87-13 · COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-13 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES RE: THE PURCHASE OF SERVICE HOME SUPPORT AND SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY." WHEREAS the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens presently provides HomeSuppórt Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Community and Social Services; has agreed to provide funds to assist in the provision of the Home Support Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to formulize the said funding by written agreement. , NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens an agreement (attached. as Appendix "An) between the County of Elgin and the Ministry ûf Community and Social Services to provide Home Support Services for the elderly. READ a fIrst tIme this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time. this 18th day of FebrLlary, 1987. READ a third time and fInally passed this 18th day of February 1987 - --/,,-,,,,-~ ') - G C. Leverton Clerk HER NAJESTY·TBB QURBN in rieht ot Ontario. a. represented by the Minister ot Co..unity and Social Services. (hereinatter referred to as "Ontario") OF TUB FIRST PART - and- CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY HOMES 'FOR SENIOR CITIZENS) (hereinafter referred to as "the Service Provider") OF TUB SECOND PART AHD IfRBRIW On~io is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Section a of The Nini.tryof Coaaunity and Social Services Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.273, a. ...Dd~, to enter into acreeaent. respectine the provi.ion of social ~ervice. and co.aunJty services, includine itea., facilities and personnel relatine there~o: AHD IfRBRIW the Service Provider with the as.ietance of Ontario IÛIs a&Teed to provide Home Support Services for the Elderly I TJIBRBPORB 'I'IIB PARTIB8 acree as follows: 1. PROGIWI AIID STAPPIIO I The Service Provider acreee to provide services in accordance with the Procr.. o.eor1pt1un attached as Sohedule ~A". to this acreeatnt and in accordance with ~ polic1e. and,requir..ents of the Ministry of CQaaunity and Social Be ,ices (hereinafter referred to as "the Ministry") and to provide .taff .. outlined in Schedule "B". 2. CONSULTATION The Service Provider acrees that the etatf hired pursuant to this ~r..aent will, upon request, be available for consultation with a AGR 20-86/04/10 'f. I 2 representat1ve or representa1:1yes ot Ontar10 (here1naftèr reterredtò "Ministry starr"). 3. MINISTRY INSPECTION . The Service Provider will per.it Ministry staff to enter at reasonable ti.es any pre.isesused by the Service Provider in connection with the provision ot services pursuant to this agree.ent in order to: (a) observe and evaluate the services; and (b) inspect all records relating to the services prOvided pursuant to this agree!lent. 4. REPORTS . The Service Provider will aaint8in proPer progr..- records and prepare and subait annually or at any tiae upon request a coaprehensive report respecting the services being provided pursuant to this agreeaent. The reports will be in a tora acceptable to Ministry statt, 5. FINANCIAL RECORDS 5.1 The Servîces Provider will aaintain proper tinancial records and books ot account respecting services provided pursuant to this ~reeaent and will allow Ministry statt to inspect and audit said books and records at all reasonable tiaes both during the tera ot this agreeaent and subsequent to its expiration or teraination. 5.2 The Service Provider will, upon request', subait to Ontario an audited tinancial stateMent with respect to the services provided pursuant to this aeree.ent. ~. CONFIDBHTIALITY The Service ProJider, its directors, otticers, eaployees, agents and volunteers will hold 'contidential and will not disclose or release to any person or agency at any tiae during or tollowing the tera ot this aereeaent, except where required by law; any intor.ation or docuaent that tends to identity any in~ividua1 in receipt ot services without the written consent ot the i dividua1 or the individual's parent or guardian prior to the release or disclosure ot such intoraation or docuaent. 