89-65 / --~- COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-65 "BEI·NG A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OV.ËR BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection 2 of Section 104 (b) of the Highway Traff ic Act (R.S.O. 1980, C.198 as amended 1981) provides that: "The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law approved by the Ministry limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over such bridge, and the requirements of Subsection 1 of Section 104 (b) with respect to the posting up of notice apply thereto. ". , and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No. 1 forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By- Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 106 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3 . This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4. ' , 88-18 and 89-24 of the County of Elgin be By-Laws No. and are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 14th day of December, 1989. READ a second time this 14th day of December, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 14th day of December 1989 ~~,,;C..~<~ "'- ~'1< P£I.¿,,,<.-':" G. C. Leverton, M L.' Millman, Clerk. Warden. ___.______·'.m_.'.__.__..,.__ ··~_,"'_··~···M__.~"",..,.._ --'-- I, I' II [I I ! --....--... .., ._~_... ,_",·.._,_",="."",~s~",+,,,,,,'f'" ,.;:%¥;~;¿ 1 5-5 Ling's Lot 49, East Side Talbot Road, North Branch Town ship of Southwold County of Middlesex Bridge No. MTO Name of Br idge 15 We ight Limit in Tonnes 1907 Year of Construc- tion Concrete Type of Floor Finish Adjoining Munici- pality Number Location BOUNDARY BRIDGE WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ~. , " '. ~ ~ -- ",... '~ ,fA, -. . By-Law No SCHEDULE NO 89-65 1 - I, G. C. (EVERTON, CLERK 0, THE C01POR.~'- TION OF:-TI-IE COUNTY OF J::U:::¡N, DO }'T-;:-"Y CtRT!FY~ THAT THE FOTŒG::JiNG IS þ, To;~.i:E toPY OF .ßy·,I,..AW. NO.·. .~q-.(,.s., I'A.mD ~1 THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION 0"1>1 i THE ./.'!.J.H. DAY OF ~¡;':-RMÇ¡ç:.~I 'i't'i,; ./ ¡ .,: !..~. ;:.: 'i .\) .i I" 'à ;1', --"'~~-_C__._...~·-" 1.":0/..,....."";:.;..:...;:.:. ---<:k-?G~ç< Y~..J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. __dJì~<k2_'__LL.(Lf~2'''O=-_ \, M. L. "Millman, W¡;¡rden. \, ',\ COPY' T !"f,~~:. ) /'YJo"'.~ -~~....._._..,-~-"""~"'-- Distri¢t #2, London C. A. Hennum, Dist~ict Engineer '\ cc ~arjp~i~ L. Tuck Lega.l,~ssistant l11 CUl.( cPJ<-.<--c ~ .:1:- --l!U.- C./'<' YoU:t"SI y~r'i't:i:uIY The restriction applies tor & perio.d Q.f . . . ,'_ ,_' .,' ',' ·'.'i 'S,' ~WQ The above-mentioll~d.i,ly-law reEjtrict..in<; '!it~~ wt¡¡ig~t (,:>f vehicles is returne~herewith dulY~PPFov~dpur$ua~t to subsection 104b (4") cif the Higttway 'l'ra~ic Act, f¡:.; S¡o. 1980 c.198, as aménded. ~ .. J'~ yeaJ;'SI Re By-law 89-65 .. Restricting the Weight of Vehicle~ ' ----- -_.......--_..~--_._-~'....~...---~:""'- ~;-.,;·~:;:.~,~;;;,....,~:~:~'-r>:'::"\'.'*"~-~-+:;.. -·~7, ~A'~...... The county of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive st. Thomas, ontario N5R 5V1 Attention: G Leverton, Clerk Dear Sir: ~\f~!~Œ\ID JAN s i 1990 :.ii, 'Ù . COQ¡'!TY Of ELGIN ClERK;~REASURER'S officii 1:\ j l"i Office of Legal Services 1201 Wilson Avenue East ßuilding Do~~syi~w, ontario M3·M·':e,:nf' Fa~si1rt:¡;le: Telephpne: January 26 1990 416-235-4924 (416)235-4411 ( ._"~_.____~. .____u___.__~__ ®' Mlnlst Ministère of des ~ Transportation Transports Ontarío r~ ~---~-~----_._._------ - COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 89-65 "BFING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection 2 of Section 104 (b) of the Highway Traffic Act ( R.S.O. 1980, C.198 as amended 1981) provides that: "The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law approved by the Ministry limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over such bridge, and the requirements of Subsection 1 of Section 104 (b) with respect to the posting up of notice apply thereto. ". , and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No. 1 forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By- Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 106 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4 . By-Laws No. 88-18 and 89-24 of the County of Elgin be and are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 14th day of December, 1989. READ a second time this 14th day of December, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 14th day of December 1989 ~?G~<:< Y~-J _____ --Ll~~__LLþj?.ç2"«~ G. C. Leverton, 'M. L.cMlllman, Clerk. Warden. I, G, C. l;'~VERTON, Ct~ïU< OF T¡:JE CO~~POfì.~;'~ TION OF:THE COUNTY,OfELC:¡>1, DO ~T't'-'Y CERTIFY" THAT THE fÜREGDiNG 1$ þ, TRu';E topy OF .e.V·I.-IIW. NO,·.~'f-~S., p¡\mD i\* THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION O·N '; -': T/jE . ./.'*,J.H.... DAY ()F ,:¡>¡;O;'¡;:;M/!!~.~f q'i''1; ~ ;Ç,..J' " ,,'L,: ' p. :i 1":"1- ~_...¡ot-->!'J. -;,0"::":. .. ~ .'.. . . . . . . ..:$. .~ ',I \' , '~ , ',-, l ';;b N .-- SCHEDULE NO. 1 By-Law No. 89-65 BOUNDARY BRIDGE WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX Number Br idge Name ·of Location We ight Year of Type of Adjoining No. Br idge Limit in Construc- Floor Munici- MTO) Tonnes tion Finish pality - - - 1 5-5 Ling's Lot 49, 15 1907 Concrete County of East Side Middlesex Talbot Road, North Branch Town ship of Southwold ,] SCHEDULE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. 89-65 Approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a period of two (2) years from the date of this approval pursuant to subsection 104b(2) of the Hiqhwav Traffic Act R.S.O 1980, c.198, as amended. ~~s~ay of January, Dated this 1990. ~;(lL <. _I_~ - ~__________________ ~ J. McCabe, Executive Director H' hway Engineering Division