86-61 ~------~--<-~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~cï<X!¿1 ,%-~r?t'· qq·n READ a third time and finally passed this'19th day of November 1986 READ a READ a first time 2. extent of Council later second This By-Law shall come in force upon the date and the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In or upon the 1st day of January 1987, whichever dat~ is time this this 19th day of Nõverhber 19th day of November 1986 1986 On Plan Number 57-1 to be known as County Road Number 57 the xi On Plan Number 56-2 to be known as County Road Number 56 x On Plan Number 52-3 to be known as County Road Number 52 ix On Plan Number 48-2 to be known as County Road Number 48 viii On Plan Number 46-2 be be known as County Road Number 46 vii On Plan Number 45-4 to be known as County Road Number 45 vi On Plan Number 35-2 to be known as County Road Number 35 v On Plan Number 27-2 to be known as County Road Number 27 iv On Plan Number 26-2 to be known as County Road Number 26 iii On Plan Number 18-2 to be known as County Road Number 18 ii On Plan Number 5-2 to be known as County Road Number 5 i a 1. The Schedule amended by: Adding thereto the following Roads County of to Establishing By-Law No The Municipal Council Elgin enacts' as By-Law 85-27 of the Corporation of Nå.'86::61 às follo'\>lS is the IMPROVEMENT ACT " OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IN THE COUNTY " A BY-LAW " ¡ --"- :1)'.' -.," ;" By-Law No .~~--- COUNTY OF ELGI N --c..,-~,_.,_..~. - 86-61 -......_._-----.....-.~. a.C.203 / 87 Leverton co " " '~/ ) . )i( Hd:er.rr:d ~,).oþ~ R.G. Moore G. Browning, Attn: T.A. Hickey Carl Hennum. Attn: Jack Wice T.P. Wood O. Maier rç\ c.c A ttch a ,/~., ;:/ 'Ita. '" j,ç '.A\.. . J;Jf1n ' B.Lo Nemethy )je<~ Intermediate pr7 o-orcjinator BLN/lss Yours Copies of the bylaws, plans and ~h~ Qrper-in-Council are being forwarded under separate cover to Mr, R. G. Moore, p. Eng., County Engi'leer together with about 50 copies of the reduced plans. very truly A copy of Order-in-Council No. O.C. 203/87, By!aAv Nos. 86-60 and 86-61 with corresponding plans to the schedule are her~by attached for your records. Please be advised that pursuant to Subsection 44(7) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, RSO 1980, Chapter 421, <.\s amended, on January 28, 1987 His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor-in_ Council has approved Bylaws No. 86-60 and 86-61 to amend the County Road System for the county of Elgin. Bylaw Nos. 86-60 and 86_61 Amending the County Road System Re Dear Mr. G.C. Leverton C1erk- Treasurer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5VI Mr Leverton n-::---:-~·-::" '~" :, ,,\ 11 ~~':i>®' 1 r; \, r, "', 1""",1 ,''', ,', ,\1',' ., ~ï I f1 ¡' I ~ "1 I.,) i '; \, ""}', 'I ~ I,," "-'1 ')V' " 1 '--·'¡L., \...........--'- -;.J II I'· ,..... ·1.:.,"':'- I,,' "";, ,', 19R7 i Fc) c' . G. J " ("''''''''1 .'ê ¡:! r;'~ :'j' ':.' .