7. CONSENTs The Service Provider agree. to obtain in writing all consents or oaths which aay be necessary to the provision ot services pursuant to this agreeaent. i 8. CONSIDERATION 8.1 Ontario will pay to the Service Provider tor expenditures Incurred pursuant to tbl, acreeaent an ..ount not to exceed with ..ount stIpulated In the approved budtet attached as Schedule "C" tor the period specitled in said bUdget. Any aonles so paid wIll be applIed In accordance with tbe approved bUdget. OntarIo reserves the right to deteralne the ..ounts, tl..s and aann.r ot such payaents 3 thåt the approved bud2et will be ne~otiated on ot dlin each year while this a~reeaent is in the ,deet Is not re-ne~otlated by the first day of payaents will continue t2 be aade in accordance with the approved for the l..ediately precedinE fiscal year until such tiae as the is re-neeotiated. the Service iteas. provided 8.3 With the prior written approval of Ministry staff Provi~er aay tranater tunda between individual bud¡et line that the total approvedbudeet, lUIOunt is not exceeded TERM This a¡rreeaent will be In force troa 1st dey of January 19 87 :. unUl it is superseded or replaced by a subsequent a¡reeaent or until it is terainated by either party by eiving aixty (60) daya written notice. In the event of teraination. the Service Provider will rèfund forthwith to Ontario any aonlea advanced by Ontario and not expended in accordance witb tbe approved bu~et. 9 " INDBMIUPICATION The Service Provider will. both durinE and tollowlne the tera of tbis a¡ree.ent, indeanity and aave beraleaa Ontario fro. all coats, losses. daaaeea. jud¡e..nta. clai.a. deaande. auita. actions or otber proceedinee .tn any aanDer baaed upon, occasioned by or attributable to anyt!¡inc dOH or oa1Ued¡tobe cIoH by the Service Provider. ita directora~ officers, .ap~., -.ent. or volunteer. in ccnnection witb ' ~- - - I .ervice. prowided. . purported. to be provided or required to be provided by tbe Service P~ider PGrIllUant to this qree.ent. 10. ~;, ¡¡ . The Service Provider wUl obtain and aaint&in in full fo~ and eïfect durinè the tera of·thi. acr....nt ooaprebeneive &eneral liability ineurance' acceptable to ~tario in an aaoant of not Ie.. than $500,000.00 per occurrence inre.pect 'of the ..rvicea provided purauant to tbis a¡re_nt. Th. inaurance pol1cy abell, (a) include aa anria. tlonal ineured "Bel' Majesty the Queen in debt of Ontario as' re..nted by the JUnist.r of Coaannity and Social Servicea- in ct of and durinc the providon of aarYice. by the Service ~ider punuant to tbis qreeaant: contain a croaa¡riabilitY olause .ndor....nt contain a olaus. Jacladinc ser...ent. IKSDRAlfCl 11. and (b) ) (c or of contract proof of out upon request. aridnc UabUity Ontario The Service Provider .il~ aabait to insurance ' 1IOII-A88IOIOIBlft' Th. Service ~ider .Ul DOt a..ien this qree.ent. or any part thereof, .itbout tbe ~1or lØ'ittan approval of Ontario, whiob approval asy be .1~ld'brOOtarl0.~..J~eol. diaoreUon or c!v.n .abj.ot to aucb te~"'.~tt"'"j:"'tarl0 aay ÙIPCI.. 12. -. -.- ~ ~ ~,~,~,~:--- - n. ------.---.....--........- - ~~------ -~~._-~~-- / ~ :'¥<", '·c, "', ..,' .. ,., ,0 , n ciA ."an' n'60rpo lntothiå a~rieeae"t e~cept where they are inconsistent this a~ree.ent. This a~ree.ent .and the attached Schedules e..body t entire a~ree.ent and supersede any other. u~derstandln~ Or agree.ent. collateral. oral or otherwise. existing between the .parties at the date of execution. 