87-27 I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-27 'A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 87-27 as follows: 1. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by - (a) Adding thereto the following Road on Plan Number 29-2 to be known as Road Number 29. 2. This By-Law shall come in force upon the date of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May 1987 ,/ ~ - ~h,,>--- ~ G C. Leverton, - Clerk I, G. C, LEVERTON, CLErK OF THE CORPORA. TlON OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, DO Hf'EEY CERTIFY THAT THE fOREGOING IS A TRUE COpy OF ð~, LII.W NO. ~). "-7, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE 4.O,:r.~t.. DAY OF ..I:'\PI¥.,.''}:n .~-'~-..,'~,./ ...........:...................... .,,,,,," Iii i 'I/' THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BY-LAW NUMBER 4768 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO ASSUME AS AN ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CERTAIN PORTIONS OF A ROAD LYING V,JITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX WHEREAS$ection 44 (I) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 421 authorizes a County to establish a County Road System which may include such boundary-line roads between the County and any other County as are agreed upon by the municipalities interested. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin tlas agreed to assume as an Elgin County Road, the entire road and road allowance including widenings if any, being that portion of the roa(i, including the deviations therefrom, forming the boundary between the Townships of Westminster, Delaware in Middlesex County and Southwold in Elgin County more particularly described as follows:- The road and the deviations therefrom forming the boundary in Lot 49 on the west side of the North Branch of the Talbot Road between the Townships of Westminster and Southwold; and between Lot ;'6, Gore Concession of the TownshIp of Westminster; Lot 24, Concessions III and Iv of the Township of Delaware and Lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, Concession III of the Township of Sou~hwold, from the west limit of King's Highway Number 4 to a point 493 metres east of the southwest corner of Lot 24, Concession III, Township of Delaware. - AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Middlesex agrees'to the assumption of the above mentioned road under the sole jurisdiction of the County of Elgin and not as a joint jurisdiction County road. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Middlesex enacts as follows:- I. That the County of Elgin be authorized to assume the above mentioned road as a County Road under the sole jurisdiction of the County of Elgin and to enter into any agreements with interested municipalities as may be necessary. PASSED in COUNCIL this 8th day of March, 1988. I, RON. f!:DOY. Cl.z~~rt '~F i.llit:. "no:: CüUN1"Y OF MII)'DLESïSX, t)() HL'R/;,i:,,,;)Y CI!RTIFV THAT Tt4\$ WARDEN is A TH:UE COpy OF r,llD0L,i!51::~X COUN"fV BY-LAW NtJMi3ER L¡~ ~f \' I' ~_-:- c--' r- r- --I I ! -, I I ¡ r I I: Ii II ¡ Ii JI . I¡ I" þ. ~ .-. <~ '] ELGIN COUNTY CONSOLIDATING BY - LA W SHEET I of 2 PLANNS!'SOF AMENDING BY-LAW ". 86-60 AMENDING BY CAW Nil 8-6-61 AMENDING BY-LAW NIS? - 25 AMENDING BY LAW Nil 86- 63 AMENDING BY-LAW -Nil CONSOLIDATING LENGnt DATE -NOV. 19 1986 DATE-NOV. 19, 1986 DATE - MAY 20 1987 DATE- NOV. 19-86 om !lY-LAW " ~'LOWf:TAES OF ROAD .'LOIIUJlOSOl'.CAD .,LCllln1I[SCFROAD .,"OWrntESO.ROAD KILOMETRES PlAN.O PLU NO PLANNO PLU ." PLnN' PUN .. PUN_N' PL....... .L...· PLANN" NlLOMmuo..... NO 85-27 ...OYED ADDEO + A.fXat° ....OVED ADDEO + UV'UD RE.O....O ADDEO + ......".0 .."OVEO ADDED + REVISE' REIIO...E. ADDED ro,~ TOTAL TO.....'