~~_.:'H"";:.'XI ç I .....1 i"~~(. _ - , <';.:,,_.) :..; ¡ ,c.. L __~':'..:.::':':'~":-'_~:"':_._._"..___ February 3,1987 (416) Transportation and Communications Ministry of 235-If002 Municipa1 Roads Office 3rd Floor, West Tower 120 I Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 ~ ,.\ pursuant to Subsection l¡l¡(?) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act RSO, 1980, Chapter l¡21, approval be given to By-law Numbers 86-60 and 86-61 of the County of Elgin to amend the County Road System of the said County. ~ R."omm."d.d, tv ð U-~ Cooo"".d, Minister of Transportation &'Communications Approved and Ordered: January 28, 1987 ~ ~ c.r,,,~ _ _ Date Lieutenant Governor Certified to be a true copy. - //~_~~J~ Assistant Clerk Executive Council O.C.203 / 87 On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that Governor, by and with the advice and 'Exec r ,""",,",'·"N'."·"'<'''' :''t ¡i ! I I I Order in Council courm OF ELGIN ClERI(· TREASURER'S ßFFICE FEB 9 ~~~\b~l1V~\]) 1987 "'- :':':9[" I -~1 I I I , i II [I I' ,I <: II' II r - ~.--=--. J...~";:.~o COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B6-61 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD \ ..... IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A 'cOUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 86-61 as follows: 1. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by: (a) Adding thereto the fOllowing Roads _ (i I On Plan Number 5-2 to be known as County Road Number 5. ( ii) On Plan ,Number 18-2 to be known as County Road Number 18. (iii) On Plan Number 26-2 to be known as County Road Number 26. (iv) On Plan Number 27-2 to be known as County Road Number 27. (v) On Plan Number 35-2 to be known as County Road Number 35. (vi) On Plan Number 45-4 to be known as County Road Number 45. (vii) On Plan Number 46-2 be be known as County Road Number 46. (viii) On Plan Number 48-2 to be known as County Road Number 48. (ix) On Plan Number 52-3 to be known as 'County Road Number 52. (xl On Plan Numbér 56-2 to be known as County Road Number 56. (xi) On Plan Number 57-1 to be known as County Road Number 57. 2. This By-Law shall come in force upon the date and the extent of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Councilor upon the 1st day of January 1987, whichever date is later. READ a first time this 19th day of November, 1986. READ a second time this 19th day of November, 1986. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of November. 1986 ..--- ~...c: .~. ~-(._.: 'Y~µ'7____ G. C. Leverton, R. F. Purc -II Clerk I. G. C, LEVERTON. CLERK OF THE CORPORA_ Warden TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN DO HE~HY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING'IS A TRUE COpy OF . ßy:-J..AYI.N.G. :~~"I... PASSED.BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON "IE Jfl.T.tL... DAY OF N.QV.t;.P.l.e.Ç)~ It:¡''i'!'ø ...:c.......c -c.~ .. 