14. DISPOSITION The Service, Provider will not sell, change the Use or otherwise dispose ot any itea. furnishing or equipaent in respect of which aonies have specitically been provided by Ontario without the prior written Consent of Ontario. which cOnsent aay be subject to such teras' and conditions tor repayaent in whole or in part as Ontario aay deea advisable. IN WITNESS WRBRBOF this ~reeaent has been executed under seal by On behalt of Ontario and on behalf of the Service Provider by its proper signing officers On behalt at the Ministry at Co..unity and Social Services CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY HCME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS s naae ,.."-~^~ ~~_.'-".~.c-==.- WARDEN (Service Pro~ider CLERK >Z-r-, ,-/ seal L <--c corporate ~__.--c (Affix : By ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) By SIGNED. SEALED AND DELIVERED on the day at . 19 in the presence at . · Witness required where' the Service ProV1der 1. a sole proprietor or a partnership ~-- SCHEDULE 'A' Proqram DescriDtion Program NéI'me: Elgin County Homes for Seniors, Home Support Service Program Objectives: To provide varied and adaptable services to the elderly population of Elgin County living in their own homes. To provide mental and physical support that will reinforce an independent lifestyle. To offer these programs as a support service thus encouraging individuals to make their own decisions concerning their level of involvement. Brief Description: Day Care Proqram: Bathing assistance wiïl be provided at the home facility for individuals unable to bathe independently. Hot wax treatments will be given to individuals requesting care. Footcare will be provided to individuals requesting care. A nourishing, attractive and well presented meal will be served to each participant. A user fee at least equal to the cost of the meal is to be charged. Transportation will be provided to and from the home facility for both ambulatory and non-ambulatory participants on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Meals-on-Wheels: Noon Meals-on Wheels will be provided Monday through Friday to individuals within a 20 minute driving radius of the home facility. Diet counselling will be provided to individuals by appointment. ~--<-.. - r-- -"~_._._'-.~~ Respìte Care: Temporary accomodation may be recuperating or vacationing individuals Winter residence may be available. Other Proqrams Telephone aSSLlrance calls may be arranged from the Home facility to individuals living in their own homes within a local calling area. Social and activation counselling will be provided at the Home facility and is available to individuals in their home setting. be offered A group aquatic exercise program will twice weekly. Assistance will be provided to seniors in the completion of government forms A registered denturist will counsel individuals on proper denture care. Dentures can be repaired to obtain a proper fit upon appointment. living Criteria of Users: All residents 60 years of age and older within Elgin County. Eligibility Individuals under the age 60 requirement interested in services are to write a letter of intent to the Committee of Management for approval. Served: be to Estimated Number of Persons Elgin Manor, 86) Terrace Lodge, 223 309 persons be Delivered: Estimated Units of Service to ~/- 10,200 meals 2,340 624 2,860 2,860 416 1,560 565 calls Meals-on-Wheels - Baths - Hot wax Transportation In~house meals - Diet Counselling - Water Exercise - Telephone Assur.- , ,,~,', ---'--1 SCHEDULE 'B' \ Staffinq 1 Full-time Support Services Co-ordinator 1 Part-time Driver (18 hours per week) 6 Part...time Nursing Attendants (4 hours/week) 2 part-time Kitchen Maids (4 hours/week) 1 Part-tiine Dietitian (4 hours /week) SCHEDULE ~ ELGIN COJNTY Ha>ES FOR SENIORS. HeM: SUPPORT SERVICE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1. 1987 TO MARCH 31. 1987 'C line bJdget individu"l between doll"rs to trðnSfer Approv" 1 items, OPERATING EXPENDIWRES is given Sðl"rias¡ Benefits TrðVel ' . Tr"ining " AllOCllted Admin. Costs Sub Tot"l Rent Office Expenses Audi t ...