89-37 I!~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-LalrJ No. 89-37 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A DEED JOINTLY WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE TO MR. LEROY EICHER FOR A PORTION OF LOT 35. CONCESSION VIII. TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE." WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did sell the following property to the Township of Malahide, with the proviso that if sold at any future time the County would realize 50% of any amount in excess of $500.00 - In the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario, being composed of the Southwest Part of Lot 35, in the 8th Concession described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest angle of said Lot 35; THENCE North Three Hundred and Thirty Feet (330 ') along the West limit of said Lot; THENCE East parallel with the South limit of said Lot, Three Hundred and Ninety-six Feet (396' ) ; THENCE South parallel with the West limit of said Lot, Three Hundred and Thirty Feet (330' ) to the Southerly limit of the Lot; THENCE West along the said Southerly limit, Three Hundred and Ninety-six Feet (396' ) to the place of beginning. Being a re-description of the lands lastly described in Instrument 217643; and WHEREAS the Township of Malahide has decided to sell this property to one LEROY EICHER; and WHEREAS in order to relinquish its interest in the property it is necessary to become a party to signing the deed. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as folloWÊÎ: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the. above described property, jointly with the Township of Malahide to one LEROY EICHER. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th ,day of July. 1989 ~~_.~ r-..7::.:d G. C. Leverton, A. K. Ford Clerk. Warden Newsome and Gilbert, Form LF1:127 0/85) :16) Municipal R.R. #4 AYIMER, N5H 2R3 - -¡;¡ o - « i';:m 01 "''ti5~ ê ..~ c: e....:rl .!!! -*'::1: a.. iñ£:<= Name and )( 51!! Address of æ.t:.,ê Solicitor <.!:2 Õ en 15) Assessment Roll Number 01 Property Address Ontario 01 P,operty Limited ¡ Cty. 134 Mun. 08 Map: Sub. : , ' 000 1050 j (17) Document P,epared by: IìOBE~ O. HALL GLoIN, HALL & ASSOCIATES 139 Talbot Street East, Box AYLMER, Ontario N5H 2R8 ! Par. [17500 Signature ,. 8 >- --' z 10 w I~ w ü ü: u. o a: o u. Total Registration Fee Land Transfer Fees and Tax Tax April, Date of Signature Y M D Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records Nweal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. 14) --' « z o ¡¡: o , R.R. #4, AYLMER, Ontario. The transferòr.verifies that to the best of thp. transfero this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature , Y ,M, D, : Y ,M, 0 : 1: I . ' :: Signature. . . , , . , , , , , , . , , , , '.' . . , . , .1, , , . , ,1, . . j. . ,¡ Signature...,..,..""...""""" J, , , , , ,1, , . j. , , Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made Inquiries of the transferor to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an OntariQ solicitor in good s~anding. Date of Signature 1 Y ,M. 0 i ¡ 1 , " " ."., Name and Address of Solicitor Transferorts) Planning Act, Signature 13) N5H 2R3 '5 knowledge and belief, 12) Transle,ee(s) for Service Address , ~J;C;~" )#1-'<?y 10) (1ï) Date of Birth Y M D , 1949 \08 13 ",.. ,f, f l- I Transferor(s) Add,ess for Service Transferee(s) 87 John Street South, AYIMER WEST , Ontario. N5H 2C3 Spouse(.) Name(s) Signature(s) (9) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this ransaetion 'I ~ ,C:()RF9!'ATI9~ QF ,THE CO~ OF ELGIN Péri Per , , . . , . Name(s) ':\'f!E; .c:<:~RF9!'Af;¡:9N <?F THE TCWNSHIP OF ",.',.,.,.' " MALAHIDE , , , , . . , , , Per "",.. . Signature(s) Date of Y Signature M D : Reeve I 'flitíl 'ÑéUKàñnil' Cle ly Hard a, - ;1989 ;1989 : (8) Tran.le,or(s) I (6) Executions Additional: See Schedule o 1989 Date of Signature Y M D 1 , , , 06j : 06\ 0": , 001 This Document Contains (a) The Redescription ~t ransferor hereby ~ i , ransfers the land to the Description Additional: See Schedule (b) Schedule ~ o for ransferee Additional Parties o Other ~ (7) InteresVEstate Transferred Fee Simple ",..< New Property Identifiers SeE! schedule page Part of Lòt 35, Concession County of Elgin, 2 . Property Division o 8, Property Consolidation 'Ibwnship of o Malahide, (5) 4) Consideration THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS------------------- Dollars $ 13,500. 00 Description This is a: oi'~'~ Ontario 'F.. Form 1 (3) ) Land Reglstrallon Reform Act, 1984 Property Identille,(s) Registry ,"" .~ Block Land Titles D~ Property Page 1 of 3 pages Additional: See Schedule A."'~ -ì ' o I w Q?:j 'ltô low CLcn f2::> . JJJJ Newsome and Porro LFl335 Gilbert, (1/85) Limited April. }:~::~;~ of said Lot; THENCE East parallel with the South limit of Ninety-six Feet (396'); THENCE South parallel with the West limit of said Lot, Three Hundred and Thirty Feet (330') to the Southerly limit of the Lot; THENCE West along the said Soutœrly limit, Three Hundred and Ninety-six Feet (396' to the place of beginning. lands lastly described inInsJ:¡ru¡rent BEING a re-description of the said Lot, 217643. Three Hundred and c:a.1MENCING at the Southwest angle of said Lot 35 THENCE North Three Hundred and Thirty Feet (330 along the West limit IN the 'lbwnship of M3.lahide, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario. being catlPOsed of the Southwest part of Lot 35 in the 8th Concession described as follows: DESCRIPTION AddItional property Identlfler(l) anello, Other r%"-"""'"'''''''"'''''''",''';''''''~''<:-'''''''''~"C!:::OVfïf¡:/Ö,,"~' ~ Ontario ".", nlonnatlon '......'e·sc:nl'f"ClUIEf""""'""·'''''·'· Form 5 .....;. Land Reg......Uon Reform Act, 1984 "."">'. 'W~''''''''~! ;'''",,"''':'''' Page »'.,."",,, 2 ""_"'m~'''''''''''''"''''''''·''''''''''f'<K<%>''''''''''''''''''''''''' S :;$çnecl.....e ~----4 Fann 5 - Land RegistratIon Refonn Act, 1984 3 ;:) . Page Addlllonal Property ldanllfla'¡s) anêiíOrOthe, Info,,"atlon - , SCHEDULE W DEED from The Corporation of the 1bwnship of Malahide and The Corporation of the County of Elgin to LèRoy Eicher. Pox (8) Continued. Name Sign§.ture Date ~ ~~. ~~~~~?~.?~. ~~. ~~. OF ~~Pè if ff?:!)~-;:-:-5-! Y M D ... 1989 r7..,7I.. r. w Q~ !t~ Ow a:CJ) Ii::> Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April,1985 Form LF1335 (1/85) ·-==- "-'- SUSAN E. WILS:ON. C.G.A. TREASURER 87 JOHN ST., SOUTH AYLMER WEST, ONTARIO N5H 2C3 TELEPHÒNE (519) 773-5344 mŒalT:Til~')I';(' . March 20 1989 ñ;¡,' "".. 'J / ,I, ·',1 I MAl? k; ~ i ~!(i' C¡¡H¡J¡Y "", , CLFFiI-T"-'" ' ',"" J County of Elgin ..1 '_!~~:::.'.:-:':~~.:.'~ !:::__~l: ..___ 450 Sunset Drive St- Thomas, Ontario NoR WI Dear Sir: RE: Sand Pit Gone. 8, Lot 35 Please be advised that the following resolution was passed on March 16, 1989 by the Council of the Township of Malahide: THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement to sell 2.72 acres of land in Cone. 8, Lot 35 for the purchase price of $13 , 500,00. THAT the Real Estate Agent, Lake Erie Realty Services Limited be paid commission of 7% of the sale price. THAT the net sale proceeds which exceed $500.00 be allocated on the following basis: 50% to the County of Elgin 25% to the Township of Bayham 25% to the Township of Malahide rhe sale agreement is scheduled to be completed in July 1989. Yours truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE ')1 { ( . ".. . \. . ,t .,;'- . "t.e.-" Susan Wilson, C.G.A. Treasurer --..~'.'.'..._.'--"-".-'-...- SW/jva Letter /I . . ,51 . . " o Fikd ø jl"f¡-c··,j I,' Z'.-..I..... ,_I . . ,,~~ '"1;'Q!. ... . CfYV¡¡' /' - Gj:>?/{.'q,'I..-<.- l.i7~. ~ ¡/Ì'~ .. ........,. - ,._~--.-_._..- ') 1 - v' I (;'/) U ./ / _¿.6c--~c,/ (-< '.r'., J i L l( - G c. Leverton, L R. Carroll, Clerk. Warden _",,-6<-~(..-,-' G c. Cl Leverton, erk. (" v;:. , , .J L i 1:. R. Carroll Warden , / ", ï READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1978 . RE/ID a second time this 1m11D a first time this 27th 27th day of day öf September September, , 1978 1978 . six 6 THENCE west chains to the along the north limit place of beginning. of said road, THENCE south parallel with the west limit of said lot, five (5) chains, to the allowance for road in front of said Eighth Concession; lot, six l1IENCE east Jßrallel 6) chains; of said THENCE lot; with the south limit of said north five 5 chains along the west limit COMMENCING at ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises containing three (3) acres, situate, lying and being in the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of the south-west part of Lot 35, in the 8th Concession of the said Township and which may be more particularly described as follows: NOW THE1ŒFORE the Warden and Clerk of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin ale hereby authorized to sign a deed for the following parcel; WHERE/IS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell the "Brooks Sand Pit" to the Corporation of the Township of Malahide, located in Lot 35, Concession VllI, Township of Malahide,l for the sum of $500.00, plus 50'10 of any amount in excess of :¡;500.00, if the property is sold at any future time by the Township of Malahide the south-west angle of said Lot 35 . , CU1tPU1t1'l'l'lON OF TIlE TO\'/N3H 11" OF M/ILlUIlDE " . DEED 'BE1N '1'0 G A BY -LlI.W CONVEY Ll\ND '1'0 AUTIlüRIZE THE By-Law No IN TIlE TOWNS! 110 OF VJJUWEN AND CLEltK 2532 M/ILl\! !lDE '1'0 '1'0 SIGN THE 11.