, Kent, Kingston, ("Victoria") VICTORIA COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD -and- ("stormont, '~STÖit.MoNT. bUNöAS& GLfiNÓAfÜîv C:::ÔUNT-Yo~ LlBRAR Y BoARD Dundas &: Glengarry') -..--.....--~ ~~ (b) cert¡fied Indication that prIority will eC uiptnênt and lTIatêrlå1s; ånd r~solut1ons from locå1 councils (xmfirming their (Viii) be Indication thâtpàrt1c pät1ngJUtlsdictlons will provide the ongoing finahclå1 and. staffing support for the mâlntenance of the database: ' given to Canadian (vii) Indlcatión ,that pro) eet lTIanagem ent avai1àble for Implementation: (vi) skills are c (v) à project implementation schedule; a cost-benefit analysis; (iv) all costs assoclàted with the Ontario. Library Cooperatl'{e AUtomatlort Project, broken down by càtegorý (e.g¡ " coinputer hardware ártd Software, staff costs, etc.); J (iii) benefits "to pàrtlclpants, including savings through automation and other ál'e not dollar definable; potential cost benefits which (H) purpose of the Automatión Project; (j) a full deScription of. the Ontatlo AUtomàtlon Project With all Including: Ontarió Library Cooperative supporting documentation Library Cooperati ve (a) made after the Libraries have submitted to following: the Ministry Pa~ment of the LCAP capltå1 grant to the Libraries for Its prIor approvâl the 4. I shall only be 4.0 3.2 Changes in the Ontario Librâry Cooperative may only be made with the prior written consent of the MiniStry. Payment Autornation Project 3. The shall be Used for developing the Ontario Library Cooperative Àutomation Project Ministry and as set out in Schedule ¡'Ai' hereto. capital grant as the purposes of àpproved by the 1 LCAP only 3.0 the Libràries àn LCAP capital grant not to exceed $476,600.00 seventy-six thousand, six hundred dollars) towards the costs of developing the Ontàrlo Library Cooperative Àutomation Project. '""-~'~---'-~:""""-"-'---'-- -I - Purpose wJlJ gi ve hundred ànd '",."" .- , ':~~m:-~~~~~#~,'1%:;~?:~;~**il;'W;"'¥0~~qi';0SW,,'ii1¡_ support for the C";'p"~a1:1"e ^"to"'aÙ~;' Project and the amount of municipal funding they are approving for this purpose. 4.2 After the Ministry haS approved the .documentation submitted by the Libraries pursuånt to paragraph 4.1, thè LcAp capital grant shall be paid to fOrontenac, on behalf of the Llbråries, in InStallments as determined by the Ministry in its sole discretion. 4.3 Notwlthstånding þaragraphs 4ò I and 4.2, all payments shall be subject to the availability of funds and the Minister reserves the right to make a pro rata distribution of funds across the Provlnceò 4.4 Any unused portion of the LCAP cåpitalgrant shali remain, the proþerty of thê MinIstry. .5.0 Acknowledgement .5.1 The Libraries shåll acknowledge the support of the Ministry in all advertising, publicity ånd sIgns relãi:1hg tó the Ontario Library Cooþerative Automation Project and In any þêrmàhent tributes displayed on or about the library housing the ontario library Cooperative Automation Project. The form of said acknowledgement shåll be subject to the prior àpþroval of thè Ministry. 6.0 Obligations of libraries Respecting the Proiect 6.1 During this Agreement, and for a period of 3 years after the commencement of operãtion of the Ontario Library Cooperative Automation Project, the libraries shålh (a) make the related, database é\vailable provincially for resource sharing, wlthóut charge except lor actlJå1 disbursements; (b) not breach, the provisions, of the Human Rights Code, 1981 in the operation of thê Ontario LibråryCooperative Automation ProJèct; (c) hot Imowlngly provide false òt, rnlsleading information relating to, thë , ,development of ,the Ontario Library Cooperative" Automãtion Project or relating to the terms of this Agreement; , / (d) hot sell of ,óthefwlse dispose of ány of ,the component parts of the Ontario library cooperative Automation Project without the prior wrl tten consent of the Ministry; ~@~~w.r::r<I'-wct'1m)'Þ1W);''I>¡1;'''''''''o/fi'"¡'NW' e'"11O " . ~'t'NØU:~1'F'~n."",~,rY'!c~~~~"IM"""~-= '--'-~', mortgage or otherwise encürri~r"m~tf'(!