'j;.....". ............. ,~~ ~ [~ , f~ L , f"--- ~ r , f r [ ¡ '~"~_._.._.""",-- _'.. _m -~-..~. ~ ---, --.'---,----- ELGIN COUNTY CONSOLIDATING BY - LA W SHEET I of 2, PLANN2'SOF AMENDING BY LAW " 86-60 AMENDING BY CAW N! 86·61 AMENDING BY-LAW N286-62 AMENDING BY LAW Nil. 86- 63 AMENDING BY ,LAW NO ! CDNSOUQAT!NG LENGTH - DATE-NOV.J9 1986 OATE-NOV.19,!.986 DATE_ NOV. 19,/986 DATE-NOV. 19-86 DATE BY-LAW " PUN ." PUN NO K'LON£TRUOFROJ.O P~U ." PLU N' .'<'011011.. OF 00..0 PLANNI FLA"". ·',-"",muOFRCIoD .'lO"'TRUO.IlO". PLAMN' PLU NI ~''-''"~''''or.~ KILO"'ETRES PLAN." Pt........ N285-27 RUOVEo "OOEO + REV"'O .'''OVED ADDEO + REVISED REIIDVED ADDEO + "E'nuo "'''OVEc 400ED + ".,".J~l~O .'''OYED ""OED TOTU TOTAt. TDT"t. + , 2 - I 10.94 H 2 2 7.16 H 'Í 3 I 11.18 H 3 2 10.45 '-; H 4- I 6.76 r; , i 5 I 6,28 5 - 2 4.80 4.80 , 6 - I 6.60 4 ~ 7 I 4.85 j 8- I 10.06 :¡ 8- 2 9.09. --, 9 I 11.60 .... 9 - 2 16.35 -" " " I 2.00 -, : /3 I 9.,00 , i 14 1 13.75 -; 15 - I 1.18 -, ; 16 I 17.30 i 16 2 II. 60 i ~17 - I 1.45 17- 2 5.30 5.30 17- 3 2.10 2.10 18 - I 3.80 18- 2 9.80 9.80 . 19 - I 5.90 20 -I 14.24 20 - 2 10.41 . ,; 21-1 0.40 " 22-1 9,07 -, 23-1 2.40 , , 24 / 10,78 24-2 6;28 ; ;, 25-1 2,61 , 25 2 4.54 ; 26-1 5,70 26- 1 5.70 NIL 26-2 1.40 1.40 , 27-) 9.33 27- 2 3.60 3.60 k TOTAL ~!tANGES I' TOTALCIiANGES TOTAL ~IiANGES TOTAL ~HANGE$ TOTALCIiANGES ¡ "- TOTAL.", " - TOTAL.", " - TOTAL.", " - TOTAlk", " TOTAL.", - ;: -- - -----~ ¡ j ._--~~_.- - -~_.~--"._--~ ------------- - ~~- ---~---- -_.__._---~ -----"~_.._._----....._-.- ------ r , i ~ r PLAN N~'S OF CONSOUOATING BY-LAW N285_27 28 - I 29 r l I 30 - I 31 - I 32 - I r' 33 - I 34 - I 35 - I 36 37 - I 38 - I 38 - 2. r ¡ 39 40-1 4/ - I 42 - I 42- 2. 43- I [- , , 44- I 45 - I 4' 2 45 - 3 46 - I 47- I 48'" I 49 - I 50 - I 51 - I 52 -I 52 2 53 - I 54 - I 55 -I 56 I r- ¡ L, [ f l~NGTH " KlLOMETRES 5.15 3.30 7.30 1.50 5.79 1.15 1.10 4.80 13.00 16.00 7.40 5.60 1.20 17.40 0.67 10.33 13.50 11.20 7. 18 16.50 /4.57 13.47 4.83 5. 60 8.42 2.75 0.58 I. 45 9.00 15.85 1.39 0.77 B.30 1.00 491.7\ ELGIN PUN "_ ME..OVED AMENOlNG BY LAW N2 86 - 60 OATE-NOV_19,1986 .'''''WETR£S O~"O"O + 33-1 PLU .. AOO£O 1.15 TOTAL CHANGES 6.85 1986 TOTAL km 484,.S COUNTY REVI.EO TOTAL NIL PUM NO .....OVEO AloIENDING BY DATE -NOV. CONSOL/DA TING PLU N" .ooDEO 35- 2. 45-4 46-2 48-2 52- 3 56- 2 57-1 TOTAL CHANGES 19 86 TOTAL km LAW N286-61 191986 .'I..,"ETR£OO."OAO + "f~:~ 4.50 4.50 4.30 4.30 4.00 4.00 21.70 21.70 4.40 4.40 4.30 4.30 2.10 2.10 64.90 64.90 BY-LAW PLU .." RE"OVED AMENDING BY-LAW N2 86-64 D"'TE-NQI,(J!:I1986 49.76 PLAN.." ADDED ~'LOM£nIat Of ROAD + Rg~:~D 52-4 TOTAL CHANGES J9~ TOTAlkm 12.1012.10 17.40 17.40 567.16 PLU"" AEWOVU "LAN.." ADDEO AMENDING BY LAW N2 86·65 DATE-NOV. 19,1986 K'LO"£nIUOfROAD 'W~:~. 55-2 TOT"'LCHANGES 6.80 6.80 J9-ª..§. TOTAlkm 576-'>6 PLANN' RE"OVEO SHEET 2 of 2 AM;~~i~~o~YI~~~~86N~ a6.~ P~::EON' ~'LO"E1lI"..~ . 55- 3 6.90 TOTALCIiANGES ¡9~ TOTAL~m