90-11 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 90-11 ~EINf_a-ªY-LAW TO ESTABLISH RULES AND PROCEDURES RE CONVENTION ATTENDANCE AND THE HOLDING OF HOSPITALITY SUITES." WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to establish rules and procedures with respect to attendance at conventions and the holding of hospitality suites. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enact s as follows.: 1. Each year County Council shall compile a list of con- ventions which are eligible for attendance by Councillors and Officials. 2. Attendance shall be provided as follows: (a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions each year. (b) Members of County Council are limi"ted to any two (2) con- ventions of their choice each year, however, where the Chairman or designate is responsible for the arrangements for the hospitality suite at a convention, it will not be counted as one of the two allowable. (c) All Officials attending conventions must have prior approval of the Committee through which they report. 3. The Warden, Members of County Council and Elgin County Officials shall be paid the following rates for attending conven- tions: (a) For a convention within a radius of 322 Km (200 miles) of St. Thomas, the per diem rate, registration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the same rate established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. (b) For a convention outside a radius of 322 Km (200 miles) of St. Thomas, the per diem rate, registration fee and single airfare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. Where the site cannot be reached by air service, mileage to and from the convention be paid. The Clerk will obtain the economy flight fare, thirty days prior to a convention outside the 322 Km (200 mile) radius of St. Thomas, and this will be the amount paid to all those attending, regardless of their method of travel. (c) The per diem rate of $225.00 per day shall be limited to the actual number of days that the convention has sessions listed which the delegate attends. (d) Claims for reimbursement of expenses and per diem shall be made on approved claim forms, complete with receipts, a copy of which is attached. Paymént of reimbursement shall be made within ten (10) days of receipt of claim. 4. The entire responsibility for the hospitality suites at conventions shall be left with the following Committees: Roads Committee - Ontario Good Roads Association - Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Homes Committee - Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes for Seniors 2 Library Committee - Ontario Library Association Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Ontario Museum Association County Government and Reception Committee - Rural (ROMA) Section of A.M.O. - Association of Municipalities of Ontario - (ACRO) County and Regional Section of A.M.O Social Services Committee - Ontario Municipal Social Services Association It is the responsibility of each committee to re.serve the suite purchase and transport the necessary supplies, man the room and pay for the entire costs where it is deemed necessary to have one A limit of $250.00 per day for each day that the convention has sessions listed will be the maximum allowable for host ing the hospitality room. A written report on the costs of the hospital- ity will be made to the appropriate committee as soon as possible after the convention. 5. That this By-Law shall become effective February 1st 1990. 6. That By-Law No. 89-15 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1990. READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1990. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February 1990 ... ~.~ . "'- .- G C. Leverton, Clerk. COUNTY OF ELGIN CONVENTION EXPENSES - CLAIM FORM NAME OF CONVENTION LOCATION DATES ATTENDED REGISTRATION PAID BY DELEGATE (EXCLUDE SPOUSE) $ (ATTACH RECEIPT) TRANSPORTATION - BY - AUTOMOBILE TRAIN AIRPLANE ALLOWABLE EXPENSES FOR $ HOSPITALITY SUITE $ $ $ I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE EXPENSES HAVE BEEN INCURRED IN ATTENDING THE ABOVE-NAMED CONVENTION WHICH HAS BEEN APPROVED BY COUNTY COUNCIL. Date Signature FOR CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE USE NO. OF DAYS @ $ $ - REGISTRATION $ - TRAVEL KM @ $ - $ _. OTHER EXPENSES $ - $ -" $ -" $ - TOTAL CLAIM $