89-42 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 89-42 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN TWO LETTERS OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (LOCAL 841)". WHEREAS the County has agreed to amend the salary schedule which forms part of the present Collective Agreement, attached as Appendix "B"; and WHEREAS the County has also agreed to waive the time limits for Grievance #3-89, attached as Appendix "A". NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign two Letters of Understanding between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841) attached as Appendices "A" and "B". READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July 1989 ~ ~,~ G C. Leverton, Clerk ~ ~ Leverton erk ord ~ Clerk Warden For the Corporation of the County of Elgin For the Union Signed at St Hourly Thomas 10 this 10 / 9 '¡IL- day of 10 46 50 709.23 10.91 1989. 737.28 11. 34 Bi-week1y 656.60 682 Clerk Typists (Collection Exchange): Hourly 10.52 10 .94 Services) 739.00 11. 37 11 83 12.31 12.80 Bi-weekly 684.00 711 00 769.00 800.00 832 00 Clerk typists (History, Reference, Technical Hourly 11 48 775.00 11.92 806.00 12.40 838.00 12.89 872.00 13.42 906.00 13.94 Bi-weekly 746.00 Collection Development The parties agree that the following pay schedules shall indicated position classifications until the effective date of superceding the contract ending the 30th of June, 1989 as well the agreed letter from Dave Foley dated June 9, 1989. apply to the the contract as sUbject to Canadian Union of Public Employees and between Corporation of the County of Elgin (Local 841) Letter of Understanding between Cqrporation of the County of Elgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841 The parties agree to waive the time limits for grievance reo 3-89, until such time as the issue has been satisfactorily dealt with in negotiations. Failing satisfactory settlement it is understood the Union shall have the right to proceed with this grievance as the Union deems necessary. Signed at st. Thomas, this 1'1 rl day of ~ 1989. For the Union For the Corporation of the County of Elgin :~ 'a./~ /' '-""'- Warden ~ ~~ ~, -- Clerk -<A..,. )4>-J ~<.. evert on K. Ford rk Warden ~ Leverton, erk. Ii]' .I;;'.'I..:I' ·":.!·· M ..... ,~.... .._ .¡-! ,'",'1':.:",: Rt)~! 'i':,",; :',:';;'; J..6 .t11e job.~ adjuh.tmen.th 1%8 , , '. , ; .--. Ii.. :: I::"::'~: :-·'.w'.,:·" "'U.._..M._. .. !, '.:. ~ . ~. : ': :: .:: j ¡.' ,':-:",.:.":' ..._.~...__... : .....:tJ....\....!..¡..... ,nd..,:~. l.':1i.!I " alle .to be 6tVl-thVt upg/wded, wage ,U-LU be lu!..tJtoo.c;U.ve .to SepJ:embvl 9 ....----...---..------. ':":"'.:1..'\tJt:·: L¡\NIIJ. It··..·, It.,: '-". to': .111" : I.