-.d Leg<s 1 Costs Insuri!ll'lde Advertising AllOCllted Cósts Equipment (operðticn & "",inten<>nce) Prog r"," Supp li as FcxxI Costs Other (volLnteer recognition) Other Tot" 1 Expenditures OPERATING REVEMJES 19. 19. 19. 20. $15.968.20 874.10 1.000.00 500.00 2.000.00 20.342,30 125.00 62.50 162.50 125.00 1.750.00 125.00 50.00 22.742.30 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2.693.40 4,403.52 2.000.00 9.096.92 (,,) Client Contribution for servi cas rei odet -ad (b) Municipðl Non-Cðpit"l Contributicns (c) Other Non-Cðpit"l Contributicns TQt" 1 RENenues 645.38 645.38 645.38 $13 $13 $13. Net ~ðting Expenditures 60% of Tot"l Expenditures Ministry Subsidy (lesser of Item 21 or 22) Nunber of Users Cast per- User Nunber of Units of Service Cast per- Unit 21- 22. 23. 24. 25, , 1987 Pðyment to be III<Ide quðrterly by cl"ims form due Jlr1Ð 30. September 30. Decehlber 31 ðnd Mðrch 31 Iv> ðdvðnce p¡oyment equ<ll to cne quðrter wi 11 be III<Ide "t the beginning of the ye¡or and recovered in the '""t quðrter. 1. JðIlUðry effective is $13.645.38. The maxirrun subsidy P"Y"b le to Mðrch 31. 1987 Method of Pðyment: Adv10nces ---I >- Amendment to Schedule C' The agreement dated the day of , 19 between Ontario and ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIORS, HOME SUPPORT SERVICE ("the Service Provider) with respect to the provision of a home support for the elderly program, is amended by revoking Schedule ~ and substituting the attached Schedule "C". All payments made after April 1 , 1987 and computed in accordance with the approved budget for the fiscal year April 1, 1987 to March 31, 1988 shall be deducted from the amount payable to the Service Provider as specified in the approved budget attached as Schedule 'ì,C" hereto. All other terms of the agreement are hereby confirmed. This amendment has been executed under seal this day of 19 by on behalf of Ontario and on behalf of the Service Provider by its pl'opel" signing officeri;;. Signed, sealed and Delivered on the day of 9 in the presence' of On behalf of the Minister of Community and Social Services CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ~GIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS (Service Provider's name) - /fl ., By : WARDEN By : ~·?'é.c~/,-<~ 'YT:>-__ CLERK Affix Corpor~te seal ". :~~~, ~ ELGIN COONTY HCf<1ES FOR SENIORS. HCME SUPPORT SERVICE PERIOD FROM APRIL 1. 1987 TO MARCH 31. 1988 ¡~~~~lí-:-TiL~ll~J£~~¡!M.iíi! '~~j' "'f line budget: indivicilJ<ll between to trðnS'fer doll,,1"S Appr-ov" 1 items. OPERATING EXPENDITURES is given 5<ll"ries 8enefi ts TrðVel Tr"ining AllOCðted Admin: Costs Sub,Tot"l Rent Office Expei,seS Audit ðnd legð 1 Costs InsurðnCe Advertising AllOCðted Costs Equi pnent (oper'1rt:i on & 1M i ntE!nðf1Ce) PT'ogr,,", Supplies Food Costs Other (voll.nteer recog"iticn) Other Tot" 1 Expenditures OPERATING RE\lBlUES 19. (,,). 19. (b) 19. (c) 20. Tot"l $63.873.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 $80,373.00 500.00 250.00 650.00 500.00 7,000.00 500.00 200.00 $89,973.00 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 40 50 00 90 $15.111 $10.380 1.500 $26,991 Client Contribution for services rei ..ed M..nicip¡ol Non--Cðpit"l Contributions Other Non--Cðpit"l Contril:utions Revenues 10 10 10 $62,981 $62,981 $62.981 21. Net Oper1rt:ing Expenditures 22. 70% of Tot"l Expenditures 23. Ministry Subsidy (lesser of Item 21 01" 22) 24. r+..mber of Users Cost pet" User 25. I'Unber of Units of Service Cost pet" Unit The maxinun subsidy payable is Mðrch 31, 1988. Method of Pðyment: 1987 to Pðyment to be made QUðrterly by cl"ims form due Jtne 30, SeptI9l1'lber 30. Deceo,ber 31 ðnd Mðrch 31 M ðdv<once ~t equal to one QUðrter ..ill be made "t the beginning of the yeðr ðnd rec:avered in the lllSt qlJðrter 1, effective April 981.10. $62. Advðnc:es :