- + ·"""EO 2 - I 10.94 TOTAL 2 2 7.16 3 I 11.18 3 2 10.45 4 1 6.76 . 5 I G.28 5' 2 4.80 4.80 ( G - I 6.60 ,\ ,\ 7 - I 4.85 , " 8' I 10.06 8 2 9.09 c'\ ~\ 9 I ILGO '. 9 2 IG,35 ,I, Y / " 1 2,00 V 13- 1 ,9.00 14- 1 13.75 15 - I Ll8 IG- I 17.30 IG - 2 11.60 17- I 1.45 17- 3 2.10 2.10 18 - 1 3.80 18- 2 9.80 9.80 18-3 5.30 18.90 19 - I 5.90 20-1 14.24 20 -2 10.41 21-1 0.40 22 1 9,07 23-1 2.40 24-1 10.78 24-2 G.28 25-1 2.61 25-2 4.54 . 2G-1 5.70 26 - I 5.70 NIL 26-2 1.40 1.40 27- I 9.33 27- 2 3.60 3.60 TOTAL CI14"'GES TOT4LCI14NGES TOT4LCI14"'GES TOT4L CH4"'GES TOT4LCH4"'GES " - TOT4L ~m " - TOT4L ~m " - TOT4L ~m " - TOT4Lkm " - TOT4Lkm '. ~".- ro'"" " , ,-,'. '':'''''''''''''0'' . '''--'''.-.'^!- [ .r"1 \ ( I (-7 , , r i II ì ( í' I Ii ., Ii h i ¡¡ i I \, ,) f II L "/ .' , I l- ."<""""",~",","._,,,Y"_'"'' '''_'"''_-_'''''"'~~',,,,,,>=c=_,n_,,,,..__., EL GIN COUNTY CONSOL/ÐA TING BY-LAW SHEET 2 of 2 PLANN-"'$OF AMENDING ., LAW N2 86 - 60 AMENDING BY-LAW " 86-61 AMENDING BY-LAW " 86-64 AMENDING ., LAW N' 86-65 AMENDING BY-LAW' N287_27 CON$OUOATUIIG LENGTIi O.o.TE-NOV_r9,r986 DATE -NOV. " 1986 DATE-HQIlIS 1985 DATE-NOV. 19,1986 DUE_ MAY20,19S7" 8V-LA,W " K'I.OIIET".SOFROA.Ø "'Lo.mUCFRO~Þ ~'LO.ETR.. OF R""~ XI~O"ETRE$ OF RO~D KILQIoIETRt$ ~LAN N' P~AN HI HU". PLAN." PaM "~ PLAN .. P~U N" PC". ~~ PLAN ~. ~L" M' ·"-""mQ.o~".u Ng 8S.27 REMOVED AODE~ , + R~~m.D RE"O~'O ADO.O + ".f,m~D ~"'OV.D ADDED + R'V'~£" ~UOV'D UDU . RnISE. .UC....Ð UD~D TCT..~ TOTAl. , + ~~'"'" 28 ' I 5,15 To~~,- 29 I 3.30 29- r 29-2 HO ~80 2.80 30 - I 7.30 31 1 t.50 32, I 5.79 33 - I 1.15 33-1 1.15 NIL 34 - , I. 70 35 - I 4.80 35- 2 ..s0 4.50 36 - I 13.00 37 I 16.00 38 - I 7.40 38 - 2 5.60 :"'\ 39- I 1.20 . 40-1 17.40 " - I 0.67 \ 42 - I 10.33 \ 42- 2 13.50 , '3- I 11.20 \ í 44- I 7.18 .5 - I 16.50 "- 'S - 2 14.57 45-4 4.30 4.30 'S 3 13.47 46- I 4.83 , 46-2 4.00 4.00 '7- I 5.60 '8 - I 8.42 48- 2 21.70 21.70 49 -I 2.75 50 - I 0.58 51- I 1.45 S2 I 9.00 AMENDING 8Y- LAW No 86-66 52 2 /5.85 52- 3 4.40 4.40 52-4 12. fO 12.10 DATE- NOV. '" 1996 PLAN " K'LO".nR " RoAD 53 - I I. 39 AOOED , + 'Wi 54 - I 0.77 55 - I 8.30 55-2 6.80 15.10 55- 3 6.90 noo 56-1 1.00 56- 2 4.30 4.30 ;:"\f -(y 57-1 2.10 2.10 / II\, TOTAL CHANGES 6.85 TOTAL CHANGES 64.90 64.90 TOTAL CHANGES 17.40 17.40 TOTAL CHANGES TOTAL CHANGES 491. 71 1986 TQTALkm ...... 19J!§ TOTALkm ..." 19J!§. -TOTAL km 567.16 19~ TOTAL km 516"" '9~ TOTALkm 582." ~ . , .. , ('~; - - r COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX DELAWARE LOT 24 25 '. I DD '. CI$ r it 'b,;: . SOUT" OitC"ES Eit CON. ~ ~, t MIDDLESEX DELAWARE 18 ELGIN LOT CON. 493m. '" PLAN 49 PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF SOUTHWOLlJ. WESTMINSTER ond OELA WARE AND BEING ASSUMED AS A CO UNTY ROAD BY - - - - - - --- BY-LAW NUMBER 87- 25 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD No. 18 I LENGTH OF ASSUMED ROAD APPRO X 5.30 kllometres LEGEND IV The King-s Highway ':f' Assumed Counry Road No 'ß w Other County Roods \II] ~ Township and Villoge Roads To....nship Boundaries ...,. +-++ County Boundaries ... . . e-e t HERE BY CERTI FY THAT T....IS PLAN FORMS PART OF THE SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW N~ 87· -25 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. ( I \_- s ~" ~~ CLERK - G_ C. LEVERTON May 20, 1987 .., i ) L MEASUREMENTS ARE TO THE CLOSEST METRE COUNTY ROAD PLAN N! 18 - 3 '" <> Range . " ~ ' 2 North of Edgewore Road " ~. :,; o T -< LOT 2 . ! J LOT , , 0 , LOT 3 1'.,' Non h Road of Edg e wore , ) <> CONCESSION y A R M o D u r H ""j I, I I , ! i: r ", <> , < ~ o ~ 0-899 SEE PLANS D-896 AND (ROAD NOT OPEN) LOT LOT CON-CESSION E >, I , ':1- j,; I Range Sout h ,) "',j . .