·... ~II.·: :..,\ . '11.11 ..... ...... - .......-...--......-... ..--- : . '. ,; :~: '\'.~ .:; ~. \:.~ , . L·! ;",:', ~; ... : ,"I., l'::l'"l ~I,:\ ~R'. I::· : i:, , " a The 6J..ve jobh J..n qUe6.tJ..on wJ..¿t .then be comp~ed wUh .the bahtnce 06 .t11e evaJ.wúed pOh.uJ..OIU, and J..6 .ä M 6eLt .tha:t .the pOh.uJ..onh lteqtLÚle 6wä:hVt adjlt.6.tmen:t6, .6Uch ,U-LU be dóne a.6 60UOWh 4 Then once .the job evalwÚJ..on malWaJ. and poJ..nt. IUrtJ..ngh ~e aglteed .to, .the ba1a.n.ee 06 .the pOh-UJ..OIU J..n .the UblWJlY ~ be eva1w:t.te.cÍ, 3 Such adjU6:tmen.t.6 woutd onty_ 2 FWLtheJt. :to.:the. l1ltJ1IeJt.olt.6 mee.:t<.ng-ó whkch have been held be:tween :the. patt:t.{.e6 on:the. above captioned M-óue, 1 6ee.t :tha:t 1 mlt.6.t have a c.te.aJt undeJl6.tancUng 06 .the emptoYeJt.· ¡, o6{¡Vt J..n OMVC .to pIlopVl£.y adCÚte6h :the. i.6-óu.e.. 16 .the .UlÚ.on wa.6 .to cOIUJ..deJt..:the emptoyvc' -ó 066eJt. 601t wage adjlt.6:tmen.t.6 a6 1 undeJl6.tand J.i:., .u i.6 a.6 6oUoW!,: 1 The. new wage JU:J.;(;.e6 wou1d be a6 peJt. :the emptoyeJt.'-ó docwne.n-t 06 ApIÚ.-t 24, 1989, IlWwac:U..ve:to Sep:tembeJt. 9, 19 Ii Ii, . W;;th aif.jlt.6:tmen.t.6 beh1g admende.d .to 1le.6R.eC'__;{ :the chte 06 aglteeme.n-t a.6 0 ppO-ó ed :to :the da:te when -óuc.h wa.6 ~y pIle6en;te.d .to :the UlÚ.on. be. an )y¡;teJúm mea6U/le VeaIt ~. CÆo~~man: ( Coun-ty 06 Ef.gJ..n UbJwJcy & C. U . P . E. , Loco£. 841 - Reoll{JalÚ.za;tû]n . Ré.: GlÚevance on Job Rec1a.6hJ..~J..ca;t;.on HAND VELIVERED Tom CÆo-ó~man, CÆo-ó:bman AbÌ>ocJ..a;te6, 101 Che)Ulylúll Btvif.., LONDON, ..Qn:taJúo. Re: ;u.ne 9 , 989 CANADIAN UNION Of PUBUC EMPLOYEES/SYNDICAT CANADIEN DE LA fONCTlON PUBLlQUE .-.---'-_. " b -<-6 :the job¿, aJte 6e.U :to be ovvuUJ..-ted, :the P0-6.u.¿OIU -<-rt qUe6:Uon wLU be Ited wc.ted un.:üt -6 uc.h :t.úne ct-6 :the applW p:ú.a;te tw.:te -ú> a:t:ta.úted :tMough nego;(;úU:ed -<-nÇJLea6e6. 5 In olUÍVt :to ac.lúeve paJÛ:ty w.Uh :the paJt:t :t.úne tw.:te6 .{;t woU-td be 1'te.c.e6¿,aJty :to expimd :the 6uil. :t.úne wage glÚcl :to Ûx ¿,:tep-6. I woU-td apP'l-ec..úU:e yOWl. WlÚ.t:ten lte6polUe :to :tfú-6 ct-6 ¿,o-on ct-6 pou,-<-ble, .útcUc.a.:Ung c.onc.wUtenc.e wUh my undVl-b.:tanCÜng 06 .:the EmployVt'.6 "pItoPO-6e1i .¿,e;t;(;£.ement Olt po.¿n:tJ.ng out. .6peci.6.œ. aJtea6 06 cfJ-66Vtenc.e. 16 I do no:t Itec.eive a Iteply by June 16, 1989, :then .{;t wLU be undVl-b:tood .:tha:t :the :teJrm{, 06 .6e;t;(;£.ement aJt·e ct-6 t have WlÚ.t:ten :them h<Ýtein. . r will be awcú.:Ung yOWl. lte6polUe M ;tha;t :the Loc.a.l'. can make :the app.IWplÚa:te dec-U-ÚJn .út :tfú-6 ma:ttVt. VF/ed c.c.:. J.AndVl-bon G. LeBel. J. &úui K. UU:c.heU J. K-<.ng C. ShVVte:t ~~ . '. - .- ope.J.u #491 ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk.