88-27 ~--.~r_- -;}~ ----..,.ì!.,,--~ .._~-:.'\.;~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 88-27 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES RE: THE PURCHASE OF SERVICE HOME SUPPORT AND SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY." WHE-REAS the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens presently provides Home Support Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, has agreed to provide funds to assist in the provision of the Home Support Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to formulize the said funding by written agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council Of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens an agreement (attached as Appendix nAn) between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and Social Services to provide Home Support Services for the elderly. READ a first time this 18th day of May, 1988. READ a second time this 18th day of May, 1988. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of May 1988 - ~_)<Ç"7-/ Leverton erk. ~ !]l DH'gmb Encl ·~c Marnie McKay Progr¡un Superv lsÒI' Londoll Area Office &m UPS Jim lligllett ) ~v / Yottps Vtwy Kindly ensure that your QUiII'Ler'l.y Subs addressed to the Financial Clel'l<, Mal'nie McKay, wh. pleased to assist you with yuul' financial querles , y . dy w Report is 1 also be to 10 Ene Schedules Ministry osed please find pÜl"taining to duly signed by your copy ~hc ngreemcnt:. all parties of the between t ^,nen<bnentment (s) yotU' agency and Re )CHro Mp Home Support for the Elder! ßoyes ¿un Mr. F. J. Boyes Director/Administrator Elgin Manor R. R.t/l St~. TllomHs, NsP 355 OnLiII U I cv Olltario 438-5111 495 Richinun<l 5LI'"e 6th Floor' Lundon, Ont.upio N6A SA9 June 17 988 ({¡pmmuníty and Services sociaux SocÍ1il Services et communautaires ."t ( Arf x 11:(;1 c.-.,c,... ","'~C..·I ~""""-.J ---ë~rk CO"POI'''''' s. I) , .; h-~,''~ U..: JH. { '" . ., By Iy ,--A ..,ô.:lt..c..1 'J. ¿;,- /J J.h_:,,~ (Wdruðn ~ SiJ?1ç¡¡l, sea ~ed nd Delivef}~d /I/[/: day of w1.J-- 19 8' f in the pl'es' I e of : tU Sf.WV I,CC I'r'o\l jëj,-;¡;ï;' uuno )f' ELG1N :~ lOR C1T1 ZENS on ThiSlJ' .odment has been exc~ut, e under of Í'v'V-. 191 rby ¡7J1@;, beha . of Ontario and on be f of the its opel' signing officers. the ,¡¿-e'll,.Ui :i~/'I ¡/day )/ 'ÆA..ß \ I. . (.(J( II L.on Ser'v ice ~ov i~ by " All All payments made after April 1 ¡ 1988 nd computpd with the approved budget for the fiscal year Apri I to March 31, 1988 - shall be deductud f.'om the <unOIIlIL to -the Service Providct, as specifi.cd in the Ittached as Schedule "C heretu othc cr-ntS of the \grcemerJt U'C , ,by med pp,'oved 1 accordance , 1987 ¡"yable budget. The agreement dated the 1 oth day of March , 19 R7 .w"cn Oot""io alld ELGIN COUNTY IIOMES FOR SENTOR..<;¡ UOME SUI'PUR'I' SERVICE ("the Ser'vi.ce Provide!') wiLh l·esl~.'cL to I.h" lI'ovi,.,¡on a home support program ,. is amelld"d hy ,',wo dng S<:I,,,.h.-l. C" alld substituting the att"ched Scl..,dlll" "C" "" ...'...',/'..... " t~,i;::i"·' ,i " ,Pf}< Amendmenl. to ~ &1 , c 'C " .~. ;(f; d. .' SCIIlIDULß . C Budget PERIOD FROM APRIL 1. 1988 TO MARC 31 1989 AGENCY : ELGIN coUlml' DoIII; SUPPORT SGRVICE Approval is givèn to transfer dollal"s between individual budget line items. OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1. Salaries $100.024.00 2. Benefits 14,003.00 3. Travel 2,250.00 4. Training 1, 2DO./ 5. Allocat c1 Admin. Costs 6,840 6. Sub-Total $124,367.00 7. Rent O. Office Expenses 750.00 9. Audit and Legal Costs 250.00 , 10, Insurance 725.00 11. Advertising 100.00 12. Alloqated Costs 13. Equipment (operation & maintenance) 660.00 14. Program Supplies 625.00 15. l'ood Costs 16. Other - Volunteer Costs 7,000.00 17. Other - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $134,477.00 MINISTRY SU.DSIDY (70% of Totul Expendlturl!s) $ Y·I,I;¡LUO The maximum subsidy payable is $94,134.00 fol' thu ¡",dod April 1. 1900 to March 31, 1909 Method of Payment Payment to be madé quarter I y by claims fOl'm due June 30, September 30, Décember 31 and March 31. Advances An advance payment equal to one quarter will be made at the begInnIng of the year and recovered In the last quarter