~ f.N\ ~' /' ¡¡ "' f I I :{, J¡ I ! I ; í 'j ; I i ¡ " T RQnge , 0 T Rood . \ Rc"ge So~th of j ~ MEASUREMENTS ARE TO TH£ CLOSEST METRE Edg~"'ce Road SEE PLAN 0-899 L_~_,. ~ M f D D f KEY P LA N PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIP of YARMOl/ TH BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY 8~LAW Nl/M8£R 87-27 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN No. 29 COUNTY ROAD KNOWN LOCALLY AS EDGEWARE ROA'O LENGTH OF ASSUMED ROAD APPROX. 2. 80 kllometres LEGEND The King's Highway Assumed County Rood No 29 Other County Roods ïownship and Village Roads Township Boundaries ..... t--t+ COunly Boundaries ... . . . . ¿; n \fIJ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN FORMS PART OF, THE SCHEDULE TO BY·LAW N~ 87-27 OF THE COUNTY OF ELG r N .., ~ CLERK - G. C. LEVERTON May 20,1987 $OAl£ COUNTY ROAD PLAN Ne 29 - 2 l..-UUJ''j ur CLLJ~I~ BY-Law No. 87-27 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 87-27 as follows: 1. The SchedLlle to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by - (a) Adding thereto the following Road on Plan Number 29-2 to be known as Road Number 29. 2. This By-Law shall come in forGe upon the date of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May 1987 ~..~">--,/ - G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~'~~, 'ºð" - 4MA~rìt: qq- '1 r' J /. I ~ Onla"o 'Executive Council On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that pursuant to subsection 44 (5) of the Fublic'D:ansportation and Highway JiTq;>rovanent rot, RSO 1980, ClIapter 421, as amended approval be given tp by-lawp 87-25, 87-26 and 87-27 of the (booty of Elgin to amend the O;>Unty kIad System consolidating by-law of the said (booty and to by-~w tÞ. 4768 of the (booty of Middlesex to consent to by-law tÞ. 87-25 of tfie (booty " Elgin; and these by-laws shall be in force and have effect 0\1 and after the day they are approved. ¡ " Recat1nended : 7b~. '-"."~"U""1~ @;: Minlster of 'D:ansportation' O)¡iirman 1\pproved and Ckdered: ~ ~. -...-.... - Lieutenant Gbver CertmeqlO "be a lrue copy. . . j ~#~~UJ~ " Ass ant Clerk. Executive Council G. C. Leverton, f/' '~ F. PurceJLl, t Clerk Warden ! i Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. M~. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Don Husson R. E. F. Eddy G. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer G. R. Browning, Attn: W. Si~ms C. Hennum, Attn: Jim Richards T. P. Wood O. Maier, Attn: M. Edwards W. T. Christen, O.P.P. I. M. Mann, Central Registry C.R. preyra, Legal Seridçes c.c~ Attach. BLN/bu B. L. Nemethy Intermediate Project I yours very t Addi tional, about 50 copies of the pial) are transparent originals/of tile sched41es ¡¡,nd plans , i' A copy of Order-in-Council No wi th corresponding schedules records. also O.C. 1610/88, qt eqch o{.the;'ilbove by-laws and plans are' hereby 1'1 ttqçhed for your enclosed and the Please be advised that pursuant to subsection 44(7) of th~ PUþlic Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. I?SO, Ghapter 421, as amended, on June 23, 1988 His Honour the Líeut~nan\~Governor-in- Council has approved by-laws 87-25, 87-26 and 87-27 c;>'f Elgin Ilpd 4768 of Middlesex to further amend the County Road System by-Ia\V:tor the County of Elgin. \ Counties of Elgin &: Middlesex By-laws 87-25,87-26 and 87-27 of Elgin and 4768 of Middlesex Amendment to the Elgin County Road System Consolidating By-Law, (416) 235-4009 Mr. R. G. Moore, P.Eng. County Engineer & Road Superintendent County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V I Dear Mr. Moore Re: June 30 \Jl~@;'Œ[\~Œ\ID JI.!L S8PJ 1988 eCi)(¡'iY C¡: ELI?,\\'! ClEH\\.HŒJ\sunER'S OffiCE 11 ~m'rr~~<::i!;'~~~""·-'i'i\'.~~j"-'I!'!f"""<1!"\~'W,-""'~~"'~~ ~""""""""".~-~--....._-~"~~ Municipal Roads Office 3rd Floor, West Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M IJ8.