ôñ'ì~pañ'E"ñ~q¡>æir:1:SWo%"",¡.otne;"HWN.'f<lf""W~~",~".f,;'i"""'4,~"",;,,,,,'q; , , Ontario. Library Cooperative Automation Project ~o an .,'«"'~ amount gréäter than the valuèof thé. respective component þårt l!!!iš the total amount of the Grant; (1) not (I) cease opêrating the ontario Library Cooperative Automation Project, '" (H) wind-up of disšolvê, or (Iii) commence, ,or have commenced against it, any proceedings in bankruptcy or be adjudged a bankrupt. 7.0 Reports 7.1 Thê Librärièš šhall, submit bi-monthly reports 01\ the progress of the Ontarió Library Cooperative Automåtion Project, including dêtails of àll expenditures made tó date and other relàted documentation as required by the Ministry. 7.2 The tlbràriêš shall šubmit to thê Ministry ä copy of their contract with the bibliographic utility forthwith after èxêcUtion. 7.3 Upon completing the Ontàrio Libräry Cooperätivé Automation Project, the Librarleš šhall provide à final report on the Project to the Ministry giving all details reqtiéStèd by thé Miništry. 8.0 Repayment of Grànt " 8.1 Any breåch of thê conditions set out in this Agreement shall entitle , the Ministry, at its option¡ to Immediate repayment of the whole or any part of the LCAP capital grant. U thè Ministry demändš such repayment it shall, Until paid, be " a debt owed by the libràrleS to the Ministry and rêcoveräble by the Ministry by actiol\ in a court of law. 8.2 11 required, the LeAP capital grant shall be repaid by a cheque payable to The Treasurer of Ontârio, and triài1ed to the Fll"lånce 13rànch, Ministry of Citizenship and culture, 3rd Floor, 71 Bloor street West, Torol"lto, Ontario, M7 A 2R9. '.c.r-"-~j-'_ ....."'--~¡r"-c;_·----'::7;-~~'-~'·'··7~-.-.-..;O----:-,'._-,. .,-.,-,,,,-,.--.,'. Audit 9.1 The Libraries' finàncial and other records relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall bè subject to audit at any time. by the internal auditors of the Ministry and by the Provincial Auditor. All financial statements and records relating to the project shall be maintained by the Libraries for at least three years. 10.0 Indemnification and Insurance 10.1 The librarieS shall kéep themselves and the component parts of the Ontario Library Cooperat1ve Automatiori Project Insured against property damage and third pãrty liiiliUity. if ãhÿ ôfthè è:ÔffiþÖtiétit þârH ôf thê Oritario Library Cooperative Automätion Project arê damaged or destrôyéd; the LibrarIes shall repay the LCAP capital grant out of the illSUÌ'ance proceeds unless those proceeds are used to rebuild the Ontario Library Cooperative AutôlTiatiån Project. 10.2 The Libraries hereby indemnify and save the Ministry harmless from and against all claims, demänds, losses; damäges, charges, costs; lawsuits or other action whatsoever and whether for deathS; injUries, lrifractions; losses or damages to property or 'persons caused or resulting from åhy act or omisSion on the part of the Libraries and their respêctive oHlcefij; servants and employees and others for whoSe acts or omissions the Libraries are at law responsible. The libraries shall also reirnburse the MInistry if expênses äre incurred by the Crown because of third party dabns arising frôm the LcAp èapitål grant. 11.0 Joint and Severable l.iiiliilitv H.t Thè Libràries ägrêé that äU of theii" obligations åhd liabilities hereunder are joint ãnd several. 12.0 SeverabiU tv 12.1 AU covenants' ¿ontäined iri this Agreêmêht shall be sêverable. Should any covenant In this Agreernent bê declared Invâlid or unenforceable; the remaining covenants shall hot be affected. .. ¡Hi " t ,~ ~' ~ I" :¡¡ ¡ 1'1 ¡i i; I," "" J:i ,~ð' ~À~~;¡~@@)"~~~~~~<~~~~' :'.. . , '$S JlinneH>"t .'. -,""', "';"', ,"'J" 13.1 The. Libraries shaH not assign this Agreement or any part of it without the prior written consent of the Ministry. 14.0 Governinl( Law 14.1 This Agreement shâH be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of ontario. 15.0 Waiver 15.1 A waiver of any failure to comply with any term of this Agreement must be ;-vritten and signed by the aggrieved party, I!ach wâlver must refer to a specific fâilure to comply and wilt hot have the effect of waiving ânysubsequent failures to comply. 16.0 Whole Al(reement 16.1 This wri Hen instrument embodies the entire understanding, contract and agreement of the parties hereto and there are nò other Understandings, agreements, representátions or warranties; either coUaterâ., orâ. or otherwise. 17.0 Benefit 17.1 This Agreement shaH enure tò the beneflt ()f and shâll be binding upon the heirs, successors ànd âssigns of the t.1brârlés whò åre ãpproved by the Ministry, pursuant to paragraph B.t. 18.0 Notice 18.1 Any notice to bè giverl under this Agreement shaH be sent by ordinary prepaid mail addressed to thE! pärties ât their respective addresses as followSi The Ministry Ministry of Citizenship ánd culture Librarie~ ând Community tnfo.rrnation Branch 5th Floor, 77 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontârio M7 A 2R9 Attentioh! Director ',j, ~;. SIGNED, SEALED and DELtVERED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) cIs Mini~erof Citizenship and Culture for the Þrovince óf Ontarió Brlice CoUnty Library Board þer: ~~ ~htlì Þbl' Vb '8 d a am u ICI rary oar perl JJ¥~ ~~ü/ Cobourg Public library ~oard per! cIs cIs " ~ , Lambton County' L1brary Soard 5116 Niagara Street P.O. Box 100 Wyoming, Ontario NON 1 TO Attention! Chief Executive Officer The parties may designate, in writing,' a different address to one· another at any time. Notice shaH be deemed to have been received on the 4th day after which the notice was mailed. 19.0 Term 19.1 This Agreement $hall be in effect for six years from the date hereof. IN WITNESS WHERÈOF the parties have executed this Agreement. ) "Jglh County Library Boar~/<- ) perl ) ~ÇÂ.(Æ-4 (~.æ ) - . ) ESsex County Library Board ) per! . ~ ~x;[~K~~ ) (...-~ ) þ¡'ontehac County tibrary Board ) þêri ) . )'J;?; .,¿ ~. a-f"~, ~)d>, . ÇJ ) Ha1iburton CoUhty Librarý Board ) þt!ri .' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1A/ '. () ~ I'rÁt_{,,~ I~~ ) Kent County Library Board ) þerl ) ) ) ) ) Kingston Public LibraI' ) peri ) /) . ) ~~ .! ~ ' ".. . ." ,JZ'iÞ¡~ ) Lái'nbto htý L' ) pê ) ) ) ) ) Middlesex County library aoard ) þer ) ( ) -- ) '- ~ ) I cIs to ~ ~ ....,.-~..,.--"..,..~._--- cis cis cis cis cis cis cis &" It- Wi! Vanderelst - Diréctor I Libraries ând Community ("forma tion Branch Approved for signing by the Minister of Citizehship and CuHUré by: " ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Is , Victori Board ounty Public Librâry cIs Stohriont¡ DUndas &: GÌengarry County Library Boârd þer! / /' 1~~~ cIs St. Thomas Public Library Board þél'! cIs Sarr11â Public Library Board þér! Port Hoþé Public Library Board péfî ~l~-kýlci. cIs ?wuL~ Vð-.,.1L-t! ~ cIs þér! r' Oxford CoUhty Library Board 11 .~. Northumberland County Library Board per! cIs '~'l Ii 'w,', 'v i I Account and product 5tH-up Database creation costs for Catálôgí.iè production Staffing. ãnd ãdmlnlstrãtl()rI Consultahtahd Legal Fèës Other èxþënses Contingency (10%) 1 ;707,822 titleS 923.054.00 $ 3,970.00 610,700.00 35,470.00 92,000.00 25;000.00 15,000.00 83.914.00 Hardware: 19 IBM/PCS @ $:3,000.00 each $ 57,000.00 The purpose of the tCAP grant Is to. provide. funding Coopèrative to jointly bulld a machine readable database. system are estimated at $923,054.00 calculated as follows: to the Ontario Library The total costs for this .~ '~'::><ß,t. Ministry ()f Citizenship and Culture L égal B.ranch 11th Floor 11 BJoor stréet West T oronto¡ Ontario M7 A ZR9 (1~dJ, /~Il ~~'ÌG, /~ l3ê/jfotcö» ILo .r G L/ 3 AGìU!EMENT (,,'Ui- ET AL MtJCE COUNTY LIB.RÀR Y B.OARD -and- \ HER MAjESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO å!ì reþréséhted by the Minister o~ Citizenship and Culture "for thé PT.ovinceof Ontado< " Dated: April /$'µ' , 1986.